🧳 ‘Traveling’ mavzusida foydali iboralar
1.Hit the road– Yo'lga tushmoq, safarga chiqmoq.
Example: "Let’s hit the road early to avoid traffic."
- "Tirbandlikka tushmaslik uchun ertaroq yo‘lga tushaylik."
2. Off the beaten track/path– Odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda, ko‘pchilik sayyohlar bormaydigan joy.
Example: "He prefers traveling off the beaten track to explore less crowded areas."
- "U odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda bo‘lgan, odamlar kamroq boradigan joylarni o‘rganishni yaxshi ko‘radi."
3. Travel light– Yengil sayohat qilmoq, kam yuk bilan sayohat qilish.
Example: "It’s just a weekend trip, so I’ll travel light."
- "Bu faqat dam olish kunlari safar, shuning uchun yengil sayohat qilaman."
4.Catch the travel bug– Sayohatga ishtiyoq paydo bo‘lmoq, sayohatga "o‘rganib qolmoq."
Example: "After her trip to Europe, she caught the travel bug and started visiting different countries."
- "Yevropaga sayohat qilgandan keyin, u sayohatga o‘rganib qoldi va turli mamlakatlarga borishni boshladi."
5. Live out of a suitcase– Chamaddonda yashamoq, doimiy ravishda sayohatda bo‘lish.
Example: "He’s been living out of a suitcase for months due to his job."
- "Ish sababli u oylar davomida chamaddonda yashab yuribdi."
6. Have itchy feet– Tez-tez sayohat qilishni xohlash.
Example: "After staying home for a while, I’ve got itchy feet and want to travel again."
- "Uyda uzoq vaqt qolib ketgach, oyoqlarim qichishib, yana sayohat qilgim kelmoqda."
7. Wanderlust– Sayohatga bo‘lgan kuchli ishtiyoq, sayohatga chanqoqlik.
Example: "Her wanderlust has led her to travel to over 30 countries."
- "Uning sayohatga chanqoqligi uni 30 dan ortiq mamlakatlarga olib bordi."
8. On the road– Yo‘lda bo‘lmoq, sayohatda bo‘lmoq.
Example: "He’s been on the road for weeks, visiting different cities."
- "U bir necha haftadan beri yo‘lda, turli shaharlarni ko‘rib chiqmoqda."
9. Get the show on the road– Ishni boshlamoq, safarni boshlash.
Example: "We need to get the show on the road if we want to make it to the beach by noon."
- "Agar plyajga tushlikka yetib borishni xohlasak, ishni boshlashimiz kerak."
10. Call it a day– Kun yakuniga yetkazmoq, faoliyatni tugatmoq.
Example: "After exploring the city all day, we decided to call it a day and return to the hotel."
- "Butun kun shaharni aylanib chiqqach, kun yakuniga yetkazishga qaror qildik va mehmonxonaga qaytdik."
😊 more than knowledge…
Niners Academy ✅
1.Hit the road– Yo'lga tushmoq, safarga chiqmoq.
Example: "Let’s hit the road early to avoid traffic."
- "Tirbandlikka tushmaslik uchun ertaroq yo‘lga tushaylik."
2. Off the beaten track/path– Odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda, ko‘pchilik sayyohlar bormaydigan joy.
Example: "He prefers traveling off the beaten track to explore less crowded areas."
- "U odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda bo‘lgan, odamlar kamroq boradigan joylarni o‘rganishni yaxshi ko‘radi."
3. Travel light– Yengil sayohat qilmoq, kam yuk bilan sayohat qilish.
Example: "It’s just a weekend trip, so I’ll travel light."
- "Bu faqat dam olish kunlari safar, shuning uchun yengil sayohat qilaman."
4.Catch the travel bug– Sayohatga ishtiyoq paydo bo‘lmoq, sayohatga "o‘rganib qolmoq."
Example: "After her trip to Europe, she caught the travel bug and started visiting different countries."
- "Yevropaga sayohat qilgandan keyin, u sayohatga o‘rganib qoldi va turli mamlakatlarga borishni boshladi."
5. Live out of a suitcase– Chamaddonda yashamoq, doimiy ravishda sayohatda bo‘lish.
Example: "He’s been living out of a suitcase for months due to his job."
- "Ish sababli u oylar davomida chamaddonda yashab yuribdi."
6. Have itchy feet– Tez-tez sayohat qilishni xohlash.
Example: "After staying home for a while, I’ve got itchy feet and want to travel again."
- "Uyda uzoq vaqt qolib ketgach, oyoqlarim qichishib, yana sayohat qilgim kelmoqda."
7. Wanderlust– Sayohatga bo‘lgan kuchli ishtiyoq, sayohatga chanqoqlik.
Example: "Her wanderlust has led her to travel to over 30 countries."
- "Uning sayohatga chanqoqligi uni 30 dan ortiq mamlakatlarga olib bordi."
8. On the road– Yo‘lda bo‘lmoq, sayohatda bo‘lmoq.
Example: "He’s been on the road for weeks, visiting different cities."
- "U bir necha haftadan beri yo‘lda, turli shaharlarni ko‘rib chiqmoqda."
9. Get the show on the road– Ishni boshlamoq, safarni boshlash.
Example: "We need to get the show on the road if we want to make it to the beach by noon."
- "Agar plyajga tushlikka yetib borishni xohlasak, ishni boshlashimiz kerak."
10. Call it a day– Kun yakuniga yetkazmoq, faoliyatni tugatmoq.
Example: "After exploring the city all day, we decided to call it a day and return to the hotel."
- "Butun kun shaharni aylanib chiqqach, kun yakuniga yetkazishga qaror qildik va mehmonxonaga qaytdik."
😊 more than knowledge…
Niners Academy ✅