Comfort Crowd

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

~Observing life
~Discussing uncomfortable questions with comfortable people

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Early March. Dandelions.

💒 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

I never met you in person but I really like your channel's aesthetic;quite magnificent,useful as well💗hope to meet with you someday :)

Aww this is got me melting🥹, thank you, I hope we'll meet too💗💗

💖 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

u good at maths?

Working on it day and night

💒 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Do you have any plans? Aims? for this year?

Getting a six-pack by the end of 2025😁😁

💖 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Which genre of books do you like mos? Why?

I mostly like to switch between different genres to not to get stuck in only one type of books. My fav reads are Psychology&Islam cause these topics captivate me the most

💗 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Ur fav tg channel(s)?

I love all the channels I'm subscribed to, but these ones have a special vibe🍓

How can I stay awake when I reallly want to sleep (without cofffee)?

February photo (and video!) dump🐧❄️

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When both of your favorite months (March and Ramadan) come together>>>

​​It always takes patience and hard work.

A few months ago, when I started reading a new Arabic book, I would look at the very end and freak out, saying, "How can I read this if it doesn't contain harakat?" I was taken aback; however, I continued reading and slowly started seeing progress, which always made me happy. I have almost reached the end of the book and can now read texts without harakat without hesitation.)) It's just a small milestone, but I derived a great message from this situation.

The message I'm trying to deliver is: looking forward to the future too much and wondering when you'll ever reach your goal will never get you closer to it. But if you focus on the process with beautiful patience and hard work, you won't even notice when your dream turns into reality.

Being smart gets you nowhere! Taking risks does.

Can a smart person make wrong decisions serially? Without a doubt. When he doesn't have any social social skills, critical thinking and the right mindset.

I’ve seen people who were smart and talented yet didn’t get anywhere just because they couldn’t think past the boundaries they set for themselves. I’ve also seen people who weren’t gifted, yet they were full of drive and took risks, so they ended up reaching every milestone they set for themselves.

I also realized that most of the time, it’s not really about how smart you are but about how you present yourself and how you talk to people.

After analyzing this situation, I started to notice patterns in my character, and it finally dawned on me that I was acting mostly like the “smart person,” which is horrible. Okay, that’s a little exaggerated. But if I were not to understand this now, I sure wouldn’t get anywhere in life. Now, I hope I will.))

So, the message I’m trying to deliver to you is: If you’ve had something on your mind for a long time that you couldn’t decide on, even if it’s something small, please do it! In the worst-case scenario, you’ll still have tried🪻.

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I was born as a wrong person at a wrong time, I should've been born as Sherlock Holmes))

Duolingo rizz be like:

Harmony Minds📚🖇 dan repost

I am convinced that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or

10/10. Recommend this podcast. Goes over improving confidence and building charisma. If you want to work on your socializing skills, it can be useful for you

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Arabs having a word for qaysar tuya:

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.