English with BMS

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Bahodir Orifjonov
IELTS 7.0 | Speaking 7.0
18 years old

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Sirojiddin's Blog dan repost
Hozir ko'pchilik ingliz tilini o'quv markazda ustozlar bilan qolganlar esa self-study qilib o'qishyapti. Ham ustoz bilan ham self-study qilib o'qiganlar esa 5 barobar tezroq natijaga erishadi.

Sizlarga ana shu 5 barobar tezroq natijaga erishish yo'llarini ko'rsataman.

🤓 Day 1:
✅Discipline ni qanday ushlash kerak?
✅Dangasalikni qanday usullar bilan yengsa bo'ladi
✅Self-study qilish nega qiyin?
✅Ustozsiz dars qilayotganda qimmatga tushadigan eng katta xatolar

📚 Day 2:
✅Readingni "bildirmay o'stiradigan" kitoblar va ulardan foydalanish
✅Band 9.0 strategy o'zi bormi yoki yo'q?
✅Nega text o'qib tushungandek bo'lasizu aslida hech narsani tushunmaysiz
✅Reading 6.0 dan Reading 8.5 gacha bo'lgan yo'lim

👂 Day 3
✅Quloqlarni kattartiradigan top 3 exercises
✅Script yozish foydalimi yoki yo'q
✅Kino va podcastlar qanchalik yordam beradi
✅Qanday qilib Listening Band 9.0 oldim?!

🙊 Day 4
✅Speaking sheriklar bilan va sheriklarsiz o'stirish
✅Nega o'rgangan so'zlarimni gapirganda ishlata olmayman?
✅Speakingda confidence qanchalik muhim
✅Speaking Band 8.0 uchun bosib o'tilgan yo'l

✍️ Day 5
✅Writingda idea va vocabulary muammosi
✅Nega writing doim past chiqadi
✅Har kun essay yozish kerakmi yoki yo'q
✅Ishonchli sample essaylar

Darslar hammasi shu kanalda bo'ladi: @RS_IELTS

qatnashish uchun nima qilish kerak:
Hech qand
ay shartlar, post tarqatishlar yo'q, faqatgina kanalni unmute qilib pin qiling va screenshot olib commentga yuboring.

Ajoyib 5 kunlik dars o'tamiz❤️


1. Listening

Bir kunda bitta Ted-Talk ko'rish :

Tartibi : 1. Watch passively ;
2. Then watch with subtitles and pick up new words along the way (top 10 words)
3. Watch without subtitles and try to understand everything;
4. Consider re-watching it with subtitles If you don't understand any part of it
5. Imitation

Bitta practice test ishlash bunda tartibi :

1. Do the test from actual tests under exam conditions
2. Get it checked by someone else
3. Keyword Table from script
3. Listen again If you don't understand any part of it
4. Try to focus on multiple choice questions (bu sizga qiyin bo'lgan type of questionizga qarab tanlanadi) and do type based tests
5. Analyze it

2. Reading

Bitta artikl o'qish tartibi :

1. Read and understand (no dictionary)
2. Read and understand (with dictionary)
3. Read and enjoy (revise new words top 20)
4. Read and enjoy (make notes and write summary)
5. Summarize (speak)
6. Speed reading (record)

Bitta practice test ishlash bunda tartibi :
1. Do the test from actual tests under exam conditions
2. Get it checked by someone else
3. Re-do the test until you find 40/40
4. Explain every answer that you gave
5. Analysis table
6. Keyword table
7. Add new words to your wordlist
8. Read and enjoy the passage (revise new words)
9. Read and enjoy the passage - take notes
10. Make a summary about the passage and speak
11. Speed reading ( 3-rd passage)
12. Try to focus on Matching heading questions ( bu sizga qiyin bo'lgan type of questionizga qarab tanlanadi) and do some tests type based
13. Analyze it

3. Writing

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree (bu savol turiga qarab tanlanadi)

Tartibi :

1. Read the article on the topic
2. Create a topic vocab table
3. Analyze the essay 7+ sample
4. Try to write according to course instructions (from youtube)
5. Write allowing yourself as much time as you need
6. Analyze it / Get a feedback
7. Rewrite until you think your essay deserves 7+

Task 1 Line graph ( bu task 1 turiga qarab tanlanadi )

Tartibi :

1. Analyze 7+ essay from any sample books
2. Watch lessons about how to write line graph (2-3 not more from youtube)
3. Write one and compare it to a band 7 essay try to focus on band descriptor
4. Re-write and again analyze
5. Try to get feedbacks from Chat GPT or get it from experienced IELTS Instructor
6. Speed reading both line graph and Task 2

4. Speaking

Watch one pronunciation and grammar lessons activate it (from youtube)
Choose topics from Part 1; 2; 3. And collect topic vocabularies from Google to the choosen topics
Speak and record under exam conditions
Write a script to your speech write everything what you spoke
Try to find mistakes and re-do the test
Compare two speech and analyze

Hammasini bir kunda qilish mushkul masala lekin ertasiga to'xtagan joydan davom ettirsa bo'ladi :)

Bu post nechta "❤️" reaksiyaga arziydi ?🫠

671 0 29 3 26

IELTSga tayyorlanayotganimdagi kunlik planimni sizlarga ulashaymi aziz obunachilar ?😉

Buni men "IELTS 7+ plan" deb atayman, agar batafsil post yozishimni istasangiz,
"🔥" shu reaksiyani 20 taga yetkazamiz.

Qani Goo...

I am back :)

Qabul kvotalari.pdf

Давлат гранти бўйича қабул квоталари тасдиқланди

“2023/2024 ўқув йили учун давлат олий таълим муассасаларига ўқишга қабул қилишнинг давлат буюртмаси параметрлари тўғрисида”ги президент фармойиши қабул қилинди

Фармойишга мувофиқ, 2023/2024 ўқув йили учун давлат ОТМларига давлат гранти квоталари:

бакалавриат бўйича кундузги таълим шаклига – 34 860 нафар;

бўйича – 8 923 нафар этиб тасдиқланди.

Тизимида ОТМ бўлган вазирлик ва идоралар ҳамда молиявий мустақиллик берилган ОТМлар контракт асосидаги қабул параметрларини 2023 йил 20 июнгача тасдиқлайди.

Reaksiya qani🤨

Yaxshimisizlar obunachilar ?

Yangilik bor...

478 0 0 15 15

Kanaldan chiqib ketayotganlar, sizlar to'g'ri yo'ldasiz !
Imkon bo'lishi bilan o'zim ham chiqib ketaman...

#ielts #speaking

Speaking ni oshirish uchun qilish mumkin bo'lgan eng foydali ikki yo'l :

1. Speed reading

Kamida bitta artiklni 5 martta ovoz chiqarib o'qigandan so'ng uni tez o'qish qilasiz va uni record qilasiz.

2. Imitation

Birorta youtubedan o'ziz yoqtirgan ingliz aktyori yoki siz havas qilgan biror bir mashxurni ( native bo'lishi kerak ) taqlid qilasiz , taqlid qilishda o'ziz talaffuzda oldin qilgan xatolaringizni to'g'irlaysiz.

P.s Shunchaki buni o'qib amalda bajarmasangiz foydasi yo'q lekin.

@Free_course_ielts - Main channel
@English_with_BMS - Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganuvchilar uchun :)

Check Your English Vocabulary for for_IELTS @englishbooks.pdf
Bunaqa kitobni ko'rmagansiz ishonavering😉, Bu kitobda faqat eng IELTSga kerakli lug'atlar jumladan : IELTS Writing Task 1 va Multilevel Letter lug'atlari ham berilgan.

Xullas foydali kitob , isrof qilmang shunday boylikni hopmi🫠

@Free_course_ielts - Main channel
@English_with_BMS - Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganuvchilar uchun :)

Reaksiya bosish esdan chiqmasin-a😉

#writing #ielts #mistakes

Nonnative English speakers may face unique challenges when preparing for the IELTS Writing exam. Some of the biggest mistakes that they may make include:

1. Not dedicating enough time to improving their English language skills: To perform well on the IELTS Writing exam, you need to have a good command of the English language. Nonnative speakers may need to spend more time practicing their English language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, in order to achieve a high score on the exam.

2. Focusing too much on memorization: Some nonnative speakers may try to memorize sample essays or phrases to use on the exam. While it is important to be familiar with the types of questions that may be asked, relying too heavily on memorization can hinder your ability to express your own ideas and thoughts effectively.

3. Not understanding the specific requirements of the exam: The IELTS Writing exam has specific requirements and expectations that may be different from what nonnative speakers are used to. It is important to understand the different sections of the exam, the timing of each section, and the expectations for each task in order to perform well.

4. Not seeking feedback on their writing: Nonnative speakers may benefit from seeking feedback on their writing from a qualified instructor or tutor. They can help identify areas where improvement is needed and provide specific guidance on how to address these issues.

Overall, nonnative speakers can improve their performance on the IELTS Writing exam by dedicating time to improving their English language skills, understanding the requirements of the exam, and seeking feedback on their writing.

P.s Do not make these mistakes during your preparation :)

@Free_course_ielts - Main channel
@English_with_BMS - Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganuvchilar uchun :)

#Edu_post #ielts

Podcast eshitsam listening balim oshadi ❌

Podcast eshitsam yangi narsa o'rgana olaman ✅

剑18 test 1-4.zip
Mana audiosi :)

Reaksiya bosishni o'rganib keting-a😜

@Free_course_ielts - Main channel
@English_with_BMS - Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganuvchilar uchun :)

Darvoqe , buni audiosi kerakmi ?🙃

Cambridge IELTS 18.pdf
Hamma orziqib kutgan Cambridge 18 kitobi shu yerda. Uvvol qilmasdan , qunt bilan ishlatinglar hopmi :)

Reaksiya va ulashish ham esdan chiqmasin-a 😜

@Free_course_ielts - Main channel
@English_with_BMS _ Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganuvchilar uchun :)

Uyalmasdan yozavering... Masalan gapira olmayapman , writingni to'liq yozolmayapman va hokazo :)

Siz qiynaladigan jihatlarizni hisobga olib kurs qilamiz nasib :)

Meni lichkam : @Orifjonov_Bahodir

IELTS da sizni qiynaydigan savollar va muammolarizni (dardlarizni) kommentlarda yozib qoldiring🙂 Hammani fikri judayam muhim men uchun !

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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