IELTS-CEFR with Broun🌀

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

I will start my IELTS JOURNEY.
In here you can find something which are fruitful for your studies.
Speaking practise, Writing examples and explanations, reading materials, listening materials and mocks.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Telegram'da ko‘rish
Urgench snow ❄️

Alisher Navoiy 1441-yil 9-fevralda Xurosonning Hirot shahrida tugʻilgan. Yoshligidan sheʼriyatga qiziqqan yosh shoir kitob oʻqishga juda katta mehr qoʻygan-ki, hatto uch-toʼrt yoshlarida davrining mashhur shoiri Qosim Anvorning bir sheʼrini yod olgan. Temuriylar saltanatining soʻngi yirik hukmdori Husayn Boyqaro bilan doʻst boʻlgan va uning hukmronligi davrida Alisher Navoiy "Muhrdor", "Vazir" va bir nechta viloyatlarning dorugʻasi lavozimlarida ishlagan. Abdurahmon Jomiy uning zamondoshi, yaqin doʻsti va ustozi boʻlgan. Alisher Navoiy oʻttizdan ortiq asarlar yozgan. "Xamsa", "Xazoyin ul-maoniy", "Mahbub ul-qulub", "Lison ut-tayr" shular jumlasidandir. Buyuk shoir 1501-yil 5-yanvarda ogʻir xastalik tufayli hayotdan koʻz yumgan.
1991-yil Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida “Alisher Navoiy” yili deb nomlangan

Bu dunyoda abadiy qolmoq mumkin emas, biroq yaxshi nom qoldirmoq katta saodatdir.
©️Alisher Navoiy

Agar bu ulugʻ zotni avliyo desak, u – avliyolarning avliyosai mutafakkir desak, mutafakkirlarning mutafakkiri, shoir desak, shoirlarning sultonidir.
©️Islom Karimov


Bugun 9-fevral "Soʻz mulkining sultoni" Alisher Navoiy tavalludining 584 yilligi.


Active ancha pasayibdi guys where's my reactions?

let's do for all

The graph provides information on the water levels in six different cities in Australia in October 2009 and October 2010.

Overall, while Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Canberra had higher water levels in October 2010 compared to the previous year, Darwin experienced the lowest level in October 2010. Notably, Brisbane’s water level remained relatively stable throughout the two years.

In detail, Sydney led with approximately 77% in October 2009, which slightly increased to 80% in October 2010. Similarly, Melbourne experienced a significant rise of 20 percentage points, from just above 20% in October 2009 to around 40% in October 2010. Meanwhile, Perth stood at 40% in October 2009 before experiencing a dramatic increase the following year. Additionally, Canberra started at just below 80%, rising to 100% by the following year.

In contrast, Darwin had a water level well above 40% in October 2009, but it dropped to around 20% by 2010. Interestingly, Brisbane maintained the same percentage in both periods.


Tomorrow 9pm I'm gonna teach how to write task 2. Topic: Problem-solution essay✅

Stay tuned, be active, dont skip it!


Describe a person who is trying to help the environment.



Ideal home doesn’t ex..


2025-Февраль ойида:

4 та якшанба,
4 та душанба,
4 та сешанба,
4 та чоршанба,
4 та пайшанба,
4 та жума,
4 та шанба
Бунақаси бутун ҳаётимиз давомида бошқа бўлмайди.

Чунки, бу ҳолат 823 йилда бир марта бўлар экан.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

We have a news in the upcoming month stay tuned. 🤓

207 0 0 26 14


ensuring adult penguins can return with food before their chicks succumb to hunger.

Article Day 24✅

👉 For more articles:@IELTSCHAPTER


The chart illustrates the average duration individuals remained in a single job in Europe and the United States between 1985 and 2005, categorized into various age groups.

Overall, while Japan and the United States experienced significant declines over this period, China and India demonstrated substantial growth, with China showing the most dramatic increase.

In detail, Japan initially started with approximately 25 years and held a dominant position at the outset of 1990. After that, it began to decline, dropping from about 25 to roughly 18 years by the end of the period. Similarly, the United States led with a figure well above 10, which then declined to around 9 years by 1995. From there, it staged a partial recovery, rising to nearly 12 years by 2000. However, it declined again from about 12 years in 2000 to just below 10 years by the end of the period.

In contrast, China began at a low average of about 2 years but experienced a remarkable surge throughout the timeline, peaking at just under 30 years in 2005. India, on the other hand, started at the lowest level in 1990. It then experienced a steady rise, increasing by approximately 4 years by 2010. Despite a minor drop, the overall trend for India was upward.


Band 7/7+✅

25th January PBI TEST

TASK 1📊: Average years individuals can stay in one job  in Europe and USA between 1985 to 2005 in different age groups

TASK 2📝:  In many countries, much money is spent by governments and individuals for national days such as new year and religious festivals

To what extent you agree or disagree?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.