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IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
🔥SPEAKING - 8.0 🔥

At this point, nobody can stop our students.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
🔥SPEAKING - 8.5🔥


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Bugun 20:00 da bitta chat qilamizmi?

Offline va online kurslar bo'yicha nima savollaringiz bo'lsa javob berib ketaman.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

Hovlimizga qorlar yog'di pag'a-pag'a, IELTS 7.5 qo'yib berdi bizga examiner tog'a😁


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Offline IELTS kurslar!

Men uchun o'quvchilarni natijasi ham muhimmas!


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Online faqat bitta kurs ochishim mumkin!
  •   Online Full IELTS [ 500 000 monthly ]
  •   Online Writing [ 300 000 monthly ]
  •   Online Speaking [ 300 000 monthly ]
  •   Online Reading and Listening [ 300 000 monthly ]
1619 ta ovoz

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
✔️5-Yanvar offline kurslarga qabul boshlanadi. Meni o'zim tanlab olaman o'quvchilarni.

‼️10-Yanvar darslar boshlanadi.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Which offline courses do you want?

🥇Beginner and Elementary
🥉IELTS 5.5 6.0 - 7.0 7.5


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
In 2025!

4] Save up at least 5 000 dollars a month.
5] Establish an online international teaching network.
6] Expand offline teaching operations
7] Never skip exercise, meals, and sleep.
8] Never cross your principles and standards.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Tingla, Suhrob, tingla!

1] O'zingni aldama.

Kasallikdan tuzalmaydigan yagona odam, o'zini kasalligini tan olmaydigan odamdir. Ota-onamni yaxshi ko'raman deb, ular sen uchun yashayotgan bir vaqtda vaqtingni isrof qilguchilardan bo'lma, agar shunday qildingmi ota-onamni yaxshi ko'raman deb o'zingni aldama. Allohni yaxshi ko'raman deb, profilchalaringni ilohiy ishq haqidagi gaplarga to'ldirib, keyin xarom ish qilguchilardan bo'lma. Xaromdan tiyilmadingmi, halol ish qilolmiyapsanmi Allohdan qo'rqdim deb o'zingni aldama. Hamma jannatga borishni xoxlaydi, lekin hech kim o'lishni xoxlamaydi. Nimagadir erisholmasang, aybni omadga, taqdirga, boshqalarga qo'yguvchilardan bo'lma, aslida unga erishishni yetarlicha xoxlamaganingni tan ol.

2] Boshqalardan foydalanma.

Ko'proq pul topish maqsadida boshqalarni aldama, ko'proq pul topishing mumkin, lekin keyin hotirjamlik topmaysan. Kimnidir o'zinga jalb qilish uchun o'zingni yaxshiroq qilib ko'rsatma, ularni jalb qilishing mumkin, lekin keyin aslida kim ekanligingni bilib qolishidan qo'rqib yashaysan. Boshqalar meni shunchaki menligim uchun yaxshi ko'rmadi dema, sen ham hech kimni shunchaki yaxshi ko'rmaysan-ku, munosib bo'l, munosib bo'l.

3] Maqsadni katta qil.

Qiyinchilik seni baribir tark etmaydi. Kichik maqsadlar ortidan quvsang, men ko'p ish qilolardim, ko'p odamga yordam berolardim deb afsus va nadomatdan qiynalasan, katta maqsadlarga ergashsang uyqusiz tunlardan, charchoqdan qiynalasan. Yulduzlarni orzu qil, Milliarder bo'lish uchun azoblan oylik topish uchun emas, Falastinni bir kun ozod qilish uchun azoblan kimnidir ko'ngliga yoqish uchun emas, millatni uyg'otish uchun azoblan o'zing uyg'onishing uchun emas.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Shu niyatlar ortidan bu yil o'zim 9.0 oldim, shogirdlar esa 8.0 8.5 larni yondirishdi.

‼️2025-yil uchun ham o'z oldimga qo'ygan maqsadlar bilan tanishishni xoxlaysizmi?


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
The relationship between success and luck is now a topic of considerable debate. While some argue that the accomplishment of our goals is predominantly determined by how lucky we are, I believe that hard work and perseverance play a more crucial role when it comes to success.

Proponents of luck cite various reasons to support their stance. They assert that if a child is born into a wealthy family with abundant resources, he or she has access to better academic materials, electronic gadgets, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities than those born into lower-class or middle-class households, thus offering them a competitive edge in the educational and professional landscape. Similarly, some individuals are gifted with a charismatic personality and a sense of humor, both of which empower them to get along with others and forge stronger relationships with colleagues or business partners, leading to greater social support and encouragement.

However, despite these arguments in favor of luck, strong work ethics and perseverance usually dictates whether someone achieves their aspirations in life. When people work hard and stay perseverant, irrespective of formidable obstacles, they are more likely to not only make progress in their field of expertise but also gain trust and recognition in their workplace circles. Without the ability to step outside of their comfort zones and push their limits, even those with ample resources and attractive qualities find it difficult to meet tight deadlines and manage heavy workloads, affecting their ability to move up the career ladder and make money. A case in point is Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet. Were it not for his unwavering determination and unparalleled resilience, it would have been almost impossible for him to bounce back from the early rocket failures at SpaceX, overcome the bureaucratic difficulties at Neuralink, and deal with the financial losses at Tesla.

In conclusion, whether someone turns their aims into reality is in some cases a matter of luck, but it is hard work and perseverance that ultimately determine how successful someone becomes. Only by pushing past personal boundaries and striving for excellence can we make strides in terms of our career growth, financial stability, and overall success.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Kanaldagi darslar foydasi ketgani ketgan!


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
No FREE courses!

Nobody does anything for free. When you are attending a free course, you are paying with your time, attention, and energy, but you are definitely paying. Some people want your likes and subscribes, while others want your validation and approval, with others looking for your money. Nothing, except the love and care of your parents, is unconditional in this world.

The same thing apples in principle to movies, cartoons, songs, and TV programs. You are always paying the price. You are paying the price with something much more valuable than money — time and attention. Be careful what you are paying!


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
In an era characterized by cross-cultural misunderstandings and misinterpretations, many linguists call for the creation of a new language to facilitate international communication. While the invention of a universal language could indeed promote cultural exchange and global understanding, I believe that its potential drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

Proponents of a universal language cite various reasons to support their stance. If a dominant language is constructed for international use, it could effectively dismantle communication barriers among individuals from diverse cultural and national backgrounds, thereby allowing them to forge stronger social connections and business partnerships. This process may encourage people from different nationalities and cultures to share their unique perspectives, along with their traditional values and local customs, which would serve as a powerful catalyst for fostering mutual appreciation and cultural awareness. In a world where religious intolerance, ethnic bias, and cultural discrimination reign supreme due to a lack of shared understanding, the introduction of a universal language could make a big difference when it comes to bringing everyone together and cultivating a more empathetic international community, ultimately leading to greater peace and harmony worldwide.

Despite these arguments, in my view, the disadvantages of establishing a global language are far more significant. The creation of a new universal language would require a great deal of time and effort to master, posing substantial challenges for individuals with busy schedules and limited access to educational resources. As a result, a linguistic gap may ensue, perpetuating existing inequalities and exacerbating feelings of disenfranchisement and marginalization. At a time when many struggle to enhance their proficiency in their native languages due to insufficient academic materials and time constraints, the added pressure to learn a universal language could intensify challenges related to financial resources and time management.

In conclusion, although the development of a new universal language has the potential to break down communication barriers and unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, I argue that the difficulties associated with time management and limited resources would deter marginalized groups from effectively mastering such a lingua franca.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev with students!

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
📝 Task 2: Some people think that we should invent a new language for international communication.
Will the benefits of this outweigh the problems associated with it?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.