IELTS journey| Mr. Turg'unali

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

IELTS journey with Turgʻunali Shermatov.

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Ozodbek's IELTS dan repost
How to get 9.0 in Reading

Like in listening section, I improved my reading section by re-solving the practice tests.

~So how to re-solve?

1️⃣Firstly do the test with deep focus without thinking anything. Having finished the test do not hurry to check your work, instead RESOLVE/RE-DO it. That means you should do the test for the second time but this time without time limit and pressure that you have to answer the questions as fast as possible. Plus, open your reliable dictionary app to look up unfamiliar words during the re-solving.

2️⃣Once you start re-solving, don't read super fast as you do it in the solving, instead read aloud with intonation to understand the text better. Read several times to truly understand everything (it is highly important).

3️⃣As the name suggests you need to re-answer the questions but this time you have to prove well enough why that word or that option is the answer.

4️⃣Don't just take the former answer again even if you are 100% sure that is the answer. Prove it! I always do that in order to be 1000% sure that when I check my re-solving I won't be disappointed.

5️⃣ Last but definitely not least, what is really important in re-rolving is taking your time, not hurrying and proving why the answer the answer!

6️⃣ And now you can check your answers if you think you found 40/40 in resolving. But it doesn't mean you will find 40/40 even in resolving because it just doesn't mean. But I always found more correct answers in my resolving, so don't worry it will work.

Mahfuza Sultonova (IELTS 8.5, Reading 9.0)

Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Writing band 9.0 essay analysis

Join for more ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Ozodbek's IELTS dan repost
Study Plan for Band 9.0

1) Read 5 - 10 articles from serious publications such as The Economist;

2) Read 40 - 60 pages of non-fiction books such as Thinking Fast & Slow

3) Listen to 1 - 2 serious podcasts of Lex Friedman, Andrew Huberman, or somebody of their caliber.

4) Do one Reading Passage with in-depth analysis daily.

5) Take regular MOCK tests.

6) Write five Task 2 essays and two Task 1 reports weekly.

7) Practice all the questions in the Speaking Assistant App.

8) Get regular feedback from Band 9.0 holders such as Ulugbek, myself, and others.

9) Immerse yourself in English as much as possible.

10) See dreams in English.

P.S. There isn't much emphasis on Listening, but make sure you consistently get 8.0+ in this section too.

More posts are coming to address other parts of IELTS prep.


Apex School | O'quv markazi dan repost
Jamila Ikromova

Listening 60⚡️
Reading 55 🔥
Writing 47
Speaking 49

Overall : 53 ball B2

Ushbu oʻquvchim bilan 7 oy birga shugʻullandik. 14 yoshda va ilk urinishda B2 super natija

Teacher: Shermatov Turgʻunali


Apex School | O'quv markazi dan repost
Ogʻabek oʻquvchim.

Listening 61⚡️
Reading 69 🔥
Writing 60 ⚡️
Speaking 43😬

Overall : 58 ball B2

Ushbu oʻquvchim bilan 3 oy shugʻullandik, 41 balldan 58 ga koʻtardik, Alhamdulillah.
Barcha oʻquvchilarga omad tilaymiz.

Teacher: Shermatov Turgʻunali


Meni hursand qilgani o'rganilgan skill lar B2 chiqdi hamma o'quvchida.

Ushbu oʻquvchilar bilan hali writing va speaking darslarni toʻliq boshlamagan edik

Apex School | O'quv markazi dan repost
Ushbu o'quvchilarimizmi ham ushbu natijalar bilan chin dildan tabriklayman.

Ularning bilimlariga hech ham shubham yoʻq, shunchaki biroz omad yetishmadi holos.

Xudo xohlasa keyingi oylik imtihonlarda omadlar tilab qolamiz.

Apex School | O'quv markazi dan repost
Ushbu o'quvchim ismi Maftuna.
Bu talabam oldindan tirishqoqligi va dars qoldirmasligi bilan ancha boshqalardan ajrab turar edi.

Aniq eslayman o'tkan yili noyabr ohirida deyarli dekabr oyida bu qiz va guruhdoshlariga dars o'tishni boshlagan edim. Qizigʻi dars toʻliq 0 dan edi.

11 oylik muntazam mehnat o'zini oqladi. Bundan juda xursandman.

Baʼzi markazlar kabi 3 4 yillab emas, 1 yilda B2 olish mumkinligini yana bir bor isbotladik.

O'quvchimizga kelgusi ishlarida va o'qishlarida rivojlar tilaymiz!

Siz ham haqiqiy natijaga erishmoqchi bo'lsangiz kursimizga hoziroq yoziling.


Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0) dan repost

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#articlesforwhatevertopic 💯

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek 🔠

Kimda nechta to'g'ri

Turgunali Shermatov dan repost

Kimlar yechyapti testni?

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Turgunali Shermatov dan repost
B2 reading test.docx

IELTS materials dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Day 2

Dopamine detox

Why is it easy to play video games for hours but hard to read for 10 minutes?

Summaries 👇

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Day 2 How to help the homeless.pdf
Day 2

7 practical ways you can help homeless people

Summaries 👇

IELTS materials dan repost
Watch the video at least 2-3 times to get the maximum benefit.

I loved the accent😍. Amazing for parroting.

IELTS materials dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Day 1

How to make stress your friend.

Watch the video
Study the new ph
Send your summary 👇

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.