Imron Kadyrov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

🏔 Future Corporate Lawyer
📮 For private messages: @Leeon_msc
🇮🇹 Sapienza University of Rome ‘28

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Chinar Talks x Imron Kadyrov

You all know a close friend of mine Husan Isomiddinov. He has launched non-profit project (podcast) where he interviews people from different fields in English language.

He already has 2 episodes with wonderful people like Kamoliddin Yo'lbarsov and Levsha. I was honored to be the third guest with podcast's title "From Kokand to Rome"; and this podcast will be released very soon.

Till then, I highly recommend you to subscribe and watch those beneficial podcasts. See you!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Manimcha bu ot unchali friendly'ga o'xshamayapti💀

753 0 1 12 32

Someone has to raise this topic:

1) Are MUNs useless?

2) Is organizing MUNs more worth-writing as an ECs, rather than participation?

3) Does the networking from MUNs become "powerful" as many people do participate?

Boshqa shaharlar: "Don't go out"

Nukus: "Welcome to Switzerland!🇨🇭"

782 0 3 19 19

🇨🇭IQ_Air: "Toshkent xavo ifloslanishi bo'yicha top 1 shahar"

🇺🇿 Ekologiya ministrlari: "IQ Air obyektivligini shubhaga olamiz. Chunki ularni sensorlarini ham xususiy ham jismoniy shaxslar qo'yishi mumkin"

Endi sensorlarni uyga qo'yish kerak shekilli. Agar bizni xavo sifati Yangi Zellandiyani xavo sifatiga o'xshaganda bu gaplar mantiqan to'g'ri bo'lardi.

Xozir esa ko'zni yopib olib "bu muammo yo'q; bu muammoni sezmayapman" degan bilan muammo yo'qolib qolmaydi.

Paranoic bo'lib qolibti💀

ChatGPT has new update. o3-mini chiqdi. "Tafakkur" qilishni bilar emish.

Let the rivalry begin! DeepSeek vs ChatGPT.

I'm sorry, i had to make this meme

Nothing gives more satisfaction than seeing how scamers are getting furious and try hard to justify themselves (they don't have results, lol) after being exposed by experienced people literally destroying them in the field.

Reaction is priceless.

868 0 0 12 16

Article about Dartmouth College's research about SAT test-optional policy's impact on applicants from low-income families.

it's his first game. believe me after some time he'll be one of the best defenders.


Ta'lim: 📉📉📉
O'qituvchi qadri: 📉📉📉
Sifatli kadrlar soni: 📉📉📉
O'quvchilar nazorati: 📉📉📉
O'quvchilar natijalari: 📉📉📉
Ta'lim ministrlari oyligi: 📈📈📈

Just do it (later)

Avtobuschi amakiga to'xtashni so'ragani qo'rqadigan do'stiz bir kun:

p.s. Shoakmal adashib boshqa avtobusga o'tirib qolibti, so'rasa u avtobus to'xtamas ekan🤣

⚠️ International Studentlar bu rasmni ochmasin.

Ochsa ham mani qarg'amansin. Hammaga omad, ahahah)

927 0 0 12 17

Channel's birthday🥳

2 Years of blogging

Shu qalang'i qasang'i kurslarga talab tusharmikin hech?

Instagramda chiqvolib har 3chi odam 1 tiyn topmasdan self-improvement/trading bo'yicha kurs ochvoradi. Eng yomoni minglab odamlar va oilalar shunga ishonadi ham.

Natijasi qo'lida bo'lgandayam mayli edi, shundegicha yolg'on ishlatib bosvoradi, 0dan ingliz tilini 1.5 soatda o'rgatib yaqinda...

Ehh bu "progrev"larga ishonib qolgan xalqim...

Agar kimdir nima qilish mumkinligini bilsa yozvorsin manga @Leeon_msc

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.