Azamat IELTS | 8.5

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

IELTS score: 8.5 (L 9, R 9, W 7.5, S 7.5)
Owner: @Azamat_Nurmatov
Works at: @everestjahontillari
@nurmatov_writes - shaxsiy)
Does vlogging at times)

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Qurbon Hayit barchamizga muborak bo’lsin!


Ha yana aytgancha, bunaqa ulug’ kunlada dilozorlik, dilxiralik qib yurmelaya, avval qigan bo’sela uzur so’rab orani isloh qilib qo’yila, birinchi kechirim so’rash afzalroqdir

242 0 0 10 14

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I wrote this report with my new Introduction group, and I genuinely think that this essay can get 8+.

There are things you can learn here:

🔘Look at Introduction, what information is included here
🔘Pay attention to overall (try to understand its logic)
🔘Look how body paragraphs are organized according to the overall statement (this makes the report logically connected in parts)
🔘Variety of grammar (different sentence structures)
🔘 Vocabulary

#game_changer explanation + advice

The line graph provides information about people's participation in four distinct sports in a certain region from 1985 to 2005. The units are given in hundreds.

Overall, there were experienced varying trends in the number of people going for sports. Although the figure for rugby HAD BEEN significantly higher than the rest initially, it plummeted at the end. In contrary to rugby, the popularity of tennis rose steadily. Basketball and badminton showed less involvement throughout the span.

To start with rugby, former dominant sport, it had had the highest participation in 1989 - nearly 250. However, after a gradual decline by around 50 in 1995, it plunged to ultimate 50 - the lowest figure in 2005.

Tennis, on the other hand, gained much popularity, thus, became the most chosen sport type at the end. There was a steady increase by about 75 from 150 in the first year, intersecting with the figure for rugby at 2000 in 1995.

As for basketball and badminton, they remained unchanged. Starting the period at respective 80 and 50, the number of people taking part in basketball and badminton had decreased slightly, and then, recovered to their initial standings in 2005.

#Azamattypes #task1 #report #classpractice



Hayit oldi Hayitlikka qaysi mavzuni o'tib beray bugun?

🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

We don't have to include every single point in line graphs as we are asked to Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Colored lines in the graph shows those main features

Main features

What can I understand from this?

Even a cartoon character, Ferdinand, would be jealous of them

Coming to the gym, I realised how small I am seeing literal bulls😤

Never thought of my weight to be 76kg🤯

Now, it is high time I improved my muscles😎

Soon, at least +14 muscular kilogrammes.

My brother knows the secret😉🔪🐺

Bu fikrga qo’shilmayman Azamat, kachokligizni noto’g’ri ta’vil qilishyapti😁

Anyone with 1fit out there? Shall we go to the gym together?

463 0 0 14 11

Been a while since the last time we had a chat.

Any questions:

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.