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Hurmatli ota-onalar!

Toʻgarak narxlari bilan obdon tanishib chiqingizlar! Keyin, fikr yuritib koʻrsangiz boʻladi.

10-15 yillab ingliz tilini oʻrganib, shu sohaga borini bag'ishlab, oʻzi va shogirdlari haqiqiy yuqori natijalarga erishgan oʻqituvchining hamma qatori belgilab qoʻygan narxi qimmatu, lekin natija bilan tenglasholmay, narx bilan raqobat maqsadida narxni yerga urib tashlagan boshqa oʻqituvchiniki arzon ekanda.

Ota-onalar, tanlov sizda:
A. Sifat va oʻrtacha narx.

B. Sifatsiz ta'lim va juda arzon narx.

One Minute with … PLEDGE ⬇️
(script below)
Okay, so "pledge." Let’s talk about this fascinating word.

You know that moment when you're super serious about something and want everyone to know you mean it? That's when you make a pledge!

Imagine you’re at a wedding, and the couple is making a pledge to love each other forever. That’s the kind of serious promise we’re talking about!

Today, President Trump will make a pledge in his inauguration speech. He could pledge to lower taxes, make the world a better place, or even end all wars… By the way, I wish him luck in delivering on this pledge to end all wars—whether I believe it's possible or not.

A pledge is not just a casual promise – it’s a big deal. Like when you pledge to stop eating cookies—it's a big deal for us, isn’t it? But I don't recommend making such pledges. We both know why, right?

It's better to pledge to learn a new word a day. I pledge to help you with that.

verb, noun
1. /pledʒ/
2. B2
3. To make a serious or formal promise (verb); a serious promise or commitment (noun)
4. = vow, promise, swear, commit (verb); oath, commitment, vow, promise (noun)
5. Idea: A pledge is like building a bridge between intention and action, using words as the building blocks.
6. Usage hints and common mistakes:
a) "Pledge" implies a serious commitment, not a casual promise. Don't use it for things like promising to bring snacks to a party.
b) "Pledge to" (+ infinitive/noun) – "I pledge to support you." "Pledge of" (support, allegiance).
c) "Pledge" as a noun can also refer to something given as security for a debt or loan. Think of it like a valuable item you leave with someone until you pay them back.
d) Common phrase "take the pledge" means making a formal commitment.
e) "Keep a pledge" expresses the idea of fulfilling or delivering on the promise (She kept her pledge to donate).
f) "Pledge" is both a verb and a noun. Pay attention to the context to understand which one is being used.
g) The difference between "pledge" and "promise" is formality. A "pledge" is more formal and often involves a public declaration.
h) The Pledge of Allegiance is a promise of loyalty and commitment to the United States and its flag. (Every morning, students in many American schools recite (=say) the Pledge of Allegiance to show their respect for the country).
7. Examples:
The politician pledged to lower taxes if elected, but we all know how these stories usually end.
He made a pledge to donate a significant portion of his earnings to charity.
The couple exchanged rings as a pledge of their commitment to each other. dan repost
Til sertifikati yo’q abituriyentlar bundan buyon 1-fani chet tili bo’lgan yo’nalishlarga topshira olmaydi

Bu haqda Oliy ta’lim vazirligi yana bir bor eslatmoqda.

Qonunchilikka ko‘ra (PF-81, 24.05.2024-y.) 2025/2026-o‘quv yili qabulidan boshlab fanlar majmuasida chet tili birinchi fan sifatida belgilangan ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga qabul xorijiy tilni bilish darajasini belgilovchi milliy yoki xalqaro sertifikat asosida amalga oshiriladi.

❗️Bunda fanlar majmuasida chet tili birinchi fan sifatida belgilangan ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga qabul qilishda ushbu fandan test sinovi o‘tkazilmaydi. Abituriyentlar belgilangan darajadagi sertifikatni taqdim etishlari lozim.

2025/2026-oʻquv yili uchun respublika oliy taʼlim muassasalarining taʼlim yoʻnalishlari roʻyxati va ularga mos test sinovi (kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihon) topshiriladigan fanlar majmuasiga koʻra chet tili birinchi fan sifatida belgilangan taʼlim yoʻnalishlari roʻyxati yuqoridagi rasmda berilgan.

❗️E’tibor bering: 1-fan sifatida aniq ko‘rsatilgan ingliz, nemis va fransuz tillaridan ayni shu fan bo‘yicha, 1-fan “Chet tili” ko‘rsatilgan ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga esa, bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari uchun tasdiqlangan xorijiy tillarni bilish darajasini belgilovchi milliy va xalqaro sertifikatlardan birini taqdim etish talab etiladi.

Bu nima degani?

Masalan, 1-fan “ingliz tili” deb yozilgan bo’lsa, aynan ingliz tilidan sertifikat kerak bo’ladi. Nemis yoki turk tilidan sertifikati borlar bu yo’nalishga topshira olmaydi.

Lekin 1-fan “chet tili” deb ko’rsatilgan bo’lsa, unda qaysi tildan sertifikati borliginining qizig’i yo’q. Istalgan tildan olingan tasdiqlangan sertifikat o’taveradi.

ℹ️ Tasdiqlangan sertifikatlar ro‘yxati bu yerda:

👉 @xushnudbek 👈


Ertaga toʻlov qilmaganlar darslarga qoʻyilmaydi.

#advanced #extragrammar

used to or would?

Would is used for past actions, not situations (ya'ni would holat fe'llari bilan ishlatilmaydi, harakat fe'llari bilan keladi):

France would have a king.
✓ France used to have a king.

used to or past simple?

We often use used to, not the past simple, when we want to emphasize a difference between the past and the present:
My sister works in an office now but she used to work on a farm.

We use the past simple for:

•single actions in the past:
I used to have an exam last week. ✓ I had an exam last week.

•periods of time:
He used to be in Greece for two years.
✓ He was in Greece for two years.

•a number of times:
We used to swim in the pool twice when we stayed there.
✓ We swam in the pool twice when we stayed there.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Speaking 9.0 sohibidan - Speaking qismida eng keng tarqalgan xatolar
👤 #Jakhongir_Isomiddinov

One Minute with … INHERIT ⬇️
(script below)
Alright, let's dive deeper into 'inherit.' Imagine your grandma had this amazing recipe for cookies, right? And now your mom makes them, and then you make them. You've basically inherited that recipe! So, to inherit is to receive something. It means you get something from someone who had it before. It could be money, a house, even your dad's weird laugh – you inherit traits too, you know?
When we inherit something, it's like we're receiving a special delivery from our family tree. It's like these things are passed down, becoming a part of you. That's what "inherit" is all about – carrying forward something from the past, like a little piece of history, or maybe just a slightly embarrassing habit.
It's pretty amazing how this word connects us to our past, right?

1. /ɪnˈherɪt/
2. B2
3. To receive money, property, or a title from someone after they die; or to receive a trait or characteristic, usually from one’s parents or ancestors.
4. = receive, acquire, succeed to; derive, acquire (a characteristic)
5. Idea: To inherit is to have your mother's eye color (look at the picture).
6. Usage hints and common mistakes:
a) Prepositions: You "_inherit from" someone and "inherit something". Example: She inherited the house from her grandmother.
b) Can be used figuratively: “He inherited his mother’s passion for music.”
e) "Heirs" are the people who inherit. "Hair" is what you might pull out if you're dealing with complex inheritance laws.
f) “Inheritance” is the noun that refers to the thing(s) inherited. ("receive an inheritance").
g) The adjective form is "inherited" not "inheritable" (though this exists, it's rare). Inherited money/property/wealth.
h) Don’t confuse "inherit" with "bequeath"—you inherit as the receiver, but you bequeath as the giver.
i) Common collocations: inherit a fortune, inherit responsibilities, inherit a legacy, inherit a disease, inherit a trait, inherit a title, inherit a habit.
7. Examples:
She was surprised to inherit a dusty old book collection from her eccentric uncle.
I didn't inherit much money, but I did inherit my grandmother's talent for making the world's best cake.
When the CEO resigned, his replacement had to inherit many unresolved issues left by the old management.
Fact: In Medieval Europe, only firstborn sons usually inherited titles and lands—sorry younger siblings, you got a sword.

Youtube dan nima ko'rishni bilmay yurganlar uchun



A surefire way to up your English skills and, by extension, your IELTS score is to immerse yourself in content that the English-speaking folk themselves regularly engage with. Not those modified and scripted videos for ESL learners such as 6-minute English or Ted-Ed. But the real deal. So, with the new year just knocking on our doors, let me bestow upon you a gift that promises to be a game changer in your exam prep. The list below features some of the best video sources you can ever get your hands on. I've scoured the whole of YouTube for these channels, so make good use of them.

LastWeekTonight – when academic meets comedic
Big Think – big ideas through the lense of experts
The Well – a spin-off of Big Think, where professors sit down for a lengthy lecture
BBC Ideas – the only BBC content worth watching
Veritasium – a simple man with thirst for science
Cleo Abram – an Internet sensation with amazing delivery
First We Feast – best interview host and best English
Kurzgesagt – finely animated educational videos
penguinz0 – weird reaction videos featuring out-of-this-world English
Great Big Story – an unlimited source of ideas and language
Vsauce – a seemingly eccentric beardy guy who questions everything

There are, of course, countless other sources you can follow, but these are my personal favorites. Instead of watching the videos for fun, be sure to squeeze as much language and ideas out of them as you possibly can. This is how I recommend you study:

1️⃣ WATCH AND PAUSE – it is essential that you make an effort to understand what you listen to. This is, after all, how you improve your listening comprehension.

2️⃣ NOTE-TAKING – take notes of any nice language and ideas that come your way, even if you know them.

3️⃣ RECYCLE – to put the new words and ideas you've just learned into practice, you should try summarizing the content, either written or spoken. This ensures language activation, as hopeless as you might feel at first.


Markazda qolib ketibdi

Doniyor Aslanov dan repost
Eng katta xato ustoziga ishonib IELTS & Multilevel ga tayyorlanish.

Kim qanday tushunsa o'zi biladi. Lekin, biror joyga borsangiz, u yerda sizga hech qanday reading va listening (albatta, grammatikaga qo'shimcha ravishda) qo'llanmalarini ishlatmasdan, ushbu skillar ustida atroflicha ishlamasdan birdan CEFR imtihon kitoblarini boshlab ketsa, u yerda tizim yo'q, o'qituvchi o'zi ham bilmaydi qaysi qo'llanmalarni ishlatishni.

Bu shunchaki nima qilish kerakligini bilmaydigan o'quvchilarga eslatma.

Har kuni tahminan 2-3 ta 9-10-11 sinf bolalarini qaytarib yuboryapman, yanvar boshlangandan beri. Ular hammasi CEFR o'qishmoqchi? Lekin, muammo bor. Muammo bu - ularning umumiy darajasi juda past. Hali General Englishni oshirish kerak. Keyin, CEFR ni o'qisa mayli.

Hurmatli o'quvchilar. Hozir umumiy ingliz tilingizni oshiring:
- Grammatika
- Ko'proq inglizcha o'qing va eshiting ( level books, podcasts, vlogs....)

Halitdan, 9-sinfda umumiy ingliz tili haqida to'liq tushuncha shakllanmasdan, 3 yillab faqat MASTER yoki ACHIEVER kitobini kovlab yurmang, ular shunchaki imtihon formatiga tayyorlaydi, darajani oshirmaydi.


O'tmishda takroriy ravishda sodir bo'lgan ishlar uchun used to+infinitive yoki would ni ham ishlatishimiz mumkin (....ardi ma'nosida).

⚠️Lekin asosiy bitta farqi bor (qolgan farqlar B2 darajadagi ko'plab manbaalarda yozilgan, jumladan "Step by step" grammatika qo'llanmasida ham).
Ya'ni o'tmishdagi ish-harakat sodir bo'lgan vaqt ma'lum bo'lsa, biz WOULD yoki USED TO+INFINITIVE ni ishlata olamiz. Agar vaqt aniq aytilmagan bo'lsa, faqat USED TO+INFINITIVE ni qo'llaymiz:

Ex: We used to play in the garden (not We would play.... chunki vaqt aytilmagan)

Ex: Whenever we went to my uncle's house, we would/used to play in the garden

#advanced #extragrammar #n8


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.