Diyorbek Yuldashev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Diyorbek Yuldashev
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Speaking 7.5
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Hayotda, hech kim seni ko'rmayotgandek raqsga tush, hech kim seni eshitmayotgandek Ingliz tilida gapir.

ROYAL BOOKS - da kitoblar aksiyasi davom etadi!🤩

1. Atomic Habits 28.000
2. Mindset 30.000
3. Influence 27.000
4. Psychology of money 27.000
5. Do It Today 15.000
6. Eat that frog 15.000
7. Can't Hurt Me 35.000

💸Kitoblar optom narxda sotiladi.
🚚Oʻzbekiston boʻylab dastavka mavjud.
📞Buyurtma uchun - @royals_booking
📚Boshqa kitoblar narxlari bilan ROYAL BOOKS kanalida batafsil tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin.

#writing Task 1
#line graph
The line graph illustrates the average annual expenditure on three communication services—cell phone services, national fixed-line services, and international fixed-line services—from 2001 to 2010 in dollars.

Overall, spending on cell phone services experienced a dramatic increase over the period, surpassing the expenditures on both national and international fixed-line services. In contrast, national fixed-line services showed a steady decline, while international fixed-line services remained relatively stable.

At the beginning of the period, in 2001, national fixed-line services had the highest average expenditure at approximately $700 per year, whereas spending on cell phone services was significantly lower, starting at just $200. However, expenditure on cell phone services saw consistent growth throughout the decade, overtaking national fixed-line services in 2006 and reaching its peak at around $750 in 2010.

Meanwhile, international fixed-line services displayed little fluctuation during the same period. Beginning at $300 in 2001, the expenditure remained stable with a slight upward trend, finishing at just over $300 by 2010.

Conversely, spending on national fixed-line services declined steadily over the decade. From a peak of $700 in 2001, it dropped sharply to approximately $400 by 2010. This decline coincided with the rising popularity of cell phone services, suggesting a shift in consumer preferences toward mobile communication.

The rapid rise in cell phone expenditure highlights the growing reliance on mobile technology, while the relative stability of international fixed-line services reflects limited changes in this category's demand.


🌟 Third Conditional 🌟

Structure: If + had (past perfect), would have + past participle

Use: To talk about something in the past that didn’t happen but imagine how it could have been different.

Example: If I had worked harder, I would have achieved my dream by now.

Make your own sentence under the comment


The diagram compares the skeletal systems of two human ancestors, Australopithecus afarensis and Homo erectus, illustrating their physical adaptations to different modes of locomotion such as walking, climbing, and running.

Overall, Australopithecus afarensis displays skeletal features suited for both walking and tree climbing, characterized by a more primitive structure. In contrast, Homo erectus exhibits significant advancements in skeletal anatomy, optimized for walking and endurance running, particularly due to its stabilized foot structure and larger joints.

Australopithecus afarensis is depicted as having an unbalanced head with a long snout and high, narrow shoulders, which likely limited its ability to walk efficiently. Its chest is notably wide, and the waist is short and broad, suggesting a compact frame. The limbs further reflect its climbing adaptations, with long forearms and small hip, knee, and ankle joints, which would have reduced walking efficiency. Additionally, its feet are designed with long toes and a partial foot arch, which emphasize a reliance on gripping rather than stable bipedal motion.

In comparison, Homo erectus demonstrates an evolved skeletal system ideal for endurance running and efficient walking. It has a balanced head with a short snout and low, wide shoulders, providing stability during motion. The chest is narrow, and the waist is tall and narrow, further supporting long-distance running. Its legs and feet show significant advancements, including large hip, knee, and ankle joints, an enlarged heel bone, and a stabilized foot arch. Additionally, the presence of short toes enhances its ability to sustain efficient bipedal locomotion. These features are complemented by its large gluteal muscles (not shown in the diagram), which enhance running performance.

You can learn grammar and topic related vocabularies

Kanalni yangi rasmi qale dears ?

Comment section ochdim nima gaplar sizlarda ?

Hayot qale ketybadi

“shadow” (hence the name “shadowing). You listen to the words and then say them back out loud.

What’s so great about it is that

1. You can do it on your own
2. It takes only about 15 minutes
3. It’s very effective
4. You can do it for free

Shadowing helps you develop all the physical aspects of fluency. These include things like pronunciation, prosody, and rhythm of English.



Spill the beans 🫘🤐 - Share a secret
Go the extra mile 🛣💪 - Extra effort
Keep an eye on 👀🔍- Watch carefully
At the drop of a hat 🎩⏱️ - Instantly
Hold your horses 🐎 - Wait a moment
Burn the midnight oil 🕯🌙- Work late
On the ball ⚽️🤔 Alert and attentive
In the same boat 🚤👥 - Same situation
As right as rain 🌧 - Perfectly fine
Keep your chin up 😊👆 - Stay positive
Walking on eggshells 🥚👣 - Be careful
Cut corners ✂️🛤 - Do something cheaply
Burn bridges 🔥🌉 - Ruin a relationship
Miss the boat 🚢 - Miss an opportunity
Sit on the fence 🪑🤷 - Unable to decide
Make a long story short ✂️📖 - Summarize
No pain, no gain 🏋️‍♂️💪 - Work for results



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Diyorbek Yuldashev dan repost

Speaking 7️⃣
Gulnoza Intensive September Practice kursda qatnashgan edi.
Boshida ozroq danagasa bo'ldi,😅 Lekin keyinchalik doimiy practice natijasida xatolarni kamaytirib bordi.

Gulnoza hayrli qilsin, sizni til o'rganish journey izga yordam bera olganimdan xursandman. 😊

IELTS Speaking Band 9 dan repost
⭕️⭕️⭕️ 2️⃣1️⃣ 🔠🔠🔠🔠

📢Online Speaking Practice course

Teacher : Diyorbek Yuldashev
Speaking 7.5

Bu kursda siz nimalar olasiz

👉 Haftasiga 6 kun dars ( Har kuni mock topshirasiz)

👉 Har bir Speaking savollarga band 7+ Sample

👉 Talaffuzni to'g'irlash bo'yicha mashqlar

👉 Speakindan 7+ olish bo'yicha texnikalar

🎁 Full writing course beriladi kursga qo'shimcha

🎁 20 kunlik Reading hamda Listening exam materials beriladi + (Full reading video lessons)

⚠️ Kurs narxi 120k ( 120 ming sum) 10 ta odam olinadi

📆 Kurs boshlanish sanasi : 01-December

👉 Kursga yozilish uchun @Speakingsk_admin ga yozing

IELTS 7 - Writing (Task 2).pdf
📌IELTS 7 - Writing Task 2


📌IELTS 7 - Writing Task 2

The key to IELTS writing (Task 2).pdf
📘 The key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Academic)

❌ globally common Task 2 mistakes
🧠 Task 2 strategies
⚡️ essay samples
🎁 super-duper tips to crack Task 2

by Pauline Cullen, one of the jewels of the IELTS crown of the world


55 ta ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 dan so’ng tashlaberaman 😊

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 IELTS Writing Task 2 | WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ESSAY with Jay!

#writing 🎞

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.