11. longevity = the tendency to have a long life expectancy
Ex: Japanese people have perhaps the highest longevity in the world.
12. to migrate = to move permanently between countries
Ex: Migration within the Eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present.
13. ‘brain drain’ = the tendency for intelligent or successful workers to migrate
out of a country (usually expressed in quotes ‘’)
Ex: Southern Europe is experiencing a high ‘brain drain’ these days, because of
the lack of economic prospects.
14. existential threats = a threat to existence or life
Ex: The economy of my country faces an existential threat from collapsing oil
15. an outbreak = the start of a widespread problem such as disease or conflict
Ex: The outbreak of Ebola is a great concern for doctors globally.
16. civil war = war between people inside a country
Ex: It will take many years for our nation to recover from the civil war of the
17. livelihood = the way a person makes a living
Ex: Many villagers sell handicrafts, as this is the only livelihood they can find.
18. developed countries = countries considered to have advanced economies,
industries, and social infrastructure
Ex: Developed countries contribute aid to those nations affected by famine.
19. developing countries = countries not generally considered to be fully
developed yet
Ex: Illiteracy is a huge challenge for developing countries to overcome.
Ex: Japanese people have perhaps the highest longevity in the world.
12. to migrate = to move permanently between countries
Ex: Migration within the Eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present.
13. ‘brain drain’ = the tendency for intelligent or successful workers to migrate
out of a country (usually expressed in quotes ‘’)
Ex: Southern Europe is experiencing a high ‘brain drain’ these days, because of
the lack of economic prospects.
14. existential threats = a threat to existence or life
Ex: The economy of my country faces an existential threat from collapsing oil
15. an outbreak = the start of a widespread problem such as disease or conflict
Ex: The outbreak of Ebola is a great concern for doctors globally.
16. civil war = war between people inside a country
Ex: It will take many years for our nation to recover from the civil war of the
17. livelihood = the way a person makes a living
Ex: Many villagers sell handicrafts, as this is the only livelihood they can find.
18. developed countries = countries considered to have advanced economies,
industries, and social infrastructure
Ex: Developed countries contribute aid to those nations affected by famine.
19. developing countries = countries not generally considered to be fully
developed yet
Ex: Illiteracy is a huge challenge for developing countries to overcome.