Abdulboriy Odilov (7)

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Sinful slave of forgiving Master!
- IELTS overall 7)
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- IELTS-related content📌
Agar foydam tegsa, duolaringizda eslab qo’ying❤️
For any help: @shukhratovichde

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

‘Kitoblar’ dan~ dan repost
📚 Ingliz tili o‘rganuvchilari uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

Reading bo‘limini skyrocket qilishni xohlaysizmi? Ramazon uchun 30 kunlik challenge boshlaymiz! 🚀

Challenge qanday bo‘ladi?

✅ Har kuni saharlikdan so‘ng bitta article jo‘natiladi.
✅ Siz iftorgacha article’ni o‘qib, uning summary sini comment qismiga yozishingiz kerak.

🎁 Sovg‘alar ham bor!

Har 10 kunda eng yaxshi summary yozgan ishtirokchi Ingliz tilidagi kitoblardan birini yutib oladi, inshaAlloh! 📖✨

📌 Article Challenge kanalimizga qo‘shiling: https://t.me/article_challenge30

Kim qatnashishga tayyor? 💪🔥

AYLS o’qiyotganlar manimcha full mock ertalabdan zo’r ketsa kerak, ayniqsa ham listening ham reading bo’lsa😁

Assalomaleykum, hope you’re doing well!


Ertaga bir speaking mock qileylikmi?

Assalomaleykum hammaga!

Chellendj to’xtab qolgani uchun avvalo uzur, bir ikkita sabablar tufayli to’xtashga majbur bo’ldim.

Hudo hohlasa endi buyog’iga yondiramiz🔥

Day 18 - Speaking🎙️

- Part 1 ✅
- Part 2 ✅
- Part 3 ✅

- 18/30✅

Day 18 - Writing✍🏻

📊 TASK 1: The diagrams show how the layout of a school library changed.

📝 TASK 2: Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

- 18/30✅

Why Cities Are Getting Hotter.pdf
Full reading (@realexamielts).pdf
Day 18 - Reading📃

- Article ✅
- Wordlist ✅
- Passage 2✅

- 18/30✅

Full listening (@realexamielts).pdf
Day 18 - Listening🎧

- Section 3✅
- Section 4✅

- 18/30✅

Day 18 - Podcast🎧

- How Do You Know if People Don’t Like You

- 18/30✅

Assalomaleykum guys, hope ya’ll are doing well.

If you’re ready, we’ll start 18th day of our challenge🔥


- Today’s agenda:

1) Listening🎧

- Podcast
- Section 1/2
- Audio

2) Reading📃

- Article
- Article wordlist
- Passage 1

3) Writing✍🏻

- Task 1
- Task 2

4) Speaking🎙️

- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3

- Good luck, stay strong💪

Day 17 - Speaking🎙️

- Part 1 ✅
- Part 2 ✅
- Part 3 ✅

- 17/30✅

Day 17 - Writing✍🏻

📊 TASK 1: The pie charts show the sales of new cars in Australia in 1984, 1993 and 2013

📝 TASK 2: Some people think history has little or nothing to offer, while others say the study of the past helps us understand the present.

Discuss both viewpoints and give your opinion.

- 30/17✅

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.