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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

8.0 holder
Full-time instructor at Everest [Navoiy 2]

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

The bar chart compares four different musical instruments that school children learned to play in three years - 2005, 2010 and 2015. Overall, it is clear that piano and guitar grew in popularity among children during the period while the other two - drums and violin - remained quite uncommon.
Piano and guitar were the most preferred options for students at school during all three years, with increasing popularity. In 2005, the figure for those playing the piano and guitar was 10% each, which rose to around 20% in 2010. About 40% of children knew to play the guitar in 2015 - a little higher than the proportion of piano players.
By contrast, there was always little interest in the remaining two instruments - drums and violin. Although almost 10% of students chose to play the violin initially, this percentage went down to as small as 5%. Meanwhile, drums were the least common in 2005, before having a marginal rise in the final year.
Words >> 164
Time >> 23 minutes

High levels of added sugars are linked to worsened metabolic health and early disease, possibly more than any other dietary factor.



Smth I taught a relative


English perspective dan repost

There is one piece regarding a orphan boy in the book I'm reading nowadays. I'm really interested in their orphans life and emotions so it's really heart-touching when you read those pages.

I reminded myself: "Take a close look at your life, your dad and mum is living, creating unimaginable comfort for you and easing your life. Then your brothers, relatives and your friends. What if we didn't have any of them. Can you understand a bit about orphans life and their feelings? Can you understand how hard it is to be tested on this ? Can you understand the difference between your life and his ?

These are the questions that always touches my heart whenever I read about them.


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Avgust oyi Everest uchun yuksak natijalar bilan yodda qoladigan oy bo‘ldi. O‘quvchilarimiz o‘z mehnatlari va tirishqoqliklari bilan yuqori ballarga erishishdi!

O'quvchilar natijalari:
🔹Overall 7.0 – 149 ta
🔸 Overall 7.5 – 66 ta
💥 Overall 8.0 – 16 ta
💣 Overall 8.5 – 2 ta
Bu muvaffaqiyatlar faqat o‘quvchilar emas, balki Everest o‘qituvchilarining malakali yondashuvi va samarali mehnati natijasi hamdir!

📆Avgust "Everest ustozlar jamoasi" uchun ham ancha esda qolarli natijalar olib keldi:
O'qituvchilar natijalari:
🔸 Overall 8.0 – 16 ta
⚡️ Overall 8.5 – 8 ta
🔥 Overall 9.0 – 2 ta


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Bugun (17.09)

16:30 >> 18:30

Everest >> Alisher Navoiy branch
Teacher >> Kamina (L.Dilmurod)


EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Everestda 3 - Overall 9.0🎉

🏔"Everest Alisher Navoiy 2" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚 Reading - 9.0
📃 Writing - 8.0
🎙 Speaking - 9.0

📨 Personal messages: @SardorbekRakhmonberdiev
📌 Channel: @ieltswiths

Bunday yutuqlar Everest o'quv markazi uchun yangilik emas! Albatta bilim va maqsadning kesishgan joyida ana shundany ajoyib natijalar yaratiladi.

⭐️Sardorbek Rakhmonberdievning muvaffaqiyati o'quv markazimizning ta'lim sifati va ustozlarimizning mehnatsevarligi ifodasidir.

🫵🏻Siz ham o'z orzularingizga intilib, yuqori natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi?
🏔Everestda buning uddasidan chiqishingiz yanada oson!


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Assalamu alaykum, do'stlarim.

Alhamdulillah, bugun farzandli bo'ldim. Haqqiga bir duo qilib qo'yarsizlar🤍

1.5k 0 16 49 93

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Everestda 2-Overall 9.0💣

🏔"Everest Xalqlar Do'stligi" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sirojiddin Malikov shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚Reading - 9.0
📃Writing - 8.5
🎙Speaking - 8.5

️O'quv markazimiz doimo NATIJA uchun ishlaydi! Ustozlarimiz Everestda ta'lim sifati yuqori bo'lishi uchun o'z ustilarida ishlashni aslo kanda qilishmaydi! Buning isbotini so'ngi oydagi natijalarda ko'rishingiz mumkin!

✨Yangi tarix sahifalari ochilmoqda! Voqealar rivojini kuzatib boring.
🎯Sizni maqsadlaringizga erishishda yordam bera oladigan aniq manzil qayerda ekaniga o'zingiz amin bo'ling!


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ignore - verb
ignorant - adjective
ignorance - noun

Can you guys send me the LAST three topics of Speaking in the app?

All part1/part2/part3

951446040 » markazni telefon nomeri ( xohlagancha ma'lumot olishilar mumkin)

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.