In my 18s
Hozir 18 yoshdan o’tdim. Tushunganlarim bor, ehtimol hali tushunib yetmaganlarim bisyorroqdir. Ikki ehtimolda ham shu postni yozishga qaror qildim.
1. Learn to stand up on your own.
No one comes to save you. Whether you are a girl or a boy, bear in mind that it’s your battle. There won’t be anyone, neither your parents nor your “beloved” ones, there at some point in your life. It is you versus you against the world. Accept it. Don’t cry about it; there is no point in crying. Acceptance makes it easier.
2. That cliche phrase “Believe in Yourself”
There will be times when you can’t find the courage to believe in yourself. Believing in your dreams and instincts isn't just about motivation or about your positive results. That kind of belief kicks in when you’re lost in the game, when you’ve failed, when all you feel is like everything’s falling apart and filled with self-doubt. It’s believing that the dream wasn’t planted in your heart for no reason. Hope comes from there.
3. If it makes you happy, go for it
Sometimes, 9-to-5 jobs feel suffocating. If you are not happy with your job, quit it or find a way to deal with it (in case it’s utmost important). What’s not yours won’t make you happy. What’s not your type won’t grow you, no matter how many times you try.
#fikrlar #nightthoughts
Hozir 18 yoshdan o’tdim. Tushunganlarim bor, ehtimol hali tushunib yetmaganlarim bisyorroqdir. Ikki ehtimolda ham shu postni yozishga qaror qildim.
1. Learn to stand up on your own.
No one comes to save you. Whether you are a girl or a boy, bear in mind that it’s your battle. There won’t be anyone, neither your parents nor your “beloved” ones, there at some point in your life. It is you versus you against the world. Accept it. Don’t cry about it; there is no point in crying. Acceptance makes it easier.
2. That cliche phrase “Believe in Yourself”
There will be times when you can’t find the courage to believe in yourself. Believing in your dreams and instincts isn't just about motivation or about your positive results. That kind of belief kicks in when you’re lost in the game, when you’ve failed, when all you feel is like everything’s falling apart and filled with self-doubt. It’s believing that the dream wasn’t planted in your heart for no reason. Hope comes from there.
3. If it makes you happy, go for it
Sometimes, 9-to-5 jobs feel suffocating. If you are not happy with your job, quit it or find a way to deal with it (in case it’s utmost important). What’s not yours won’t make you happy. What’s not your type won’t grow you, no matter how many times you try.
#fikrlar #nightthoughts