English world

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

📣It is the channel including IELTS materials that I found beneficial
I am Muhammaddiyor Sotvoldiyev who is currently studying in 9 th grade of Fergana Presidential school.
📣Contact: @savol_pm_bot

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Sirojiddin's blog dan repost

"15 kun ichida IELTS readingni 1-1.5 BAND SCOREga oshiring"
yoki eng kamida oshirish yo'llarini bilib oling.

📌Darsni kim o'tadi?

Darslarni Sirojiddin Rakhmatullayev IELTS 8.0 (Reading 8.5) o'tadi.
(afsuski qanchalar yurakdan dars o'tishimni bu ball yetarlicha ko'rsatib berolmaydi😅)

📌Darslar qanday tartibda bo'ladi?

1. Dars boshida 30-60 minut
-savol turi
-unga qanday yondashish kerak
-to'g'ri javobni topish metodlari

2. 30-180 minut PRACTICE
-turli kitoblardan mashq tashlayman
-savollarga javob berasiz
-savollarni tahlili bo'ladi
-kerakli lug'atlarni tushuntiraman

📌Marafonda qatnashish necha pul?

Mutlaqo tekin, faqat bitta shartni bajarishiz kerak bo'ladi.

📌Marafonda qatnashish uchun nima qilish kerak va marafon qachon boshlanadi degan savollarga javob olish uchun:

Shu postni izohlar qismiga qarang.

@Рrеmium — Telеgram-ga bepul obuna Prеmium
@Рrеmium — Бeсплaтный тeлeгрaмм прeмиум!
@Рrеmium — Frее Tеlеgrаm subscription Prеmium

Real Exam Papers | IELTS dan repost
🔥 Free Writing Course 🔥

Do you want to get a video course in writing for free? 😱

Here are the details:
- 20 video lessons
- 4 books
- Model Essays (Band 9.0)
- Lifetime Access

The Course will cover:
- Planning and Brainstorming
- Introduction/Conclusion/Overview
- Body Paragraphs
- All The Essay Types
- Band 7+ Structures
- Band 7+ Vocabulary

Who is this course for?
The Course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn to write an essay from the beginning

The Requirements:
1) Join the channel
2) Share this announcement with 50 people or 5 groups
3) Send the screenshots to
@Properschool, and you will receive a link to a private telegram channel

My Channel: @Rock_IELTS

Globe Notes dan repost

Globe Notes dan repost

🌴 Other Ways to Say Because

🌵 As
🌵 As a result of
🌵 As long as
🌵 As things go
🌵 Being
🌵 By cause of
🌵 By reason of
🌵 By virtue of
🌵 Considering
🌵due to
🌵for the reason that
🌵for the sake of
🌵in as much as
🌵in behalf of
🌵in that
🌵In the interest of
🌵in view of
🌵now that
🌵on the grounds that
🌵owing to
🌵 seeing
🌵 since
🌵 thanks to
🌵 through
🌵 Whereas

#Vocabulary #Time

IELTS Academy dan repost
⚡️ IELTS Simon Full IELTS Course 👨‍🏫

✓Writing Task 2
Lesson 1Lesson 6
Lesson 2Lesson 7
Lesson 3Lesson 8
Lesson 4Lesson 9
Lesson 5Lesson 10

✓Writing Task 1
Lesson 1Lesson 6
Lesson 2Lesson 7
Lesson 3Lesson 8
Lesson 4Lesson 9
Lesson 5Lesson 10

IELTS Reading
Lesson 1Lesson 6
Lesson 2Lesson 7
Lesson 3Lesson 8
Lesson 4Lesson 9
Lesson 5Lesson 10

✓IELTS Speaking
Lesson 1Lesson 6
Lesson 2Lesson 7
Lesson 3Lesson 8
Lesson 4Lesson 9
Lesson 5Lesson 10

👩‍🏫 IELTS Liz Videos 👈 ________

Hi world!!!

Fikr bildirish uchun muhim gaplar.

🎗He felt in with me on that point - Bu masalada u mening fikrimga qo'shildi.

🎗Willingly - Jon deb

🎗I am with you on that - Bunga qo'shilaman

🎗Quite so - Ha, men ham shuni aytaman-da

🎗 By all means - Albatta

🎗Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta

🎗 Exactly - Tòppa to'g'ri

🎗You are mistaken - Siz xato qilyapsiz

🎗I don't agree with you - Sizning gapinigzga qo'shilmayman

🎗I can't agree with you - Sizga qo'shilolmayman

🎗I am of a different opinion - Men boshqa fikrdaman

🎗This is out of the question - Bu haqda gap ham bo'lishi mumkin emas

Globe Notes dan repost
*⃣ What are the possible outcomes of polluting the environment?


Globe Notes dan repost
Dunyoni uchta olma o'zgartirib yuborgan:

1. Momo Havo yegan olma
2. Nyutonning boshiga tushgan olma
3. Iphonedagi olma

Men aniq bilaman uchinchi olma ko'pgina insonlarni o'zgartirib yuboradiyov)


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
--No comment😢

--Value your parents while you can👌💥💫

--when you realise you have to appreciate them, it may be late💤

Chet eldan inglizcha xat

Synonyms for beautiful 🔥


ALL OR NOTHING dan repost
125 Phrases ALL OR NOTHING LC.pdf
🔥125 Useful English Phrases For Everyday Use


Globe Notes dan repost
Ishonchim komilki ko‘plab o‘quvchilar yoz issiq bo‘lishiga qaramay, ko‘proq bilim olish uchun o‘quv markazlarga borishmoqda...
Ularga omad tilab qolamiz👏👏👏

Sizda ham shunday bo‘lyaptimi?


Globe Notes dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Somtimes English can be confusing

Hey. How are you doing?👀

Do you want to acquire new knowledge while having some fun?💫💣

If so, this is so special channel for you💥💥

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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