IT Park Uzbekistan dan repost
#event #live
🔘 Ayni vaqtda Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligida “Global Business Services Forum” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tmoqda
Tadbir ochilish marosimida Raqamli texnologiyalar vaziri Sherzod Shermatov ishtirok etdi.
⭕️ Ushbu tadbirni quyidagi ijtimoiy tarmoqlar orqali jonli efirda kuzatib borishingiz mumkin:
😉 You tube
🤩 Linkedln
🔘 Currently, the “Global Business Services Forum” is taking place at the Ministry of Digital Technologies
The opening ceremony of the event was attended by the Minister of Digital Technologies, Sherzod Shermatov.
You can follow this event live through the following social media channels:
😉 You tube
🤩 Linkedln
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | LinkedIn
🔘 Ayni vaqtda Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligida “Global Business Services Forum” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tmoqda
Tadbir ochilish marosimida Raqamli texnologiyalar vaziri Sherzod Shermatov ishtirok etdi.
200 nafardan ziyod soha yetakchilari va hamkorlarni birlashtiruvchi mazkur tadbir nafaqat Oʻzbekistonni yetakchi autsorsing markazi sifatida taʼkidlabgina qolmay, balki netvorking va qimmatli bilimlarga ega boʻlish uchun noyob imkoniyatlarni ham taqdim etadi.
⭕️ Ushbu tadbirni quyidagi ijtimoiy tarmoqlar orqali jonli efirda kuzatib borishingiz mumkin:
😉 You tube
🤩 Linkedln
🔘 Currently, the “Global Business Services Forum” is taking place at the Ministry of Digital Technologies
The opening ceremony of the event was attended by the Minister of Digital Technologies, Sherzod Shermatov.
This event, bringing together over 200 industry leaders and partners, not only highlights Uzbekistan as a leading outsourcing hub, but also provides unique opportunities for networking and gaining valuable insights.
You can follow this event live through the following social media channels:
😉 You tube
🤩 Linkedln
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | LinkedIn