🇺🇿kiyim qisgich
Examples with "clothespin":
1. I used a clothespin to hang the wet clothes on the line.
(Men nam kiyimlarni arqonga osish uchun kiygich ishlatdim.)
2. The wind blew so hard that it knocked the clothespins off the line.
(Shamol shu qadar kuchli esdiki, u kiygichlarni arqondan uchirib yubordi.)
3. She clipped the photos to a string with colorful clothespins.
(U suratlarni rangli kiygichlar bilan ipga qistirib qo‘ydi.)
4. The clothespin broke when I tried to use it on a thick blanket.
(Qalin adyolga ishlatmoqchi bo‘lganimda, kiygich sindi.)
5. Can you hand me a clothespin? I need to secure this paper to the board.
(Menga bir dona kiygichni bera olasizmi? Bu qog‘ozni taxtaga mahkamlashim kerak.)
🇺🇿kiyim qisgich
Examples with "clothespin":
1. I used a clothespin to hang the wet clothes on the line.
(Men nam kiyimlarni arqonga osish uchun kiygich ishlatdim.)
2. The wind blew so hard that it knocked the clothespins off the line.
(Shamol shu qadar kuchli esdiki, u kiygichlarni arqondan uchirib yubordi.)
3. She clipped the photos to a string with colorful clothespins.
(U suratlarni rangli kiygichlar bilan ipga qistirib qo‘ydi.)
4. The clothespin broke when I tried to use it on a thick blanket.
(Qalin adyolga ishlatmoqchi bo‘lganimda, kiygich sindi.)
5. Can you hand me a clothespin? I need to secure this paper to the board.
(Menga bir dona kiygichni bera olasizmi? Bu qog‘ozni taxtaga mahkamlashim kerak.)