🔝 Here are the 15 SAT SAT English rules that you need to learn and understand before test day❗️
Read the full passage, not just the portion surrounding the blank, and always plug your answer back into
the passage to double-check it.
Transition questions: determine the relationship between the two sentences (continue, cause-and-effect,
contradict) before you look at the answer choices.
A conjunctive adverb (e.g., however, therefore, moreover) at the start of a sentence follows a period, semicolon,
colon, or dash. A conjunctive adverb in the middle of a sentence is surrounded by commas
"Student Notes": identify the key word/ phrase in the question (what the "student" wants to emphasize,
present, or introduce), and find the answer that rewords it. Avoid looking at the bullet points .
A transition in the middle or at the end of a sentence= relationship to the previous sentence. 6️⃣
Period= Semicolon= Comma+ FANBOYS. 7️⃣
Comma+ it, this, s/he, they usually (but not always) = comma splice = WRONG. 8️⃣
Joining/ separating sentences: check answers with a period or colon first.
Colon= Single Dash= Explanation or List. A full sentence is required before but not after.
2 Commas= 2 Dashes= 2 Parentheses= Non-Essential Clause. If the information between these punctuation
marks is crossed out, the sentence will still make sense. BUT commas, dashes, and parentheses cannot be
mixed and matched.
Singular verbs end in -s; plural verbs do not end in -s, e.g., it suggests, they suggest. Remember that the noun
right before a verb may not be the subject.
Subject-verb agreement questions may "pose" as tense questions. If the answers include singular vs. plural
verbs, focus on agreement.
Keep verb tense/ form consistent. An underlined verb should stay parallel to the surrounding verbs
unless there is a clear reason for the tense to change. Check other verbs for context.
Pronoun agreement: singular nouns= it (things); plural nouns= they.
Dangling modifier: a descriptive phrase set off by a comma must be followed by the noun described.
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