Nodirjon's IELTSmates

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

IELTS Instructor at Everest Amir Temur (@EverestOfficial)
Teaching since 2018
Owner: @InstructorNodir (Overall 8.5)

@UzIELTSbot - IELTS is easy with us!
(Almost all preparation materials)
📍 Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Assalomu alaykum hammaga!
Alhamdulillah. Bu yil ham manashu yaxshi ko'rsatkich qilgan ustozlar qatorida qilgani uchun O'ziga shukr!

P.S. Thailand'da bo'lganlar yoki bu davlat haqida o'rganganlardan comment qismda tavsiyalar kutib qolaman🤓

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Bu yilgi EVEREST TOUR ABROAD qayerga bo'lishini dodumatsa qildingiz shekilli-a, do'stlar?! 🔥🔥🔥

Bu yilgi sayohatimizni rasman "Thailand wait for it, EVEREST will come and getcha!" deb nomladik! ;)

2025-yil Yanvar oyi birinchi yarmida aniqrog'i 5 va 12-Yanvar sanalari oralig'ida EVEREST jamoasi 33 vakili Thailandga birgalikda sayohat qiladi, Xudo xohlasa!

Bu yilgi tour doirasida:
- 7 nafar Branch Manageri;
- 1 nafar EVEREST Media Team a'zosi;
- 2 nafar EVEREST Solution Team a'zosi;
- 1 nafar Abituriyent Jamoasi a'zosi;
- 1 nafar Rus tili ustozimiz;
- 17 nafar IELTS instruktori;
- 4 nafar jamoadoshlarimiz oila a'zolari Thailandga borishadi, azizlar!

Sayohat mobaynida, ushbu jamoa oldida quyidagi muhim vazifalar turibdi:

🚀 butun dunyoni lol qoldirgan orollarga borish va moshshniy selfilar olish;
🚀 xilma-xil dunyo mamlakatlari ovqatlaridan tatib ko'rish;
🚀 dengizda maza qilib cho'milish;
🚀 adrenaline va pozitiv emotsiya beradigan mashg'ulotlar bilan shug'ullanish!
🚀 bu dunyoga kelib dunyo ko'rmasdan o'tib ketmaslik;
🚀 umuman olganda mazza qilishda endi, xullas;

👉 Darvoqe, EVEREST sayohatlari mobaynida rasmiy qismlar, majlislar va boshqa beqiliqliklar hech qachon bo'lmagan va bo'lmaydiyam! Biz ensa qotirish uchun emas, chisto mazza qilish va dam olish uchun bormoqdamiz, karoche! ;)

P.S. Yuqoridagi vazifalarni a'lo darajada uddalaymiz degan umiddamiz! ;) ⛰️🚀

❗️Kstati, Thailandda yana nimalar qilishni maslahat berasizlar, do'stlar! Comments sectionida yozib qoldiring! :)

📹Instagram  📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Rasm podskazka, Xudo xohlasa!

Comments sectionida bir topib ko'ringlarchi, do'stlar! ;)

Wishing all IELTS candidates the best for the upcoming exam! 🌟

Here are four last-minute tips for success:

1. Listening:
Be sure you warm up a little bit before the test. You can listen to your favorite podcast at a higher speed(x1.5 or x2) or practice Micro Skills by doing some spelling exercises.
Telegram > @IELTS_Listening_Skill_Practice

2. Time Management:
Use your time efficiently in the listening and reading tests. Stay aware of the clock to answer all questions.

3. Reading:
Quickly skim passages to identify key points, and focus on understanding main ideas for efficient reading.

4. Writing:
If you feel you don't have ideas, try thinking from another angle. Use Different Perspectives to come up with ideas.

5. Avoid Anxiety:
Focus on deep breathing just before the test!

Good luck! 📚🎓

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Jaymes Young - Infinity (Lyrics)

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Strategies to make the most out of it:

1. Choose the Right Songs

Start with songs that match your language level.

Focus on genres with clear pronunciation, such as pop, folk, or acoustic.

Gradually challenge yourself with faster-paced genres like rap.

2. Active Listening

Listen and Read: Find the lyrics and follow along as you listen.

Focus on Pronunciation: Pay attention to how words are pronounced and mimic them.

Identify New Words/Phrases: Note down unfamiliar words and look up their meanings.

3. Practice Singing Along

Singing helps improve pronunciation, rhythm, and fluency.

Repeat songs until you can sing along without looking at the lyrics.

4. Analyze the Lyrics

Understand Context and Meaning: Analyze metaphors, idioms, and slang used in the lyrics.

Grammar and Sentence Structure: Observe how sentences are formed in songs.

Learn Common Phrases: Focus on collocations and everyday expressions.

5. Use Songs for Vocabulary Expansion

Write down new words or phrases.

Create sentences with these words to reinforce learning.

Group similar words to expand your vocabulary in specific themes.

6. Practice Speaking and Writing

Shadowing Technique: Repeat lines immediately after hearing them to improve fluency.

Write Your Own Lyrics: Try writing verses in English using new vocabulary.

7. Engage with Online Communities

Join forums or social media groups focused on music and language learning.

Discuss song meanings, share interpretations, and get feedback.

8. Regular Practice

Incorporate songs into your daily routine.

Set goals like learning one song per week.

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Assalomu alaykum. If there are people who like to listen to songs, the post below will help you make best use of English songs and improve your language🤓

#short #story #something
Once upon a time, there was a mute person and a deaf person. The mute would speak, and the deaf would listen attentively, thoroughly enjoying it...

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Overall 8.0🔥 🔥 🔥
Exam date: Nov 7 CDI, 2024
Instructor: @NodirjonEgamberdiev

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90

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5.6k 0 11 36 149


Overall 7.0🔥
Exam date: Oct 26, 2024
Instructor: @NodirjonEgamberdiev

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90

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#mood #just #repost
🎵Beautiful Day - Jermaine Edwards

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Mindfullness at Work.pdf
Mindfullness at Work



Day 13- Mindfulness at work



#mood #GoodMorning
Socrates says:
I never liked getting up early, but my mother wanted me to. One day, she complained to my teacher. The teacher called me over and said, ‘I’m going to tell you a story, and you’ll need to find the lesson in it, alright?’

‘Alright,’ I replied.

‘So, there are two birds. The first bird wakes up early, finds insects to eat, and feeds her young. The second bird doesn’t get up early and ends up going hungry. What lesson do you get from this story?’

I thought for a moment and then replied, ‘Early insects are food for the birds!’

Be an early bird, not an early insect;)

Mavlono NE

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6k 0 11 6 136

#schedule #update #groups #levels
1. New Graduation
📌 Days: Tue/Thur/Sat
🕒Time: 16:30 - 18:30

Kurslarga qo'shilmoqchi bo'lganlar savollarizni shu post commentida yoki pastdagi accountlar va telefon raqamlar orqali olishingiz mumkin.
Men va yordamchilarim:
Markaz administratorlari:

📍 Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.