Kanada | Ta'lim 🇨🇦

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

| Kanada haqida barcha foydali ma’lumotlar🇨🇦
| Kanadada qaysi yo’l bilan talaba bo’lish va Visa olish🪪
| Kanada Universitetlari tomonidan beriladigan grantlar💰
Friend, Canadian dream is POSSIBLE 🇨🇦
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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Eng ko'p kelgan savollardan biriga javob berishga tayyormiz!

📌 Sigma.uz sizga qanday yordam beradi?

Birinchi bo'lib, siz konsultatsiyaga kelishingiz kerak, konsultatsiya davomida birgalikda siz tanlagan yo'nalish va universitetni ko'rib chiqamiz.

Keyingi qadam bu - offer letter olish. So'ngra viza uchun hujjatlar yig'iladi. Oxirgi qadam esa shunchaki bilet sotib olish va uchib ketish.

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✨🇨🇦 Yana bir talabamiz Doniyorni Kanadani  vizasini qo‘lga kiritganlari  bilan tabriklaymiz

Doniyor kabi siz ham universitetlardan 🔺 30% chegirmani qo’lga kiriting

✏️ Kerakli hujjatlar:




Siz ham Doniyor kabi Kanadaning nufuzli universitetlarida o‘qimoqchi bo‘lsangiz quydagi raqamlarga murojaat eting ⬇️

📞+998996113337 @sigma_call_center

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Если Вы, как и Дониёр, хотите учиться в престижном Канадском университете, обращайтесь по телефонам ниже ⬇️

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PS. 🇨🇦 Kanada borishga ulgurmaganlar uchun 🇺🇿O'zbekistonda biznes qilishga ancha foydali)

JUST Logistics (Tashkent) dan repost
Yuklarningizni olib kelishda qiyinchilik bo'layotgan bo'lsa(chegarada qolib ketishi, poyezd planining kechligi, stansiyalar yoki bojxona hujjatlari bilan yoki logistika bilan bog'liq boshqa muammolar ), demak siz tanlovingizni o'gartirishingiz kerak.
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Havsiz yuklash
🏦 Suģurta
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🚂Tezkor stansiyalar
‼️ Havfli yuklarni ham olib kelish
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O'ylab o'tirmang
Bizning kompaniya bilan xattoki o'ylashga ketqizadigan vaqtingizni ham tejab qolasiz😎

Ishonchli va tezkor yuk olib kelish xizmatlari

Murojaat uchun

☎️ +998914141490

☎️ +998909112619

Just Supply Logistics


👨‍🎓If you are a student in Canada, you will generally have a limit of 20 hours per week to work for an employer in Canada. An exception would be for those applicants who submitted their applications before or on October 7, 2022. These students can actually work full time even during their studies.

⁉️ Now for those students who don’t qualify for the full time work can make extra money by working for employers outside Canada remotely.

‼️ Any remote work for an employer outside Canada doesn’t count towards the 20 hour limit.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

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🇨🇦How to calculate proof of funds to get study permit?

📌 3 steps to calculate your proof of funds:

📚 Calculate your tuition for the full duration of your studies. In average, tuition would be between $15,000 to $18,000 CAD per year. If it’s a two-year program- then double this amount.

💰Living expenses - you need to show at least 10,000 CAD for the principal applicant, $4,000 CAD for your spouse and $3,000 for each child. If it’s a two-year program- double this amount.

Add at least $5,000 - $10,000 on to of this amount ( for any emergency expenses). The immigration officer wants to see that you have more than the bare minimum to cover your tuition and living expenses.

📱Let’s calculate an approximate amount for a family of 4 for a 2-year program in 🇨🇦

Tuition: $15,000 * 2 = $30,000 CAD

Living expenses: $10,000 + $4,000 + $3,000 *2 = $40,000 CAD

Emergency expenses: $10,000 CAD
Total: $80,000 CAD

❓How much would it cost for only you?

👉 @KanadadaTalim

Hey guys👋

After more than a month break and one of the most important things (building a family 😉)…

I am back to my channel!
Wait for daily informative posts✌️

📢 Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have announced that applicants that apply for Canada PR will now be required to submit biometric data as part of the application process.

❗️Starting from June 14, 2023, all individuals applying for permanent residence must submit biometrics, regardless if they have already submitted them for a temporary residence permit.

Starting June 14, 2023, applicants will be mandated to give biometrics if they apply for:

⏺A visitor visa
⏺A work or study permit (excluding US nationals)
⏺Permanent residence
⏺Refugee or asylum status
⏺An extension of your stay in Canada, known as a visitor record
⏺A work or study permit extension

❗️ The changes do not apply to those applying for temporary resident status on a work, visitor, or study visa. Temporary residents who are applying for an extension do not need to submit biometrics.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

Working as an HR manager in 🇨🇦

⌨️ HR management - in-demand skill

🎚️ HR managers can apply to:

- Express Entry
- Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)

The minimum requirements for Express Entry

1️⃣ Work experience (at least one year in an approved category)

2️⃣ Proficiency in English or French

3️⃣ Minimum education equivalent to a Canadian high school diploma

4️⃣ At least 67 points on the FSW selection grid

However, an HR manager will need additional education

Human Resources professionals can get certified by CPHR Canada.

If you have already have a degree, you may want to get your post-graduate HR diploma in Canada (The length of the program varies by institution).

Once you complete your program, you can apply for a Post-graduate Work Permit (PGWP), which will allow you to stay and work in Canada for 3 years maximum.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

🇨🇦 Converting Canadian Visitor visa to a Work Permit ❔

It`s possible to convert Canadian Visitor Visa to a Work Permit BUT it`s not that easy.

🤔 How can you get your Work Permit in Canada?

In most cases, you will have to have an LMIA based job offer to be able to apply for a work permit.

➖Looking for an LMIA based job offer? Go to smaller cities as employers have a harder time finding employees there

➖ If your occupation is in high demand (trades, healthcare occupations, agriculture, hospitality), you are more likely to get a job

➖ Prepare a strong resume, don`t apply unprepared!

➖Not every job offer will result in a permanent residence. If you get a wrong job offer, it might be a waste of time.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

An interesting article about the importance of financial planning before you commit to studies in 🇨🇦

Recommend to read ✅

👉 @KanadadaTalim

🇨🇦 Visa-free travel to Canada

✅ There are more than 50 countries that can enter Canada without a visa, although most require an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) if they are arriving by air.

❗️United States citizens do not require an eTA or a visa to enter Canada unless they are moving to Canada to work or study.

❗️Nationals of countries that are not exempt from obtaining a visa, must apply for a Temporary Residence Visa (TRV), also known as a visitor visa.

✅ A TRV allows an individual to visit Canada for a period of six months (although this may differ for some foreign nationals).

‼️ Arriving in Canada with a TRV does not give the holder permission to work or study in Canada and they may be asked to demonstrate that the purpose of their visit to Canada is only temporary (such as tourism or visiting family) at their port of entry.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

9.3k 0 10 30 20


💰Highest economy and real estate

Three Quebec towns:

- Terrebonne
- Blainville
- Repentigny

the lowest poverty rates
✅ the lowest unemployment rates

🧑‍🔬 Top cities for happiness in health and well-being

Six Quebec cities:
- Granby
- Saint-Hyacinthe
- Lévis, Québec City
- Drummondville
- Trois-Rivi

Based on:
- life expectancy;
- perceived health/mental health;
- perceived life stress;
- mood disorders and etc.

✅ shorter working hours

🌎 Top spots for community and environment

🌇 St John’s in Newfoundland and Labrador

- the greenest city
- highest-ranking fo
r charity donations

🏞 Cape Breton

- a strong sense of belonging

🏙 Regina and Saskatoon

- the highest number of volunteers in their communities
- the second most stress-free large city (Saskatoon)

🛣 Top cities for location and demographics

- Milton
- Halton Hills
- Burlington

✅ the lowest crime severity index
✅ the most walkable and highest commute time

👉 @KanadadaTalim

🧑‍💻 Job 3: Mechanical Engineers

Third most in-demand job of 2023

☝️ From cheapest to most expensive HR-related program tuition.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

👨🏻‍💻 Job 2: Human Resources (HR) Managers

The 2nd most in-demand job across Canada

✅ Some institutions offer full four-year undergraduate programs and others offer certificate programs that can be completed in less than a year.

☝️ From cheapest to most expensive HR-related program tuition.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

💻 Job 1: Developers

The 1st position in 15 top jobs trending in Canada in 2023.

✅ Developers design and code programs based on user needs: from smartphone apps to business accounting programs to operating systems.

☝️ From cheapest to most expensive computer science-related program tuition.

👉 @KanadadaTalim

The 10 DLIs assessed include:

👉 McGill (Montreal, Quebec)
👉 University of British Columbia – UBC (Vancouver, British Columbia)
👉 University of Toronto – UofT (Toronto, Ontario)
👉 University of Alberta – UAlberta (Edmonton, Alberta)
👉 University of Manitoba – UManitoba (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
👉 University of Saskatchewan – USask (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
👉 Dalhousie (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
👉 University of New Brunswick – UNB (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
👉 Memorial University of Newfoundland – Memorial (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
👉 University of Prince Edward Island – UPEI (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island)

P.s These institutions allow international student graduates to obtain a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

👉 @KanadadaTalim

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