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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Many of young individuals may feel frustrated that they have been left with a crisis - whether climate change, Covid -19, global warming, environmental disasters- they didn’t create. There is a sense of betrayal and understandable anger that disrupts their sense of a positive vision of the future.

- says Emma Lawrence at Imperial College London.

Well, this actually makes sense.

✏️It is tempting to

📢Meaning: This phrase expresses a strong but sometimes unwise or impulsive desire to do something.

1. It is tempting to stay in bed all day when it’s cold outside.
2. It is tempting to buy the latest phone, but I need to save money.
3. It is tempting to eat another slice of cake, but I’ve already had two.

🧾How to Use It:
• Often followed by a verb in its base form (e.g., “It is tempting to ignore my homework”).
• Used to express an impulse that may or may not be acted upon.

⭐️Key Points to Remember:
✔ Expresses a strong desire.
✔ Suggests that acting on the temptation might not be the best decision.

New Scientist - 3 March 2025.pdf
📚 New Scientist, weekly release. 03.03.2025

Siroj's notes | 8.0 dan repost
Passage 2 real.pdf
Real exam Passage 2 ( Surviving city life) 🔥

Do this one, too. it might appear in your exam

Happy women’s day 🙂

Siroj's notes | 8.0 dan repost
06 03 Passage 3.pdf
'' rel='nofollow'>Answer keys

Just making you feel single through media 😄😉
Don’t worry, if you go out in the next 3 days, you will feel even more single than you do now. 🙂

🔍How fasting kills cancer

Fasting can help kill cancer. It reprograms the immune system’s “natural killer” (NK) cells to combat cancer’s spread, and it also starves
cancer cells of the nutrients they need to grow. NK cells are a type of white blood cell that can kill abnormal or damaged cells, such as cancer cells or cells infected by a virus. Unlike T cells, they can ward off a threat even if they have never
encountered it before. Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center have discovered in lab tests on mice how fasting kick-starts the NK cells into action.
Fasting for 24 hours twice a week—and then eating normally the rest of the time—reduces glucose (sugar) levels and increases free fatty acids, which are lipids released by fat cells that act as an alternative energy source. This change also occurs in humans.
During the fasting periods, the NK cells learned to use the fatty acids as fuel, which “optimizes their anticancer response,” explained Rebecca Delconte, one of the researchers. They haven’t tested this action in humans yet, but they’ve observed that fasting changes the way NK cells circulate in humans.

The two 24-hour weekly fasts didn’t have any detrimental effect, and there was no weight loss, the researchers added. In the next phase of the study, the researchers will test different types of fasting to see which ones are the most effective.



💡What are the reasons for this trend? And what can be done to address this issue?

Siroj's notes | 8.0 dan repost
man or machine passage 2.pdf

it might appear in your test , so do this one, too

Thanks for unlimited reactions 😊😄

💡Some practical sentence structures:

🎥I could see myself + V-ing” (B2, neutral – can be used in both formal and informal contexts depending on tone)

Definition: This phrase is used to express that you can imagine yourself in a particular situation or role in the future.

🟣 I could see myself working in marketing after graduation. (neutral, professional)
🟣 I could see myself living in Spain one day—it’s such a beautiful country! (neutral, conversational)

🎥“I’m dying to know/see/try…” (B1, informal)

This phrase expresses strong excitement or impatience about experiencing or learning something.


I’m dying to see the new season of my favorite show!
She’s dying to try that new sushi place downtown.

🎥“He/She would stop at nothing to…” (C1, formal & informal depending on context)

This means someone is extremely determined and will do anything to achieve their goal, often with a sense of relentless ambition.


He would stop at nothing to get that promotion.
She would stop at nothing to protect her family.

🎥“I have emotional baggage.” (B2, neutral – more common in casual speech)

Refers to unresolved emotional issues from past experiences that affect one’s present relationships or mental state.


After his last breakup, he realized he had a lot of emotional baggage to deal with.
She’s hesitant to start a new relationship because of her emotional baggage.

🎥“Die a little inside.” (B2, informal)

Describes a feeling of deep disappointment, embarrassment, or emotional pain.


I died a little inside when I realized I had been calling my teacher by the wrong name all year.
She died a little inside when she saw her ex with someone new.

🎥“Sketch someone out.” (B2, informal, slang)

To make someone feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or scared.


That abandoned house really sketches me out.
He sketched me out with his weird behavior at the party.

🎥“Someone or something is sketchy/dodgy.” (B2-C1, informal for “sketchy,” British informal for “dodgy”)

Describes a person, place, or situation that seems dishonest, unreliable, or unsafe.


That guy seemed really sketchy—I didn’t trust him at all.
We left the bar early because the crowd was getting dodgy.

🌚Make up sentences from the phrases above and share them in the comments section 🙂



➖ Describe an energetic person you know
➖ Describe your grandfather’s/ grandmother's job
➖ Describe an area of science that interests you
➖ Describe an occasion when your vehicle broke down during a trip
➖ Describe a place in the village you visited
➖ Describe a positive change that you have made recently in your daily routine
➖ Describe something you bought but returned in the end
➖ Describe an occasion when you forgot something important
➖ Describe an important rule at school or at work
➖ Describe an important decision that you once made
➖ Describe a foreign country you'd like to visit in the future
➖ Describe a time you made a promise to someone
➖ Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a song or poem
➖ Describe an interesting building
➖ Describe a plan you had to change
➖ Describe a time when it was important to tell your friend the truth
➖ Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly
➖ Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home
➖ Describe a TV series that you like
➖ Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
➖ Describe a sport you really like
➖ Describe a live performance you enjoyed watching
➖ Describe a newly enacted law that you like but you want to change part of it
➖ Describe a sports person or team that you like
➖ Describe a time when you had a day off, free from work or study
➖ Describe a place with a lot of trees that you would like to visit (for example, forest, oasis)


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10 Benefits of Fasting in the month of Ramadan.pdf
#fasting 🔖

Fasting in Ramadan isn’t just about skipping meals—it’s a journey of transformation. Here are 10 powerful benefits:

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26.02.2025 CDI Passage 2 [ @ielts_materials_and_more ].pdf
🕯 26.02.2025
📚 CDI Passage 2
📖 Answers in the file
Can we believe our own eyes?

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