Expressing of emotions - His-tuyg'ularni ifoda etish.
🍀Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
🍀What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
🍀I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
🍀Oh, damn!- Jin ursin!
🍀Alas! - Afsus!
🍀Really? - Rostdanmi?
🍀What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
🍀I can't believe it! - Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
🍀I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
🍀I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
🍀I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
🍀Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - Aksincha!
🍀Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
🍀That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
🍀No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
🍀With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
🍀It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
🍀That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
🍀Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
🍀That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - Bu ajoyib (soz, mo'jaz)!
🍀My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
🍀My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
🍀Absolutely! - So'zsiz!
🍀Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
🍀Who knows! - Kim bilsin!
👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
🍀Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
🍀What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
🍀I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
🍀Oh, damn!- Jin ursin!
🍀Alas! - Afsus!
🍀Really? - Rostdanmi?
🍀What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
🍀I can't believe it! - Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
🍀I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
🍀I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
🍀I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
🍀Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - Aksincha!
🍀Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
🍀That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
🍀No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
🍀With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
🍀It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
🍀That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
🍀Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
🍀That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - Bu ajoyib (soz, mo'jaz)!
🍀My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
🍀My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
🍀Absolutely! - So'zsiz!
🍀Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
🍀Who knows! - Kim bilsin!
👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧