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Readingam jonga tegdi boru, bugun Reading yechadigan kunbasakan☹️

Here’s an analysis of your answers for this passage:

1. In recent years, cut flowers have become more expensive to grow in the Netherlands.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The passage mentions, "In recent years, however, as labour and production costs have soared, attention there has shifted from flower production to flower trading." This confirms the rising costs in the Netherlands.

2. More people are employed in the cut-flower industry in Kenya than in Europe.
Answer: Not Given ✅
Explanation: While the text highlights that the Kenyan flower industry provides income for around two million people, it does not compare this number with employment in Europe. Hence, the information is not given.

3. Flowers represent Kenya’s most valuable agricultural export.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The text says, "It is the country’s largest agricultural foreign exchange earner after tea." This confirms the statement.

4. The UK has seen a marked decline in the proportion of locally-grown cut flowers on sale.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The text states, "The UK cut-flower industry now supplies just ten per cent of the country’s needs. Twenty years ago it was more like half," confirming a significant decline.

5. The Cranfield study concentrated on the environmental effects of transporting cut flowers.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The passage mentions research conducted by Cranfield University, which showed that transporting Kenyan flowers "resulted in a carbon footprint nearly six times smaller" than Dutch flowers, indicating a focus on environmental effects.

6. The Lake Naivasha region produces a range of cut flowers including roses.
Answer: False ✅
Explanation: The passage specifically states that Lake Naivasha is "the ideal place to grow roses" due to its conditions. There is no mention of other cut flowers being grown there, making the statement false.

7. Supplies of some local food items have been affected by the impact of floriculture around Lake Naivasha.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The passage highlights environmental damage caused by floriculture, including water levels dropping by three metres and fish catches falling, which impacts local food supplies.

8. Transporting cut flowers by sea is generally more successful than using other means of transport.
Answer: False ✅
Explanation: The text states that flowers often have to be shipped by air rather than sea due to their perishability and refrigeration needs, which makes transport by sea less successful.

Your answers are all correct! Well done! 😊

I did it😱 7/7 ✅

Here’s the analysis and explanation for each statement based on the provided text:

1. The first chess-playing machine was built in the 18th century.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The text explicitly states that "the idea of creating a chess-playing machine dates back to the 18th century. Around 1769, an Austrian inventor constructed one called the Chess Turk." This confirms the statement.
2. Benjamin Franklin was able to defeat the Chess Turk.
Answer: Not Given ✅
Explanation: The passage mentions that Benjamin Franklin was fascinated by the Chess Turk and described it as "the most interesting game of chess he had ever played." However, there is no information provided about whether he defeated the Chess Turk or not.
3. Edgar Allan Poe realised that the Chess Turk was a hoax.
Answer: Not Given ✅
Explanation: The text mentions that Edgar Allan Poe wrote an essay explaining how he thought the Chess Turk worked and stated that it was incorrect. However, it does not indicate whether he realised it was a hoax.
4. The Chess Turk was found to be operated by a human being.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The text states, "It was discovered that a living chess master was concealed within the machine, plotting the moves and operating the machinery." This directly proves the statement is true.
5. The first chess game on a computer was played in the 1950s.
Answer: True ✅
Explanation: The passage mentions that "the field of mechanical chess research was neglected until the development of the digital computer in the 1950s. One of the first games that could be played on a computer was chess." This confirms the statement.
6. Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov in both of their two matches in 1997.
Answer: False ✅
Explanation: The text explains that Deep Blue and Kasparov played two matches in 1997. "Kasparov won one of these matches, and the computer won the other." Therefore, the claim that Deep Blue won both matches is incorrect.
7. The first chess-playing programs available on the Internet were designed by grand masters.
Answer: Not Given ✅
Explanation: While the text mentions that "chess-playing programs can be downloaded from the Internet that are challenging even for grand masters," it does not specify whether these programs were designed by grand masters. Hence, this information is not given.


-Humanity came on leaps and bounds in agriculture.
-Insoniyat qishloq xo'jaligida misli ko'rilmagan taraqqiyotga erishdi.

Ya'ni siz "Humanity came on leaps and bounds in" dan keyin o'zingiz xohlagan so'zni qo'yib gapni davom ettirishingiz mumkin. (Bu ko'proq informal, speakingda ishlatish mumkin)

Ex: Humanity came on leaps and bounds in making self-driven technologies.


Meni Barsam❤️💙

Birinchi taymni o'zida😄

Kanalda tozalov✅😄
O'ziyam yuz yil oldin qo'shilib shu bilan qaytib Telegram ishlatmaganlar bor ekan oramizda😄

Odamlar o'rtacha 4-8 tush ko'risharkan bitta tunda. 🧐



"Interfere" - aralashmoq, burnini suqmoq


-People really like to interfere in someone's life.
(-Odamlar kimningdir hayotiga burun suqishni juda yoqtirishadi)

Blitzda 1000 reytingga yetishimga bir qadam qoldi🧠

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
❤️Silarga ham ilindim

Sal qolishiga sal qolyapti boruu🧠

Alhamdulillah, shu kunga yetkizganiga shukur. Bugun ikkinchi Qur'on hatmimni tugatdim😇🤲 Allohim o'tganlarimizni joylarini jannatdan qilsin🤲


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.