Nodirjon's IELTSmates

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

IELTS Instructor at Everest Amir Temur (@EverestOfficial)
Teaching since 2018
Owner: @InstructorNodir (Overall 8.5)

@UzIELTSbot - IELTS is easy with us!
(Almost all preparation materials)
📍 Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

A great opportunity for the guys out there! If you’ve attended my classes and scored at least an overall 6.0 (with Speaking and Writing no less than 6.0), plus if you’re fluent in Russian, and interested in working in logistics—reach out to me.

A close friend of mine is hiring for his company and asked if I knew any potential candidates. There will be a one-week training, and the most suitable candidates will be selected for the job.

👉 @NodirjonEgamberdiev

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#reading #morning #language
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#reading #morning #practice
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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Day 2 - Test 2 (Clipper Races).docx
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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Day 2 - Test 2 (Clipper Races).pdf
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
Clipper Races

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1.6k 0 17 115 19

Morning Sessions - Day 2!

More than 3 mins... Is this a problem? Nope, it is a challenge.
Problem - Something you can't fix!
Something you are defeated by!
Stops you dead in your tracks!

Challenge - something you rise to
Something you step up to and say alright this is tough but I am tougher.
Let's go!

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#useful #shadowing #Calmness
🎧 Day 1 - Why Calmness is your superpower?

©️Denzel Washington

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Why Calmness is your superpower.pdf
#useful #shadowing #Calmness
📝Why Calmness is your superpower?
1. Just Listen and try to identify Intonation Patterns( ups, downs, up-downs, down-ups, across ups...) until you get them all right.
2. Listen and read - Until you can have the same speed with the person in the audio.
3. Listen and repeat without the text.
🎧 Audio

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Who wants to see more shadowing activities? But this time, it is not gonna be easy, the activities will be longer and more difficult, more suitable for higher level candidates. I myself am up for the challenge right now and have already started practicing. Any companions here?

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Everyone can react, but not everyone can respond!

©️Denzel Washington

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EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
📌CD IELTS rasmiy imtihonlarini Everestda topshiring!

🤔Oxirgi paytlarda CD IELTS imtihonlari ko'pchilik uchun qiziqish uyg'otmoqda:

Agar kompyuterda ishlash siz uchun qulay bo'lsa imtihon vaqtida o'zingizni ancha erkin his qilasiz;
• Javoblari ham tezroq chiqadi;
Va yana bir yaxshi tomoni uni Everestda ham topshirish mumkin :)

Biz imtihonlarga tayyormiz!

📹Instagram 📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#reading #morning #Language
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#reading #morning #Practice
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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Eating too much > Obesity

Day 1 - Test 1 (Silk Industry).docx
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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2.5k 0 32 10 25

Day 1 - Test 1 (Silk).pdf
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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Morning Sessions - Day 1!

Everest Go Global | Study abroad dan repost
Nega siz TOP universitetlarga kira olmaysiz? 🎓

Garchi TOP universitetlarga kirish juda qiyin va raqobatli bo‘lsa-da, oxirgi yillarda o‘zbek yoshlari ham bu ishni uddalashmoqda. 🚀

🔥 Dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlariga qabul qilingan talabalar bilan esa shu mavzuda suhbatlashdik:

Bobirjon Baxtiyorov – student at 🇺🇸Johns Hopkins University #16
IELTS 9.0 | SAT 1600

Suhrob Salimov – student at 🇬🇧University of Birmingham #93
IELTS 7.5 | SAT 1500

Jamshidbek Izzatulloh – student at 🇺🇸Vanderbilt University #90
IELTS 8.0 | SAT 1520

📌 Ularning muvaffaqiyat siri nimada?
📌 Ular qanday xatolardan qochishdi?
📌 Nega siz hali ham TOP universitetga kira olmaysiz?

Va shu kabi boshqa savollaringizga video davomida javob olasiz.

Yaxshilab joylashib oling! 🍿

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Kanalimiz obunachilari uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

Everestning istalgan kurslarida
1️⃣ 3 oy;
2️⃣ 2 oy;
3️⃣ 1 oy bepul o'qish uchun VAUCHER yutib olishingiz mumkin!

@everestofficial hamda @everest_kids kanallariga obuna bo'lib, ushbu post ostidagi QATNASHAMAN tugmasini bosib qo'ysangiz yetarli🤷‍♂️

🏆G'oliblar 25.02.25 (25-fevral) 20:00 da random bot orqali aniqlanadi va shu yerda e'lon qilinadi✅
❗️Yuqoridagi 2 ta kanalga obuna bo'lmagan bo'lsangiz ishtirok eta olmaysiz!

🚀 Xabarni yaqinlaringizga ham ulashib qo'ying. Biz bu kabi tanlovlarni har oy va hatto har hafta o'tkazishni reja qilyapmiz...

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.