Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿General English
Listening Reading Writing Speaking
Grammar & Vocabulary
👨‍🏫 Instructor : @MrShahzodbek
🗣Chat : @AptisCefrChat
👨‍💻Ads: @Reklama006
☎️ @AptisCefrBot

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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🤩 Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi maktablar o‘quvchilari o‘rtasidagi “Zakovat” turnirining hududiy bosqichi g‘oliblari

📝 Mazkur 42 ta jamoa turnirning respublika bosqichiga yo‘l oldi.

Bizning maktab jamoasi ham g'olib sifatida respublika bosqichiga yo'llanmani qo'lga kiritdi.

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

The meal is awful! Who is the ______?
  •   cooker
  •   cook
  •   cock
  •   cocky
9 ta ovoz

⚡️ SARMOYA - Forex Crypto Investment dan repost
🚀 Notcoindan yangi loyiha: Not Pixel

O'z maydoningizda pixellar yordamida rasm chizing va NOT PXga ega bo'ling!


👍 @Sarmoya


1️⃣. Academic Growth
- Access to World-Class Education: Studying at top-ranked universities abroad provides exposure to advanced research, cutting-edge technology, and expert faculty.
- Unique Courses: You can enroll in programs and courses that may not be available in your home country, allowing you to specialize in niche areas of study.

2️⃣. Personal Development
- Independence and Self-Re
liance: Living in a new country teaches you to manage daily tasks, make decisions, and solve problems independently, fostering maturity and self-confidence.
- Cultural Awareness: Immersing yourself in a different culture broadens your perspective, enhances cultural sensitivity, and helps you appreciate diversity.

3️⃣. Language Skills
- Language Proficiency: Studying in a foreign country, especially in one where a different language is spoken, allows you to develop language skills that are valuable in global careers.
- Communication Skills: You’ll also improve your overall communication skills by interacting with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

4️⃣. Career Opportunities
- Global Networking: Building a network of international contacts, including professors, classmates, and professionals, can open doors to global career opportunities.
- Enhanced Employability: Employers value the global outlook, adaptability, and problem-solving skills that come from international experience.
- Internships and Work Experience: Many study abroad programs offer internships or work-study options, giving you practical experience in an international context.

5️⃣. Cultural Enrichment
- Broadened Horizons: Experiencing different customs, traditions, and lifestyles enhances your understanding of the world and makes you more adaptable.
- New Experiences: From exploring historic landmarks to trying new cuisines, studying abroad offers a wealth of experiences that can enrich your life.

6️⃣. Perso
nal Connections
- L
ifelong Friendships: You’ll meet people from all over the world, forming friendships that can last a lifetime and expand your global network.
- Cultural Exchange: Living and studying with people from different backgrounds fosters mutual understanding and respect, which can lead to personal and professional collaborations.

7️⃣. Enhanced Confidence
- Overc
oming Challenges: Navigating a new country, culture, and education system challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, boosting your confidenc
e and resilience.
- Adaptability: Adapting to a new environment helps you become more flexible and resourceful, skills that are highly valued in any field.

8️⃣. Long-Term Impact
- Global Perspective: Exposure to different worldviews and approaches to problems helps you develop a global perspective, which is crucial in today’s interconnected world.
- Personal Growth: The challenges and experiences of studying abroad contribute to significant personal growth, shaping you into a well-rounded, independent individual.

9️⃣. Opportunities for Travel

- Explore New Places: Studying abroad provides the chance to travel and explore nearby countries, enriching your educational experience with real-world exposure to different cultures and histories.
- Brea
k from Routine: Living in a new environment can be refreshing and invigorating, offering a break from your usual routine and surroundings.

🔟. Future Education Opportunities
- Graduate Studies: If you’re considering pursuing further education, studying abroad at the undergraduate level can open doors to graduate programs at prestigious international institutions.

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

✍️ Guvoh dan repost
⚡️1-oktabrdan o'qituvchilar oyligi 15 foizga oshirilmoqda, ular endi qancha oylik oladi?

Maktab direktori:
➖ 4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 5 mln 625 ming 394 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktor o'rinbosarlari: (MMIBDO, O'TIBDO)
➖ 4 mln 386 ming 677 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktorning xoʻjalik ishlari bo'yicha o'rinbosari:
➖ 1 mln 779 ming 871 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 2 mln 030 ming 275 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 2 mln 111 ming 025 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
➖ 2 mln 286 ming 447 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

CHQBT rahbari:
➖ Mutaxassis 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
➖ Ikkinchi toifali 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
➖ Birinchi toifali - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
➖ Oliy toifali 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

➖ Oliy ma'lumotli psixolog - 3 mln 051 ming 742 so'm;
➖ Ikkinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 268 ming 047 so'm;
➖ Birinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 489 ming 865 so'm;
➖ Oliy toifali psixolog - 3 mln 702 ming 280 so'm.

➖ O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 169 ming 623 so'm;
➖ Oliy ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
➖ Ikkinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
➖ Birinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
➖ Oliy toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

Maktab laboranti:
➖ 1 mln 604 ming 647 so'm.

Kadrlar boʻyicha menejer:
➖ 1 mln 598 ming 520 so'm.

Kutubxona mudiri:
➖ O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 2 mln 135 ming 861 so'm;
➖ Oliy ma'lumotli 2 mln 330 ming 402 so'm.

➖ O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 1 mln 852 ming 107 so'm;
➖ Oliy ma'lumotli - 1 mln 949 ming 589 so'm.

✍️ @Guvoh


🔰University of Akron in Akron 🔰 (updated)
🔱QSWR: #301-350 (2025) 
🔍Location: Akron, Ohio (USA🇺🇸)
📝Deadline: 👇Spring 2025 (January Start)👇
Rolling Admission · December 01, 2024
👇Summer 2025 (July Start)👇
Rolling Admission · July 11, 2025
👇Fall 2025 (Late August Start)👇
Early Action · November 01, 2024
Rolling Admission · May 01, 2025

   📊Acceptance rate: 83%
💸Application Fee: 0$
💵Average Aid Awarded: $8,525/year
💸Students Receiving Scholarship: 98%

📌Application requirements:
IELTS 6.0+
Duolingo 95+
SAT  980-1230 (Consider but not required)
GPA  3.0+

〽️Common programs:
   👉 Chemistry
   👉 Physics
   👉 Medicine
   👉 Engineering
   👉 Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
   👉 (and others)

Tuition fee: $12,427+/year
Living expenses: $1,200+/month

💰Scholarship: UA

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

📹 Lesson008_Video-02 Worksheet

Prepare 10.

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Lesson008_Video-02 Prepare 10.

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 After the rain - Laura Bretan

Verse 1:
The clouds are dark
The storm is real
I've tried to fight
The way I feel
But sometimes life
Can just pour down on you

Verse 2:
But you calm the wind
And ease my fears
You wash away
All my tears
And softly say
The light will soon break through

After the rain, the sun comes shining in
After the rain, all things are new again
You stand with me, in the middle of the storm
And when my strength is gone
You give me yours
The sky is so much bluer than before
After the rain

Verse 3:
I may not know
The reason why
These seasons blow
Into my life
But I know your love
Will see me through

After the rain, the sun comes shining in
After the rain, all things are new again
You stand with me, in the middle of the storm
And when my strength is gone
You give me yours
The sky is so much bluer than before
After the rain

I know just around the bend
I'll finally reach the rainbow's end
Where the broken bloom again

Last Chorus:

After the rain, the sun comes shining in
After the rain, all things are new again
You stand with me, in the middle of the storm
And when my strength is gone
You give me yours
The sky is so much bluer than before
After the rain

There's beauty like I’ve never seen before
After the rain
Ooo oo oo

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

📆22.09.2024 Morning Session.
Reading Part1



🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

⚡️ SARMOYA - Forex Crypto Investment dan repost
🐹 Hamster Kombat - AirDrop miqdorlari ochiqlandi. Hisobingizga kirib, bemalol tekshiringiz mumkin.

Sarflangan vaqt uchun juda kam Drop berdi 🔽

Ishonchli proyektlardan biri Hamsterdam loyihasini tavsiya qilamiz. 8 mlrd token chiqadi va siz qancha token ishlasangiz 1:1 nisbatda qo'lga kiritasiz, turli noaniqliklarsiz, haqiqiy hisob.

🐹 Hamsterdam - EXIT tokenlari va real TON ham yutib olishingiz mumkin.

❗️ Hamsterning ichida yotib qolganlarga jo'natib qo'yamiz.

👍 @Sarmoya

A riddle for those who can still think a little on Friday evening.

And for those who are already tired, let's read: the number of coins on the right and left is the same. What is the point then? Scientists have proven that a reward (salary) has a high value only with great effort.

Moreover, losing such a reward (weekend shopping) is especially unpleasant if you worked hard to achieve it.

Let's relax.

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
AI revolution in education: it turns out that if you enter before a YouTube video link, the neural network will make a summary and time codes of the video.

The life hack has collected more than 18 million views on Reels and comments like “why did you only say this now?”

Students and schoolchildren, add this to your favorites.

🇬🇧 @AptisCefr

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Always - Bon Jovi - Lyrics - HQ Sound

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

-What is the ______ of your car? - Sapphire.
  •   height
  •   date
  •   color
  •   speed
69 ta ovoz

⚡️ SARMOYA - Forex Crypto Investment dan repost
⚡️Binance birjasidan yangi o'yin (rasmiy) - Moonbix

O'zingizni astronomdek his qiling va Binance boyliklarini qo'lga kiriting.

Yangi qo'shilganlar uchun 1000 tanga bonus sifatida beriladi.

Binancedan maxsus sovrin va bonuslar sizni kutmoqda.


👍 @Sarmoya

⚡️ Dekabr oyida o’tkaziladigan TKT sanalarini e’lon qilindi:

🗓 01.12.2024 (30.10.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

🗓 08.12.2024 (06.11.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

🗓 15.12.2024 (13.11.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

💵 Har bir modul uchun talab qilinadigan to’lov miqdori : 900 000 so’m yoki @tktregbot orqali ro’yxatdan o’tishingiz mumkin 📲

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

Sh. Holmes by A. C. Doyle retold by Duda.pdf
📚 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Retold by Katarzyna Duda

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

imtixon varaqa Yangi.pdf
⚡️ Multilevel (CEFR) Answers Sheet

🇬🇧@AptisCefr | 💬 Chat

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.