Jahongir Esanov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

⚜️IELTS Instructor⚜️
🔆Works at Registan LC, Chilanzar
🔅Studies at WIUT
💥Overall: 8.5 (x18)
L: 9.0 (x21)
R: 9.0 (x19)
W: 8.0 (x7)
S: 8.5 (x4)
👨🏻‍💻Admin: @joha_admin
👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓Student life: @student_life_with_Jahongir
📄 @results_with_Jahongir

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Perfect music
Perfect destination
Perfect team

(P.S. I will share out some pics from our trip soon)


As I told, she is now in China, exploring things out there🤫.

Here are some pics and videos of her trip, post-result feelings and emotions after landing in the country:)


Iroda, congratulations😇.

Overall: 8.0🤗

Just incredible😌.

She took the exam without anybody knowing about it, including her parents and siblings🤫.

Otherwise, she could have put a lot of pressure on herself during the exam.

I did not want to go to the exam venue, either, because I was too afraid she could be nervous, but she forced me to go together😅.

I am proud of you, girl🤩…

May it be the least you can achieve🤲.


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Hats off, Ibodat🥳

You and Zulayho’s results have been extremely important for me, as we have come this far from the very beginning🙃.

Not many teachers can help their students reach from Beginner level to IELTS😌.

You made me one of a few teachers like this. You two literally made my day😇.

Grammatikadan juda zoʻr dars bergan ekanman, koʻz tegmasin☺️. Writingni 1-urinishda hamma ham bunday chiroyli chiqavermaydi🙂.



Good Job, Zulayho🥳.

I am extremely proud that we could make it☺️.

DTM - 63✅

You will surely see a strong comeback from her once she enters a university this year😉.

Let’s pray for her top performance during entrance exams🤲.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Literally, my students after a 1-week holiday😅

Yangiliklarga e’tibor berdingizmi?🙊

Yakshanba kungi dasturlarimizning orasida “Individual Feedback” degan qism qoʻshilayapti😌.

Dam olish kunidan ma’lum bir vaqtni belgilab olib, imtihoni yaqin va koʻproq tayyorlanishni istaydigan oʻquvchilarim uchun alohida vaqt ajrataman🙂.

Bu narsa odatda universitet darajasida “Free Time Slot” deb ataladi va oʻqituvchidan qoʻshimcha maslahat olishga kelsangiz boʻladi oʻsha paytda:)

Natijalaringizni ustida qattiqroq ishlashimiz uchun endi bizda ham boʻladi😉.

Yangilangan jadvalimiz:

⚜️IELTS Standard⚜️
- Level: Intermediate
- Target: 5.5 and above
(Abituriyentlar uchun eng qulayi)

🔱IELTS Intensive🔱
- Level: 5.5
- Target: 7.0 and above

- Level: 6.5
- Target: 8.0 and above

☀️IELTS Grant☀️
- Level: at least 5.0
- Target: 7.0 and above

📍PS.1. Beginner Intensive kursimiz tugashiga 7-15 kun vaqt qoldi
📍PS.2. IELTS Grant ochilishi mumkin bo’lgan vaqtlarni belgiladim. Nechta guruh va qachon ochilishi noma’lum.
📍PS.3. Grantchilarning orasida 7+ olganlari ham boʻlishi mumkin. Guruh almashtirolasizmi yoki yoq, maslahatlashamiz taqdirlashdan keyin.

❗️Guruhlarda joy toʻlib qolishidan oldin, quyidagi akkaunt orqali roʻyxatdan oʻtishingiz mumkin:

863 0 15 14 19


Alhamdulillah😇. Hali ham bu yerda e’lon qilinganlari. E’lon qilinmaganlari qanchaaaa🙃.

300 dan ortiq insonlarning hayotida biroz boʻlsada rol oʻynaganimdan juda xursandman☺️.

IELTS darajalarini tugatib, lekin topshirmay ham oʻz yoʻlini ingliz tilini oʻrganish orqali topib ishlayotgan va oʻqiyotgan shogirdlarimning ham son-sanogʻi yoq😊.

Shu kunlarga yetkazganingga shukur🙂.

646 0 1 11 50

Grant yuzasidan appelyatsiya bermoqchi boʻlsangiz ham, ertadan boshlab shaxsan oʻzimga uchrashishingiz mumkin boʻladi:)

Registan LC | Chilanzar dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Meni yuqoridagi fikrim obunachilarimizga qanday eshitildi:

“Ustoz layk bosing deyaptilar🤩🥳”


2025-yilga ham kirib oldik. Yangi rejalar va yangi energiya bilan darslarimizni ham boshlab olishimiz kerak endi☺️. Men juda ajoyib rejalar bilan qaytayapman…

Lekin barcha mening oʻquvchilarim, Registon Chilonzor oila a’zolari va kanalimiz obunachilaridan soʻraydigan iltimosim bor.🙂

“Siz bu yil mendan nima yangiliklar, tabdir va loyihalar, online va offline boʻladigan rejalar kutayapsiz?🤔”

✍️-fikrlaringizni izohlarda ulashing🙃

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The year has started with incredible results😇.

Allahga shukur. Duolarimiz, mehnatimiz, qilayotgan barcha harakatlarimiz oʻzini oqlayapti🙃.

Sentabrdan beri, oʻqishim bilan boʻlib, iloji boricha kamroq oʻquvchi bilan yaxshiroq natija uchun harakat qilib kelayapmiz.

Quality is over quantity☘️

Darslarimdagi sifat ham ancha yaxshilanganini, bolalarda ancha erkinroq oʻsishni his qilotganim, va ayniqsa, “mental strength”imni ancha oshirgani ham rost. ☺️

Oxirgi 3 yil ichida juda katta bosim bilan ishlaganim uchun, oʻtgan sentabr-dekabr oyi ancha kuch yigʻib olishimga yordam berdi.🥲

Bularning bari va oʻzimga biroz dam berganim, 2024-yil uchun reja qilgan barcha natijalarimizga avgustning oʻzida erishganimiz uchun edi🤗.


Demak, 2025-yilni yana katta kuch-quvvat, energiya, mas’uliyat va biroz bosim bilan boshlashimiz kerak😉.

Chunki natijalarimizni sonini kamida 1.5 baravar yaxshilash bu yilgi asosiy maqsadlarimdan biri😊.


I want to leave this result without further reflection🙃.

It is just the beginning and the comeback is inevitable🔥🔥🔥

I am sharing it here, so that we can regularly get motivation to persevere, develop, and be patient🙂.

The revenge is to be taken soon…



Well done, kid☺️


We have come a long way so far, but I, honestly, was expecting a 7.0 from him🙂, due simply to his dedication and effort at last😌.

I cannot help but remember him being fed up with the test preparation and gave this shot all of a sudden😅.

But, now, it seems, kiddo is eager to make a great come-back😏.

Let’s see how long he survives🙈. Wait for his further growth🌱.

Congrats, again🤩


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I have never believed that luck plays any role in this test, but now, I am sure it does.☘️

The person above had been constantly getting a 7.0 before they took the exam🙃. It was pretty obvious their level supports it, too.

How come on earth things happen like this🥲?!

Although we might not claim with the result, I can easily say that their level is already above C1. With yet one more shot after mental exam preparation, they are surely good to secure that level, too😌.



Well done, Anonymous☺️

Speaking - 7.0🤩
Overall - 7.0🔥🔥🔥

Although it is not the best outcome we could end up with, I strongly believe that it is a pretty decent one. This person’s pure knowledge of English could possibly make them an 8.0 holder, as well. 🙂

Just, as last time, one of my students said, if you wish it is going to be your last attempt, Allah will bless you wish an obstacle to see your perseverance and growth🤗.

So, we cannot stop at this point and will come back soon with a revenge🔥



Hats off, Feruza🌻.

Overall - 7.0🌝

With a pretty decent knowledge, her getting a 7.0 overall and 6.5 on speaking came as a big surprise.🙄

I do not usually blame examiners, but this time, they messed up everything with her speaking and writing, while she could easily get a 7.5 and 7.0 on this very section, respectively🥲.

It is not over yet. We will come back with a C2 soon😇😌


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.