Rmv Vibes

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

- My love language?

- She's in my prayers...


I've been thinking a lot, and I realised,
"I don't expect anything from you", bcz I love you not for something in return. I just love you, for you. It's just because you. I love you for the way you are. I don't expect something in return, maybe, I guees, I don't even expect you to love me back just bcz I love you.
Everything is your decision, and I respect and appreciate it.
But, if I really could win your heart, and if you admit that you also love me, i can't even imagine how happy I'm. I would try my best to protect that love.
I have a lot of good dreams with you, if you also share some dreams with me too, "I", no, maybe, "we" fight to achieve those dreams, I would do everything as a man to achieve those dreams and to make you happy, and I just want you to stand with me by always understanding and believing in me.

Qaygʻuradigan odaming boʻlsa , kasal boʻlish ham maroqli aslida ...)

- Hisoblashni bilasanmi ?
- Ha bilaman )
- Unda hech nima boʻlmadi deb hisobla ..!

No matter how hard things get between us, leaving you will never be an option

13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.