Golden Study

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

🚩" Golden Study " O'quv Markazi
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💫 English Grammar
🔆 Pre-IELTS & CEFR Courses
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Murojaat uchun: @N1GoldenStudy

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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⚠️ Golden Study O'quv Markazimizda yangi 3 oylik Grammatika guruhlariga qabul ochildi.

Biz bilan tayyorlanib 130 dan ortiq B2 va C1 daraja olgan talabalarimiz safiga qoʻshiling!

📝 Ertalabki guruh soat 9:00 da
Tushdan keyingi guruh soat
14:00 da

💬 Mo'ljal: Urganch davlat universiteti

☎️ +998996005797 @N1GoldenStudy

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A lion's share - eng katta ulush

📝 Alan took the lion's share of the profit.

💬 Alan foydaning eng katta ulushini oldi.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🎤Sia - Unstoppable (Lyrics)🎶

📡 A great song for Sunday

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🔸Inventions and discoveries:

🔹Artificial (adj)- sun'iy
🔹Automatic (adj)- avtomatlashgan
🔹Complicated (adj)- murakkab
🔹Decrease (v, n)-  pasaymoq, kamayish
🔹Digital (adj)- raqamli
🔹Discover (v)- kashf qilmoq
🔹Effect (n)- ta'sir
🔹Equipment (n)- jihoz, asbob
🔹Estimate  (v)- baholamoq
🔹Exact (adj)- aniq
🔹Experiment (v, n)- tajriba o'tkazmoq, sinov
🔹Gadget (n)- moslama
🔹Hardware (n)- kompyuter qismlari
🔹Invent (v)- ixtiro qilmoq
🔹Involve (v)- õz ichiga olmoq
🔹Laboratory (n)- laboratoriya
🔹Lack (v, n)- kamaymoq, kamayish
🔹Laptop (n)- kompyuter
🔹Maximum (adj)- maksimal
🔹Minimum (adj)- minimal
🔹Operate (v)- boshqarmoq
🔹Plastic  (n, adj)- plastmassa
🔹Program (v, n)- dastur yuklamoq, kompyuter dasturi
🔹Research (n)- izlanish
🔹Run (v)- yugurmoq
🔹Screen (n)- ekran
🔹Software (n)- programmaviy ta'minot
🔹Sudden  (adj)- to'satdan
🔹Technology (n)- texnologiya
🔹Unique (adj)- yagona

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🧦​​Be in someone's shoes - birovning o'rnida o'zini qo'ymoq

⚠️ -If I were in Jon's shoes, I would buy that laptop.

📝 -Agar men Jonning o'rnida bo'lganimda o'sha notebukni sotib olardim‌‌.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🎧 IELTS Listening Tips: Multiple Choice

📮Join and share with your friends!

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🎧 IELTS Listening: Plurals

📮Join and share with your friends!

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MULOQOT uchun iboralar

💥I hope so - Shunday deb umid qilaman
💥I feel ill - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman
💥I feel good - O'zimni yaxshi his qilyapman.
💥Not a bit - Hechamda
💥That's nice - Hammasi joyida
💥No way! - Befoyda, Foydasi yo'q!
💥It is none of your business! -  Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
💥That's too much - Bu endi oshib tushdi
💥That's wonderful  - Bu ajoyib
💥My feelings were hurt - Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi
💥My hope is betrayed - Mening umidim sindi
💥Vice versa - Aksincha
💥Who knows - Kim bilsin
💥What a good chance! - Qanday omad!
💥Wonderful! - Ajoyib, Qoyil
💥With pleasure - jonim bilan
💥What a pity! - Qanday achinarli!

Task 1 yozishni bilmasangiz tayyor qolip☝️☝️☝️

Bar Chart.pdf
Pie Chart.pdf
Line Graph.pdf
Map & Process.pdf
🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️ 9️⃣


✔️Band 9 Reports
✔️Topic Vocabulary
✔️Explanations + Exercises
✔️Structures for All Questions
👉Bizga qoʻshiling 😇


Usually ➡️ generally

Tourist ➡️ traveller

World ➡️ Earth

Necessary ➡️ essential

Children ➡️ juveniles

Develop ➡️ grow

Students ➡️pupils

Modern ➡️ contemporary

Traditional ➡️ conventional

Young people ➡️ youth

😄Like it if you found it useful


☝️☝️☝️They are amazing presents ☝️☝️☝️

Speaking Part 1.pdf
Speaking Part 2.pdf
Speaking Part 3.pdf
🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️ 9⃣

Speaking Tips 🧠

🔺Band 9 Samples
🔺Topic Vocabulary
🔺Effective Strategies
🔺Structures for All 3 Parts

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Name: Beauty And The Beast. The Enchanted Christmas📺
Language: English
Year: 1997

Would you like to watch ladies and gentlemen 😁 in your hot seat?

Free Gift for New year 🕛

Present for your writing dear subs❤️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.