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𖣘Is꯭۫͊ ᴋ꯭۫͊ ᴀ꯭۫͊ ɴ꯭۫͊ ᴅ꯭͊۫ ᴀ꯭۫͊ ʀ꯭۫͊ 𖣘 dan repost
Useful Grammar: "Neither…nor" Structure


Neither the "Olympic City" nor the extended length options really get to the heart of the issue, however. Stripping away ritual and decorum in favour of concentrating on athletic rivalry would be preferable.

Translation (Uzbek):

Na "Olimpiya shahri" va na uzaytirilgan uzunlik variantlari muammoning mohiyatiga yetib bormaydi, biroq. Marosim va odob-axloqni chetga surib, faqat sport raqobatiga e’tibor qaratish ma’qulroq bo‘lardi.

📌 About its Grammar:

1️⃣ Neither…nor → Correlative conjunctions used to connect two negative ideas.
2️⃣ Really → An adverb emphasizing the main verb ("get to the heart of the issue").
3️⃣ However → A conjunctive adverb introducing contrast.
4️⃣ Stripping away → A gerund phrase acting as the subject of the second sentence.

📌 About its Structure:

First sentence:
Neither A nor B + verb → Negative statement about both subjects.

Second sentence:
[Gerund phrase] + main clause → Emphasizing an action that would be better.

💡 Example Sentences:

🔊 Speaking Practice:

1️⃣ Neither my classmates nor my teacher likes when people are late, however, we all sometimes arrive late due to traffic.

2️⃣ Neither public transport nor taxis are convenient in my city, however, having a bicycle solves this problem.

📝 Writing Practice:
3️⃣ Neither social media nor television should be the main source of news, however, many people rely on them without verifying the information.

🔥 Try making your own sentences using "Neither…nor"! #GrammarTips #SpeakingPractice #WritingSkills

𖣘Is꯭۫͊ ᴋ꯭۫͊ ᴀ꯭۫͊ ɴ꯭۫͊ ᴅ꯭͊۫ ᴀ꯭۫͊ ʀ꯭۫͊ 𖣘 dan repost
Vocabularies and idioms, check just in case

Runway expenses

- unexpected expenses
In the red

- bankruptcy
To add insult to injury

- oʻlganni ustiga tepgan
Vocant lots

- unused places

Vocant positions

- boʻsh ish oʻrinlari

- injiqlik, istak
Notoriously formidable task

- difficult task

1000 English Collocations Unit 7 Eating (tahlil).pdf
1000 English Collocations Unit 7 Eating 🚀

Boshida beshta yaxshi fraza yozib berganman misollari bilan. Keyin Unit tahlilini qilganman.

Bu dars fayli, videosini yuqorida qoldirganman.

🌐 @bekzodturgunovxx

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Mastering the American Accent.pdf
Mastering the American Accent 🪶

Men bilgan eng yaxshi kitoblardan biri. Pronunciationni keyingi darajaga olib chiqadi.

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Possible part 4 for upcoming exams

Despite background noise I suggest you to listen 👂🏻

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Band 9 Model Answer (Pauline Cullen’s Style)

The diagram illustrates how wire is manufactured from raw materials through a series of stages.

Overall, the process consists of multiple stages, beginning with the extraction and purification of raw materials and culminating in the production of coiled wire. Each step is essential in transforming raw materials into the final product, ensuring an efficient and continuous system.

Initially, iron ore, coking coal, and lime are placed into a blast furnace, where they are subjected to extreme heat of 1,300°C. Following this, reduced coal is transferred to an arc furnace at a higher temperature of 1,800°C, ensuring that impurities are eliminated, and the metal is transformed into its molten state.

At this point, the liquefied metal is directed into another furnace before being funneled through a vat into pre-shaped moulds. Subsequently, the solidified material undergoes pressing and shaping to refine its form. The wire is then cooled at 150°C before being coiled into spools. Finally, the finished product is prepared for industrial distribution.

This systematic procedure ensures a continuous supply of high-quality wire for industrial applications

Pauline Cullen’s 100% Band 9 Process Diagram Formula


"The diagram illustrates how [describe the subject of the diagram] is produced/processed through a series of stages."


"Overall, the process consists of [number] main stages, beginning with [first stage] and culminating in [final stage]. Each step is essential in transforming [raw material] into [final product], ensuring a continuous and efficient system."


"Initially, [describe the first step], where [explain what happens]. Following this, [explain the second stage], which allows for [describe its function]. Once this stage is completed, [describe the next step], ensuring that [explain its purpose]."


"At this point, [describe the next stage], leading to [explain the result]. Subsequently, [describe the following stage], ensuring that [explain its significance]. Finally, [describe the last step], after which [final product] is ready for [describe the end use]."



in Ramadan definitely the texts show us that the good deed is more weighty it's heavier



✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Vocabulary uchun kamida 7.0-8.0 ball olasiz. Osh bo’lsin

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Many writers, including Paul Millerd who is the author of "Pathless Path", use Claude over ChatGPT for writing.

Give Claude 3.7 a try. It is actually better than ChatGPT for editing.

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Edu Grands dan repost
🏆 S.T. Yau High School Science Award (Asia)

: Xitoy 🇨🇳
Yosh toifasi: 12-18

Bu tanlov Osiyodagi oʻrta maktab oʻquvchilari oʻrtasida ilmiy tadqiqotda innovatsiya, oʻziga xoslik va ijodkorlikni ragʻbatlantirish uchun xizmat qiladi.

➡️ Imtiyozlari:
- Pekin shahriga sayohat qilish imkoniyati;
- G'oliblarga pul mukofotlari;
- Yoshlarning ilmiy tadqiqotlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash;
- Qatnashganligi haqida sertifikat.

🔗 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: Havola

📌 Ro'yxatdan o'tishning so'nggi sanasi: 12-iyun


Autsayderlarga qarshi taktik sxema: 3-4-2-1

📌 Himoya: Balde, Araujo, Koundé
📌 Markaz: Pedri, De Jong, Olmo, Gavi
📌 Hujum: Raphinha, Lewandowski, Yamal

⚡ Ushbu sxema afzalliklari:

✅ Kuchli pressing va to‘p nazorati
✅ Yoqalardan tezkor hujumlar
✅ Himoyada barqarorlik va hujumda ko‘proq variantlar

📊 Qachon ishlatish kerak?
Himoyaga yotib oladigan jamoalarga qarshi
Tezkor kombinatsiyalar va wing dribbling talab qilinganda

Sizningcha, bu taktikani qaysi o‘yinda sinab ko‘rish kerak? 🔵🔴

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Mening fikrimcha...

Barcelonaʼning taktikasi Yamal jarohat olganida va o‘yinda o‘zgarishlar qanday bo‘ladi?

🔵 Tarkib:
Darvozabon: Szczesny
🛡 Himoyachilar: Koundé, Araujo, Cubarsí, Martínez
🎯 Yarim himoya: Pedri, De Jong, Olmo
🔥 Hujumkor yarim himoyachilar: Balde, Lewandowski, Raphinha

🔹 Taktika tahlili:

✅ Himoyachilar: Koundé, Araujo, Cubarsí va Martínez — bu to‘rtaligi juda ishonchli va kuchli himoyachilar. Jamoa yaxshi himoya o‘yinini ta’minlaydi.
✅ Markaziy yarim himoya: Pedri, De Jong va Olmo — o‘yin nazoratini qo‘lga olib, jamoaning hujum va himoya o‘rtasida muvozanatni saqlaydi.
✅ Hujumkorlar: Balde, Lewandowski va Raphinha — tezkor va kuchli hujumchilar, ular doimiy ravishda jamoaga yangi hujumlar yaratishda yordam beradi. Lewandowski — asosiy to‘purar.

O‘zgarishlar va kuchaytirishlar:
Olmo o‘rniga Gavi yoki Fermin Lopez (vaziyatga qarab) tushiriladi.
De Jong o‘rniga Casado tushadi.
Lewandowski o‘rniga Torres tushadi.

Agar jamoa mag‘lub bo‘layotgan yoki durrang o‘ynayotgan bo‘lsa, Inigo o‘rniga Torres tushiriladi va sxema 3-4-3 ga o‘zgaradi

🔹 3-4-3 sxemasi (agar gol zarur bo‘lsa):
🛡 Himoyachilar: Koundé, Araujo, Cubarsí
🎯 Markaz: Pedri, De Jong, Olmo, Balde
🔥 Hujum: Torres, Lewandowski, Raphinha

🔹 Gol kiritilgandan so‘ng (doimiy sxemaga qaytish):
🔄 4-2-3-1 sxemasi:

Balde LB (chap qanot himoyachisi)ga qaytadi.

📌 Sizning fikringiz qanday? Ushbu taktika o‘zgarishlari Barcelona uchun foydali bo‘ladimi?

Elevate MUN

Davlat: O'zbekiston🇺🇿
Dastur shakli:
Yosh toifasi: 12-36

Elevate MUN – xalqaro virtual konferensiya bo‘lib, ishtirokchilarni diplomatiya, global muammolar va muzokaralar orqali fikrlashga undaydi.

➡️ Imtiyozlari:
- Tajribali moderatorlar boshchiligida yuqori darajadagi debatlar
- Notiqlik, diplomatiya va yetakchilik mahoratini rivojlantirish
- Dunyo bo‘ylab tengdoshlar bilan tarmoq yaratish
- Eng yaxshi ishtirokchilar uchun sertifikatlar

🔗 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun: Havola

📌 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning so‘nggi muddati: 1-mart

⚡️ @EduGrandsUz

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

[MINDLESS_WRITER] 10 TASK 2 Predictions.pdf
10 ta Writing Task 2 Prediction'lar kelasi imtihonlar uchun! 🔥


✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

🇪🇺 Chempionlar ligasi 1/8 final o'yinlari boshlanish vaqtlari:

🇧🇪 "Bryugge" vs "Aston Villa" 🇬🇧
📆 4-mart | 22:45

🇩🇪 "Dortmund" vs "Lill" 🇫🇷
📆 4/5-mart | 01:00

🇳🇱 PSV vs "Arsenal" 🇬🇧
📆 4/5-mart | 01:00

🇪🇸 "Real Madrid" vs "Atletiko" 🇪🇸
📆 4/5-mart 01:00

🇳🇱 "Feyenord" vs "Inter" 🇮🇹
📆 5-mart | 22:45

🇩🇪 "Bavariya" vs "Bayer" 🇩🇪
📆 5/6-mart | 01:00

🇵🇹 "Benfika" vs "Barselona" 🇪🇸
📆 5/6-mart | 01:00

🇫🇷 PSJ vs "Liverpul" 🇬🇧
📆 5/6-mart | 01:00

✅ Javob o'yinlari:

🇪🇸 "Barselona" vs "Benfika" 🇵🇹
📆 11-mart | 22:45

🇮🇹 "Inter" vs "Feyenord" 🇳🇱
📆 11/12-mart | 01:00

🇩🇪 "Bayer" vs "Bavariya" 🇩🇪
📆 11/12-mart | 01:00

🇬🇧 "Liverpul" vs PSJ 🇫🇷
📆 11/12-mart | 01:00

🇫🇷 "Lill" vs "Dortmund" 🇩🇪
📆 12-mart | 22:45

🇬🇧 "Arsenal" vs PSV 🇳🇱
📆 12/13-mart | 01:00

🇬🇧 "Aston Villa" vs "Bryugge" 🇧🇪
📆 12/13-mart | 01:00

🇪🇸 "Atletiko" vs "Real Madrid" 🇪🇸
📆 12/13-mart | 01:00

@Inlineuz - futbol biz bilan birga

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

Telefonni qaysi qo‘lda ushlash ko‘z zreniyasiga ta’sir qiladimi? 👀📱

Ha, telefonni qanday ushlashing ko‘z sog‘lig‘iga ta’sir qilishi mumkin:
📲 O‘ng qo‘lda ushlasang – Ko‘pincha o‘ng ko‘z bilan ekranga diqqat qaratasan, natijada chap ko‘z kamroq ishlaydi va zreniyasi tezroq pasayishi mumkin.
📱 Chap qo‘lda ushlasang – Chap ko‘z ekranga yaqinroq bo‘lib, ko‘proq yuk tushadi, bu esa uning tezroq charchashiga olib keladi.
🔦 Noto‘g‘ri yoritish, uzoq vaqt qarash va ekranga yaqin turish ham ko‘zga zarar yetkazadi. Ko‘zlarni himoya qilish uchun muntazam dam olish va yorug‘likni to‘g‘ri tanlash muhim! ✅

✈️ @Iskandars_blog1

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.