Sherzod Barakayev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

The Magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding!

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Yes, but how?

Nudge to English dan repost
Abundance is harder to handle than scarcity

A well-known trick: Smart managers assign the most urgent tasks to the busiest or (second busiest) person in the office.

It's the human nature to get lazy, unmotivated,and dysfunctional when there's a plenty of time to squander.

The busier you are, the more active and efficient you become. The right amount of pressure shifts you into higher gear, adding vigor and purpose to your actions.

So, don't fall into these lies - whether they come from within or outside:

- You being employed doesn't mean you can't learn a skill.

- You being a full-time student doesn't mean you can't take a side hustle.

- You being a parent doesn't mean you can't take up a sport or hobby.

In essence, being busy is no excuse for neglecting the work that matters most to you.

Thank you everyone for your participation

I'm on my way back home now from work, playing this song on my player. He is one of the few singers who are far from singing song about falling in love in Uzbekistan, that's why most teenagers respect him for his talent. I think you should give it a listen to this song

It is like
"everyone wants the view, no one wants to climb"

You always see people to become successful, but you never see the work behind this success.

Don't make the same mistake over and over again, if you do so, you haven't learned anything.

This is dedicated to all of you, including me, struggling with what you are doing, you have to realize one thing that now is not forever, the thing you are doing right now doesn't have to be forever, yeah if you are having difficulty to adjust your new regime it is not forever, or if you are preparing for an exam and lacking sleep, it is not forever, if you are struggling with any aspect in your academic or physical life, dedicate the next year or years to that thing, this is not the rest of your life, and after that you could go back to where you wanted to

so the lesson here is
now is not forever.

It is the most important part. You put all the necessary hours even more to be different from everyone.

Nudge to English dan repost
The difference between 'good at English' and 'bad at English' is hard work. That's it.

It's about you trying harder than ever before. Yes, even on Sundays!

Before long, you'll hear others say: "You are such a talented language beast."

But deep down, you'll know the truth: it's the countless hours of effort that's made all the difference.

Speaking Bank dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Test yourself!

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Speaking Bank 📚| IELTS 2024 ✔️| MULTILEVEL

The input source

Ulug'bek Umidjonov | 9.0 dan repost

A surefire way to up your English skills and, by extension, your IELTS score is to immerse yourself in content that the English-speaking folk themselves regularly engage with. Not those modified and scripted videos for ESL learners such as 6-minute English or Ted-Ed. But the real deal. So, with the new year just knocking on our doors, let me bestow upon you a gift that promises to be a game changer in your exam prep. The list below features some of the best video sources you can ever get your hands on. I've scoured the whole of YouTube for these channels, so make good use of them.

LastWeekTonight – when academic meets comedic
Big Think – big ideas through the lense of experts
The Well – a spin-off of Big Think, where professors sit down for a lengthy lecture
BBC Ideas – the only BBC content worth watching
Veritasium – a simple man with thirst for science
Cleo Abram – an Internet sensation with amazing delivery
First We Feast – best interview host and best English
Kurzgesagt – finely animated educational videos
penguinz0 – weird reaction videos featuring out-of-this-world English
Great Big Story – an unlimited source of ideas and language
Vsauce – a seemingly eccentric beardy guy who questions everything

There are, of course, countless other sources you can follow, but these are my personal favorites. Instead of watching the videos for fun, be sure to squeeze as much language and ideas out of them as you possibly can. This is how I recommend you study:

1️⃣ WATCH AND PAUSE – it is essential that you make an effort to understand what you listen to. This is, after all, how you improve your listening comprehension.

2️⃣ NOTE-TAKING – make notes of any nice language and ideas that come your way, even if you know them.

3️⃣ RECYCLE – to put the new words and ideas you've just learned into practice, you should try summarizing the content, either written or spoken. This ensures language activation, as hopeless as you might feel at first.



Useful resources

Everyone must/have to listen to this message, this is a Guy who has got overall nine with speaking nine, and close the topic "how can i improve my speaking"

Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making a change

Someone in YouTube

Tasavvur qiling men 19, 20 yoki 22 yoshga qaytib qoldim.

O’zbekistondaman. Ingliz tili bilaman. Oz-moz IT ham bilaman. Ishim bor va 400-500$ pul topaman.

Hayotim keyingi bir yilini qanday o’tkazgan bo’lar edim?

Bu haqida ba’zan o’ylab qolaman. Menimcha eng to’g’ri qaror backpacking bo’lar edi.

Backpacking bu kundalik yashash uchun minimal narsalarni ryukzakka solib, o’ta arzon yo’l bilan sayohat qilish. Unda hotelda emas hostelda turiladi. Hostel bu bitta xonada 4, 6, 8 ta o’rin bo’lgan uxlash uchun arzon yotoqxonalar. Sayohat arzon bo’lishi uchun restoranda emas ko’chadagi arzon yoki tekin joylarda ovqat yeyiladi. Shahar aylanishni taksida emas, balki piyoda, juda bo’lsa arzon avtobusda qilinadi.

Men quyidagi yo’lni tutgan bo’lar edim:

1. Backpacking uchun manzil belgilar edim. Misol India-Nepal-Burma-Laos-Kambodja yoki shunga o’xshash

2. U davlatlarda komfort backpacking uchun tahminiy byudjet kuniga 25-40$, 60 kunga 2400$. Bilet 500$. Umumiy byudjet 3000$ deylik ana

3. Shuni topish kerak endi. Bu uchun kundalik harajatlarni maksimal kamaytirib, daromadni oshirib bir amallab 3000 to’plar edim

4. Pul to’plash jarayonida Janubiy-Sharqiy Osiyoda backpacking qiluvchilar facebookdagi guruhlar, Reddit, turli forumlarni o’rganib, taxminiy marshrut tuzgan bo’lar edim. Boshqalar tajribasini o’rganar edim

5. Faslga moslab, ishxonam bilan kelishib bir tomonga bilet olib shartta ketgan bo’lar edim. Ishxonam rozi bo’lmasa ham ishdan shunday voz kechib ketgan bo’lar edim. Sababi bugun 20 yoshda 500 topa olyapmanmi, 2 oy sayohatdan keyin ham kamida shuni topa olaman. Topa olmagan taqdirimda ham rizq borasida qo’rquvim yo’q. Tavakkal!

6. Sayohat davomida turistlar boradigan maskanlarga emas, balki mahalliy aholi to’planadigan joylarga borar edim. Maksimal darajada odamlar bilan suhbat qilgan bo’lar edim

7. Bir kundalik olib ko’rgan va his qilganlarimni, xulosalarimni yozib borar edim. Bu jarayonda ”men to’g’ri, boshqalar noto’g’ri” degan fikrdan yiroqlashgan holda yondashuv muhim bo’lar edi

8. Arzonroq kamera olib, yoki telefonga video va rasmlar olar edim

9. Olingan videolar yoki yozilgan kundalikni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarga vatanga qaytguncha qo’ymas edim

10. Sayohat davomida hostelda ko’rishgan yoki orttirgan har bir tanishim kontaktlarini olar edim. Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp va hok, farqi yo’q.

Ikki oylik sayohatdan keyin vatanga qaytganda bir narsa insonni hayron qoldiradi.

Hamma narsa o’sha-o’sha. Ishxona ham, uy ham, odamlar, ko’chalar va hok. Hech narsa o’zgarmagandek.

Ammo ikki oylik sayohat davomida 99,9999% odamlar 20 yilda ham olmaydigan hayotiy tajriba va hissiyotlarga to’la bo’lgan, ancha yetuk, musofirlikni ko’rgan yangi inson sifatida qaytishim kafolatlangan bo’lar edi.

Qo’rqmaysizmi degan savol bo’lishi tabiiy.

Dunyo xavfli emas. Biz o’zimiz ko’rmagan dunyo haqidagi fikrlarimiz odatda noto’g’ri bo’lib chiqadi.

20 yoshlardagi arzon byudjet bilan sayohat qilish orqali olinadigan hayotiy tajribani beradigan hech narsa yo’qdek fikrimcha.

Buni 40 yoshga kirib tushunasan, agar tushunsang!

Bek Olimjon


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.