Useful Grammar: "Neither…nor" Structure
Sentence:Neither the
"Olympic City" nor the extended length options
really get to the heart of the issue,
however. Stripping away ritual and decorum in favour of concentrating on athletic rivalry would be preferable.
Translation (Uzbek):Na "Olimpiya shahri" va na uzaytirilgan uzunlik variantlari muammoning mohiyatiga yetib bormaydi,
biroq. Marosim va odob-axloqni chetga surib, faqat sport raqobatiga e’tibor qaratish ma’qulroq bo‘lardi.
About its Grammar:1️⃣
Neither…nor → Correlative conjunctions used to connect two negative ideas.
Really → An adverb emphasizing the main verb ("get to the heart of the issue").
However → A conjunctive adverb introducing contrast.
Stripping away → A gerund phrase acting as the subject of the second sentence.
📌 About its Structure:✅
First sentence:Neither A nor B + verb → Negative statement about both subjects.
Second sentence:[Gerund phrase] + main clause → Emphasizing an action that would be better.
Example Sentences:🔊
Speaking Practice:1️⃣
Neither my
classmates nor my teacher
likes when people are late,
however, we all sometimes arrive late due to traffic.
Neither public transport
nor taxis are convenient in my city,
however, having a bicycle solves this problem.
Writing Practice:3️⃣
Neither social media
nor television should be the main source of news,
however, many people rely on them without verifying the information.
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