💬 Speaking Practice - Darajalar bo‘yicha
🔹 Savol: What do you usually do on weekends?
✅ B1 (Beginner-Intermediate) – Oddiy javob:
On weekends, I usually relax at home. I watch movies, read books, and sometimes go out with my friends. It is my time to rest after a busy week.
✅ B2 (Upper-Intermediate) – Batafsil javob:
On weekends, I try to balance rest and productivity. I often spend time with my family, watch my favorite TV shows, or go for a walk in the park. If I have free time, I also like to learn something new, like reading an interesting book or practicing a foreign language.
✅ C1 (Advanced) – Murakkab va tabiiy javob:
My weekends are a mix of relaxation and self-improvement. I usually start my mornings with a cup of coffee and some reading. Then, I might go for a run or meet up with friends. I also enjoy dedicating some time to learning—whether it's listening to a podcast, working on a personal project, or exploring a new skill. Weekends are my chance to recharge and prepare for the upcoming week.
💡 Siz qaysi levelda javob bera olasiz?
yoki o`z javobingizni yozib qoldiring! 👇
🔹 Savol: What do you usually do on weekends?
✅ B1 (Beginner-Intermediate) – Oddiy javob:
On weekends, I usually relax at home. I watch movies, read books, and sometimes go out with my friends. It is my time to rest after a busy week.
✅ B2 (Upper-Intermediate) – Batafsil javob:
On weekends, I try to balance rest and productivity. I often spend time with my family, watch my favorite TV shows, or go for a walk in the park. If I have free time, I also like to learn something new, like reading an interesting book or practicing a foreign language.
✅ C1 (Advanced) – Murakkab va tabiiy javob:
My weekends are a mix of relaxation and self-improvement. I usually start my mornings with a cup of coffee and some reading. Then, I might go for a run or meet up with friends. I also enjoy dedicating some time to learning—whether it's listening to a podcast, working on a personal project, or exploring a new skill. Weekends are my chance to recharge and prepare for the upcoming week.
💡 Siz qaysi levelda javob bera olasiz?
yoki o`z javobingizni yozib qoldiring! 👇