IELTS with Abdulaziz

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇬🇧 Never dream of success, work to succeed.

🇺🇿 Hech qachon muvaffaqiyatni orzu qilmang, muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun harakat qiling.

👉 @IELTS_with_Abdulaziz

15 words and their Synonyms
Word 》Syn.

Want 》desire
Fantastic 》incredible
Enormous 》huge
Fast 》rapid
Joy 》delight
Dense 》thick
Link 》join
Blank 》 empty
Dangerous 》risky
Approve 》accept
Angry 》mad
Miniature 》tiny
Attractive 》gorgeous
Shy 》bashful
Frigid 》freezing

#advanced #English #vocabulary


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 This is why your English isn't improving!

Express Your Opinion Using:

🤔To me
🤔I think
🤔I believe
🤔As I think
🤔I feel that
🤔As I know
🤔In my idea
🤔In my view
🤔If you ask me
🤔In my opinion
🤔To my experience
🤔In my humble opinion
🤔From my point of view
🤔As far as I am concerned
🤔I would like to point out that

#learnenglish #vocabulary

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Ways to say goodnight🥱😴


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇬🇧 "No one, yes, no one can do anything for you, you just have to act for yourself"

🇺🇿 "Hech kim, ha, hech kim siz uchun nimadur qilib bermaydi, oʻzingiz uchun faqat oʻzingiz harakat qilishingiz kerak"

©Mel Robbins

👉 @IELTS_with_Abdulaziz

Ways to say hello👋

I am Going to Sleep Synonyms

😴drift off
😴nod off
😴go to bed
😴take a nap
😴fall asleep
😴hit the sack
😴It’s bedtime
😴call it a night
😴Get to sleep
😴I’m off to bed
😴get some sleep
😴I’m going to crash
😴I’m going to turn in
😴get some shut-eye
😴It’s past my bedtime
😴I’m going to hit the hay
😴I’m going to hit the sack
😴I’m going to take a nap
😴I need to get forty winks
😴I think I’II say good night now
😴I’m going to catch some Zs
😴I can hardly keep my eyes open

#LearnEnglish #vocabulary

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