🔮𝐊𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐇𝐚𝐪𝐢𝐪𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢🔮

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Musiqa

ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ʙᴀsʜᴏʀᴀᴛ/ʜᴀǫǫᴀᴛʟᴀʀɪɴɪ ᴠᴀ ʏᴀɴɢɪʟɪᴋʟᴀʀɴɪ ʙɪᴢ ʙɪʟᴀɴ ᴋᴜᴢᴀᴛɪɴɢ🔫🖤
🔥ᴋᴀɴᴀʟ ᴏᴄʜɪʟɢᴀɴ sᴀɴᴀ:17.09.2019🔥
🦋sᴀᴠᴏʟʟᴀʀ ᴠᴀ ʀᴇᴋ ᴜᴄʜᴜɴ ʙᴏᴛ- @KpopBashorat_bot
🦋ᴋᴀɴᴀʟ ɢᴜʀᴜʜɪ:
ᴘᴏsᴛʟᴀʀ ᴠᴋ ᴅᴀɴ ᴏʟɪɴᴀᴅɪ

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Hammaga salom yaxshimiszlar. Kunilar yaxshi otdi degan umiddaman. Ancha bob ketdi betga yozmaganimga ham😅. Hech kim mandan xafamas degan umiddaman. Kanal yopiladi deb ham etmasdan ketvordim uzr soriman😙. Nu kanal boshqa faoliyat yuritolmaydi. Hamma adminkalar va man oqishdamiz. Hammelar kelajakda oz ornilarni topishilarni tilab qolaman. Hech qachon orzuilardagi kasbdan vos kechib vaqtinchalik kasb uchun harakat qilmaylar. Doim sizlarni xursand qila oladigan kasbni tanlilar😊 Esimda uxlamasdan post qilardik adminkalar bilan🤭 Kanal adminlarini xurmat qililar becharalar uxlamasdan tarjima qib post qidiradi sizlarga yoqsin deb😚. Mani hayotim yaxshi ketebdi qiziqetgan boselar😁Man hozir medik kollejda oqiyabman yol ochilsa Koreaga harakat qilamn😂 Adminkalarim bilan birga ishlashni juda sogindim hammasi yaxshi qizlar🥺 Bu hafta tgni ishlataman nima oxirgi gapilar bolsa bemalol manga yozilar gaplashamiz🤗Hech qanday post qoymasekda biz bilan haligacha billa turganilar uchun kattakon raxmat. Sizlarni soginib qolamn😭❤️.

Xurmat bilan @Tae_I

° #Music | #Gone °

🔱 @BlackpinkU_Blink 🔱

° #Music | #OnTheGround °

🔱 @BlackpinkU_Blink 🔱

•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost

•|Chiqarilgan yil/Released: 2021.03.12|•
•|Janr/genre: Pop~K-pop, Vocal~Soul|•
•|Til/Language: Ingiliz|•
•|Leybl: Yg Entertainment|•
•|Qo'shiqlar soni/Track list: 2 ta|•



🔱 @BlackpinkU_Blink 🔱

•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
▶️🇺🇿◀️ROSÈ ning birinchi Solo klipi "ON THE GROUND" chiqdi!🤍🥀

📌You Tube dayam oxirgacha ko‘rib 30 soniyadan keyin like bosishni unutmang:


▶️🇺🇲◀️ROSÈ's first solo clip "ON THE GROUND" has been released! 🤍🥀

📌Don't forget to like after 30 seconds of watching Tou to the end:


➖ #OnTheGround | #Mv ➖

☑️ @BlackpinkU_Blink ☑️

•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost
▶️🇺🇿◀️ROSÈ-ning birinchi solo debut tizer foto sur‘atlari 🥀🍃

ROSÈ solo chiqish sanasi 2021 yil 12 martda bo‘ladi 🌹

▶️🇺🇲◀️ROSÈ's first solo debut teaser photos 🥀🍃

ROSÈ's solo release date is March 12, 2021 🌹

➖ #TeaserPhoto | #Rose | #Solo ➖


•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost
➖ #News | #Dispatch | #Jennie | #Photos ➖


•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost
▶️🇺🇿◀️SOOMPI ushbu yangilik bilan bog'liq maqola ~

Bugun ertalab Dispatch News Agency Big Bangdan G-Dragon va Blackpink-dan Jennie bir yil davomida uchrashishini xabar qildi.

O'zlarining hisobotlarida chop etilgan fotosuratlar shuni ko'rsatadiki, bu ikki kishining joylashuvi maxfiy va asosan xususiy uyda bo'lgan.

Dispetcherlik xabarlarida aytilishicha, ikki shaxsning joylashuvi juda xususiy va menejer Jennie ham ularni vaqti-vaqti bilan G-Dragonning uyiga olib boradi.

Dispatch ma'lumotlariga ko'ra, G-dragon Penthouse-da Jennie xavfsiz va identifikatsiyasiz sayohat qilish imkoniyatini beruvchi shaxsiy avtoturargoh va lift mavjud.

Dispetcherlik hisobotiga ko'ra, Jennie har kuni ish jadvalini tugatgandan so'ng G-Dragonning oldiga borgan. Va xuddi BlackPink-ning onlayn konsert kuni G-Dragonning uyidan ovoz yozish studiyasiga borganiga o'xshaydi.

Manbaga ko'ra, YG kompaniyasida ko'plab odamlar ushbu ikki artistning joylashuvi haqida bilishgan va hatto Jenniening onasi ham bundan xabardor bo'lgan va bundan xursand bo'lgan.

"Biz hech narsani tasdiqlay olmaymiz, chunki bu ularning shaxsiy hayoti va siz tushunasiz degan umiddamiz", - dedi YG.

▶️🇺🇲◀️SOOMPI article related to this news ~

This morning, Dispatch News Agency reported that G-Dragon of Big Bang and Jennie of Blackpink will be dating for a year.

In their report, published photos show that the placement of these two people was secret and mostly in a private house.

Dispatch reports say the placement of the two individuals is highly private, and manager Jennie also occasionally takes them to G-Dragon's home.

According to Dispatch, G-dragon Penthouse has a private parking lot and elevator, which allows Jennie to travel safely and without identification.

According to the Dispatch report, Jennie went to see G-Dragon every day after finishing her work schedule. And it's like BlackPink's online concert day went from G-Dragon's house to the recording studio.

According to a source, many people in the YG company knew about the placement of these two artists, and even Jennie's mother was aware of this and was happy about it.

"We can not confirm anything because it's their personal life and we hope you understand," YG said in a statement.

➖ #News | #Dispatch | #Jennie ➖


•● 블랙핑크 | ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴘɪɴᴋ ●• dan repost
▶️🇺🇿◀️Bugun ertalab Dispatch News Agency, BlackPink'dan Jennie va Big Bang'dan G-Dragon bir yil davomida uchrashishlarini xabar qildi.

YG kompaniyasining ushbu yangilikka munosabati:
"Biz artistlarimizning shaxsiy hayoti to'g'risida hech narsani tasdiqlay olmaymiz. (Biz ularning shaxsiy hayotiga aralashamiz) Biz sizning tushunishingizni istaymiz."

▶️🇺🇲◀️This morning, Dispatch News Agency reported that Jennie from BlackPink and G-Dragon from Big Bang will be dating for a year.

YG Company's response to this news:
"We can not confirm anything about our artists' personal lives. (We interfere in their personal lives) We want your understanding."

➖ #News | #Dispatch | #Jennie ➖



#CHUNGHA "Querencia" albomi bilan 15-fevralda qaytmoqda


Чонха возвращается со своим альбомом "Querencia" 15 февраля.


Chungha is coming back with her album "Querencia" on February 15th



#IKON a'zosi #Bobby o'zining "U Mad" kontseptli qo'shig'ining klipi bilan maydonga qaytmoqda. IKONdan Bobby o'zining "Baxtli odam" ikkinchi to'liq albomi va Bobby tomonidan yozilgan va kuylangan asosiy "U Mad" qo'shig'ining klipi bilan qaytadi.


Бобби из IKON возвращается на арену с клипом на свою мощную концептуальную песню "U Mad". Бобби из IKON возвращается со своим вторым полноценным альбомом "Lucky Man" и видеоклипом на основную песню "U Mad", написанную и мелодированную самим Бобби.


Bobby from IKON returns to the arena with the music video for his powerful concept song "U Mad". Bobby from IKON returns eith his second full album "Lucky Man" and music video for the main song "U Mad" written and melodied by Bobby himself.


🇺🇿 #BLACKPINK #ROSE mini albomida 1 da duet bor

🇷🇺 В сольном мини - альбоме Розе есть 1 совместная работа

🇬🇧 There is 1 collab in Rose's solo mini album


#J x #J = Scandal (not about relationship)



Yanagi oy qiz guruhga qo'shiq aytish ta'qiqlanadi

🇷🇺 - Фото Рандом

Расформирование женской группы в следующем месяце

🇬🇧 Photo Random

Disbandment of the women's group next month


🇺🇿 #TREASURE a'zosi va #YG artisti birgalimda raqs duet qilishadi

🇷🇺 Участник(и) Treasure x артист Yg - танцевальная коллаборация

🇬🇧 Treasure member x artist Yg - dance collaboration


#CUBE x #SM = 👫



Yangi qiz guruhiga yangi a'zo qo'shiladi

🇷🇺 Фото Рандом

В женской группе появиться новый участник

🇬🇧 Foto Random

A new member will appear in the women's group


1 hafta oldin telegramga kirganlarni va udalyonniy akkauntlarni kanaldan chiqaraman!

🇬🇧 Yg trainee's words about being trainee

"I have trained on 2 reputed companies. Cube, YG. I just wanted to share my experience. I started my journey in Cube, auditioned through mail and got in. They have a point of system for trainees, with rewards given for the one earned tge most and a punishment for the one who got a least. We also clean the rooms and hallways. It was a normal system but hard.i had a particular and bad experience i cant reveal or switched and auditioned and got accepted in yg and traineed there. It was a reason i left behind my dreams. I was a big by stan and i didnt care about girls. But training in YG changed everything. That's when i really knew pain. I thought it was a rumor that SM and YG system is the hardest but its true. Their expectations are so high. You have to be an all rounder to even get in. There's only 35 trainees when it's most crowded. It was a fight. To Debut was a dream far away, of say that debut in YG is literally the hardest of all. They have debuted only 5-6 gros before si it was a hell. They will need you to write your own song, choreo, compose and produce it two songs a month. Hyunsuk (YG director) will watch you and be very blunt. Everyday trainees were kicked out and traunees left. For me songwriting was hard byt they make u do it, there is no way- they teach and you have to. It was very hard. Female trainees were maximum eight or nine people. No mercy even during periods. It was so hard as a female trainee. I just want to say there that debuting in big 3 isn't as easy as you think and please respect female idols. Anyone who debuted in YG or Sm is to be applauded"


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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