Jahongir Umirov | CEFR instructor

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Barcha opa-singillarimizni tabriklayman bayramlaringiz bilan💐

1.2k 0 3 44 164

Ertaga opa-singillarimizni tabriklaymiz!

Konkursimiz bor esingizdami?

Sizlardaham shamooolmi?

Level test.pdf
❓Ingliz tilida hozir qaysi darajada ekanligingizni aniqlang!

Ushbu level testda 40 savol bo'lib, sizning hozirgi darajangizni aniqlab berishga yordam beradi.✅

Testning javoblarini izohlarda qoldiraman⬇️⬇️⬇️

2k 0 64 18 33

What a beautiful day in Jizzakh👀

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Must have apps if you want to get advanced in English

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

2.1k 0 26 11 29

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

2.6k 0 23 16 93

Question: Which of the following best describes the passage's main idea?
  •   A) AI is universally beneficial and should be implemented everywhere.
  •   B) The expansion of AI raises ethical concerns that require careful consideration.
  •   C) Policymakers have already solved all AI-related ethical dilemmas.
  •   D) AI’s only disadvantage is job loss.
21 ta ovoz

*The most interesting question 😉

The proliferation of artificial intelligence in various sectors has sparked debates regarding its ethical implications. While AI enhances efficiency and innovation, concerns about job displacement, algorithmic bias, and data privacy persist. Striking a balance between technological advancement and ethical responsibility remains a critical challenge for policymakers.

Regular exercise improves both physical and mental health. It helps reduce stress, boosts energy, and prevents diseases. Even short daily workouts can have positive effects. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
  •   A) Exercise prevents diseases.
  •   B) Exercise reduces stress.
  •   C) Exercise requires a gym membership.
  •   D) Exercise boosts energy.

Fast food is convenient, but it can lead to health issues. High levels of fat, sugar, and salt contribute to obesity and heart disease. People should eat balanced diets for better health. What is the writer’s opinion about fast food?
  •   A) Fast food is always healthy.
  •   B) Fast food is dangerous if eaten too often.
  •   C) Fast food has no impact on health.
  •   D) Fast food is better than home-cooked meals.
13 ta ovoz

Space exploration has led to many technological advancements. GPS, weather forecasting, and medical innovations all come from space research. Without space programs, modern life would be very different. What can be inferred from the passage?
  •   A) Space research has no real impact on daily life.
  •   B) Many modern technologies exist because of space exploration.
  •   C) Weather forecasting is unrelated to space programs.
  •   D) Space exploration is a waste of money.
57 ta ovoz

Climate change is causing extreme weather conditions. Hurricanes, droughts, and floods are becoming more frequent. Governments must take urgent action to reduce carbon emissions. What is the main point of the passage?
  •   A) Extreme weather is becoming rare.
  •   B) Climate change has no real effects.
  •   C) Urgent action is needed to reduce carbon emissions.
  •   D) Governments cannot stop climate change.

AI is changing the job market. Some jobs may disappear, but new ones will emerge. The main challenge is helping workers adapt through education and training. What is the main idea of the passage?
  •   A) AI will replace all jobs.
  •   B) AI creates both risks and opportunities.
  •   C) AI has no effect on jobs.
  •   D) Workers do not need training.
52 ta ovoz

Hellou aleykum !👋

Sog'lik biroz yo'l qo'ymayapti dars o'ta olmayabman, tushinasizlar endi.🤧

Lekin bu bizga talim olishga tosiq bo'lishi kerak emas, kelingizlar sizlar bilan bugun biroz READING ishlaymiz. 🧑‍🎓

Hurmatli óquvchilar darsni bugunchalik qoldirishimizga tóg'ri keldi, I'm really sorry 😔

Bugungi darsimiz soat 21:00 da

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.