Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🔥Avvalo tarbiya, keyin ta'lim

🏛ILM markazi
Adminga murojaat: @Ramazon_Akmalovich
♻️ @Creative_Math_Chat_group
☎️Murojaat: +998993857574

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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WIUT Math Exam_2024_Sample (1) (1).pdf
➡️WIUT MATH EXAM SAMPLE 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣

✔️1 dan 100 gacha tub sonlar jadvali. Majburiy matematika blokida hech bo'lmaganda 100 gacha tub sonlarni bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan eng kerakli jadval

📌Izoh: Tub sonlar-faqatgina o'ziga va birga bo'linadigan sonlarga aytiladi (2;3;5;7;11...)

Murakkab sonlar-ikkitadan ortiq bo'luvchiga ega bo'lgan sonlar (4;6;8;9...)

❗️1 soni tub son ham emas murakkab son ham emas


Zakatul-Fitr Significance and Rulings

This Sadaqah should be given to the poor and needy.🌙


Do you have such tallent 😅


📖 Text: Besides the physical and biological damage, technology can also have serious mental implications for children. It can be the cause of severe, addictive behaviour.

🟣Question: It is possible to become obsessed with technology

True / False / Not given

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Iftor paytida ijobad boʻladigan duo🤲
🤲 Hurmatli shogirdlar, ota-onalar va kanal azolar bu oyda albatta duolar qabul duolariz orasida faqat iltimos ONAM ni soĝliklari uchun duolariz orasida qòshib soĝlik sòrang
Hurmat ila @Ramazon_Akmalovich


Words related to Ramadan

🌙 1. Pray - ibodat qilmoq
• I should pray 5 times a day

🌙 2. Faith - iymon, ishonch
• I have great faith in God

🌙 3. Worship - sajda qilmoq
• Muslim people worship only one God.

🌙 4. Practise - ado qilmoq
• People can practise their religious activities in any countries

🌙 5.Fasting - ro'za tutishlik
• Fasting is an obligation for each Muslim.

🌙 6.Accept - qabul qilmoq
• Duas of parents, teachers and visitors are directly accepted by Allah.

🌙 7.Mosque - masjid
• I usually go to a Mosque every Friday.

🌙 8.Do good deeds - yaxshilik qilmoq
• I always try to do good deeds as much as possible.

🌙 9.Commit a sin - gunoh qilmoq
• I always try not to commit a sin as a good Muslim.

Happy Ramadan ☪️


on the brink of - arafasida

🇬🇧 Example: It is concerning that polar bears are on the brink of extinction

🇺🇿Qutb ayilari yo‘q bo‘lib ketish arafasida ekanligi tashvishlanarli hol.

Eslab qolgan bo'lsangiz reaksiya bosib keting

✈️ Join: @Proxima_bukhara

1)Kim o'tirgan holda yuradi?🚶
2)Tayyorlaysiz lekin yeb bolmaydi?
3)Qancha kop bolsa shuncha kam ko'rasiz?
4)Yomgirda kimni sochi hol bolmaydi?




❄️Heavy snow - kuchli qor
Light snow - yengil qor

❄️ Snow melts - qor erimoq

❄️ Get snowed in - qor bosib qolmoq

❄️ Snow-covered - qor qoplab olgan

❄️ Make a snowman - qorbobo yasamoq

❄️ A snowball game/ fight - qorbo’ron o’ynamoq

❄️Icy - muzli

✈️ Join: @Proxima_bukhara



Уравнение x² + px + q = 0 имеет корни -2; 5. Найдите q ⁉️
  •   1️⃣0️⃣
  •   ➖1️⃣0️⃣
  •   3️⃣
  •   7️⃣
35 ta ovoz

🎤 Part 1.1 - Keys 🎁

1️⃣ Do you usually carry keys with you?
Yes, I always carry keys with me. I have keys for my house, my car, and a few other places, so it's essential to have them on hand to avoid getting locked out.

2️⃣ What kinds of keys do you have?
I have several types of keys. I have house keys, car keys, and a key for my office. I also have some key fobs for security systems, which are quite convenient.

3️⃣Have you ever lost your keys?
Yes, I have lost my keys a couple of times. It can be quite frustrating, especially when I'm in a hurry. I usually try to keep a spare set somewhere safe just in case.

4️⃣How do you feel when you lose your keys?
Losing my keys makes me feel anxious and stressed. It disrupts my plans and can be a hassle to sort out, especially if I need to get into my house or car.

⭐️ Join us: @Proxima_bukhara


📖 Text: Jasmina hozir 17 yoshda va 3 oydan so'ng 18 yosh bo'ladi va turmushga chiqadi

🟣Question: Jasminaning 3 oydan keyin to'yi bo'ladi

🔎True / False or Not given

Javoxir dan repost
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📣 Proxima _bukharada bahorgi oylar uchun òz qabulini boshladi.

👀 Fanlar: ⬇️

🇺🇸 Ingliz tili
General Inglish

✅ Darslar yuqori bilimga ustozlar tomonidan olib boriladi
💡 READING- 8.5🔥
🔼 LISTENING - 8.5🔥

✏️ Hoziroq ròyxatdan òting:
✉️ Murojaat: +998993857574

📌Manzil: Buxoro shahar, Vokzal yuridik kollej yon tomoni Heart's glad 2-etaj

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Does professor have one 🔤 or two😅?

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h your friends

@Proxima_bukhara ✔️

💭❄️🌧Majburiy_Matematika Soat ni minut mili 1 sutkada soat milini necha marta quvib òtadi❔
  •   1️⃣2️⃣
  •   2️⃣3️⃣
  •   2️⃣4️⃣
  •   1️⃣0️⃣
57 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.