Xusanboy Tursunov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

Texnik va texnik bo'lmagan narsalar haqida yozaman
🌐 xusanboy.uz

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Telegram'da ko‘rish
🖼 Gradient background color transition

Source code: link

🎥 24Seven - Onlayn Kinoteart

Bu loyiha ham bilim va ko'nikmalarimni oshirish va tajribamni sinovdan o'tkazish uchun yaxshi imkoniyat bo'ldi. Flutter dasturchi sifatida iOS, Android va Smart TV qurilmalari uchun mobil qismini ishlab chiqishda ishtirok etdim

🎬 Dastur haqida qisqacha

Dastur kino ixlosmandlariga film va seriallar haqida to'liq ma'lumot olish, reytinglarni ko'rish, o'z tanlovlarini boshqarish va sevimli film va seriallarini tomosha qilish kabi qulay imkoniyatlarni taqdim etadi. 🎯 Mening rolim foydalanuvchilarga film va seriallar haqidagi ma’lumotlarni qulay interfeysda ko‘rsatish edi. Ushbu maqsadda men quyidagi funksiyalar ustida ishladim:

- ⭐️ Foydalanuvchilarga film va seriallarga reyting berish imkoniyatini yaratish
- 💬 Fikr-mulohazalarni (feedback) qoldirish funksiyasini qo‘shish
- 🌐 Internet holatini tekshirish (tarmoq ulangan yoki ulanmaganligini aniqlash) va ilovani mos ravishda optimallashtirish
- 📤 Filmlarni do‘stlar bilan ulashish (share) funksiyasini ishlab chiqish
- 👍 Like tizimini qo‘shish
- 💸 Pulli va bepul filmlarni farqlash imkoniyatini ko‘rsatish

va bu funksiyalarni Smart TV qurilmalari uchun ham tadbiq qildim

⚙️ Texnik yondashuvlar

Loyihaning asosiy qiyinchiliklaridan biri foydalanuvchilarning internetga ulanmagan holatlarida ham ilovani barqaror ishlashini ta'minlash edi. 🛜 Ushbu masalani hal qilish uchun internet holatini doimiy ravishda monitoring qilish va ulanish mavjud bo'lmaganda ilovaning asosiy funksiyalarini oflayn rejimda ishlashini ta'minlash mexanizmlarini ishlab chiqdim

Bundan tashqari, like va feedback funksiyalari hatta hajmdagi ma'lumotlar bilan bog'liqligi sababli samarali texnik yechimlar taklif qildim va ilovani samaradorligini oshirdim ✅

💡 O‘rganilgan saboqlar

Loyihada yaxshi tajriba yaratdim va loyiha jamoviy ishlash imkonini berdi. Yana kun ora loyihani rivojlanishiga ma'sul bo'lish, jamoadoshlarga vazifalar berish, deadline'larini nazorat qilish, ularni muammolariga ko'maklashish kabi, oz bo'lsada Project Managerlik atmasferasini his qilib ko'rdim 😊

❗️ Dasturga aloqador rasmlarni postni comments qismidan topishingiz mumkin

132 0 0 17 13

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🚀 iUniver - onlayn ta'lim platformasi

Yaqinda men platforma uchun mobil ilova ishlab chiqishda qatnashdim. Albatta, Flutter yordamida buni qildik 🦾
Bu mening real loyihalardagi birinchi tajribam edi 🌱

🎯 Loyiha haqida

Dasturning maqsadi bilimni dunyo bo'ylab oson va qulay yetkazishda. 🎨 Biz foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay interface taqdim eta oldik deb hisoblayman.


- 🔑 Qulay avtorizatsiya (Google va Facebook bilan ham)
- 🎓 Kurslarga oson qo'shilish
- 💬 Kurs uchun sizning fikringiz
- 🛜 Darslarni oflayn davom ettirish
- ⚙️ Qulaylashtirish uchun sozlamalar
- 🔔 Bildirishnomalar

kabi boshqa imkoniyatlari ham mavjud

🛠 Texnik yechimlar

Bu imkoniyatlarni taqdim etish uchun:

- 📏 Bloc arxitektura
- ⚙️ Bloc state management
- 💾 Hive

kabi vosita va yechimlardan foydalandik

📘 O‘rganilgan saboqlar

Texnologiya ta'limni qanday o'zgartirishi mumkinligi haqida chuqurroq tushunchaga ega bo'ldim

❗️ Dasturga aloqador video va rasmlarni postni comment qismidan topishingiz mumkin

🔄 xusanboy.uz yangilandi

- havolalar bilan boyitildi
- blog'ga o'tish va resume'ni ko'rish imkoniyati qo'shildi
- minimalist design

⚙️ Built with HTML and CSS
☁️ Hosted by Vercel
📬 Domain provided by aHOST

Web App

Soon 🚀

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🌟 Flutter va Rive yordamida qilingan animatsiyali login oynasi

📁 Source code: https://github.com/hammadx02/Flutter-Animated-Login-Form

🌟 App Name: QulayYetkaz

💡 Description: A mobile application for couriers in the carpet cleaning service to easily deliver products to their owners.

📚 XP: I have gained experience in working with maps, managing access and refresh tokens, and handling server-fetched data as if it were local, enhancing performance and user experience. You can filter deliveries by status and also view orders on the map.

#️⃣ Hashtags: #flutter #mobile #geocoding #map

🛠 Service: Geocoder - API converts coordinates into addresses

📦 Main Packages:

• connectivity_plus - Network status
• internet_connection_checker - Checks internet
• lottie - Lottie animations
• yandex_mapkit - Yandex Maps
• geolocator - Location services
• shimmer - Loading effect
• toastification - Toast notifications
• url_launcher - Opens URLs
• flutter_dotenv - Environment variables
• get_it - Dependency injection
• dio - HTTP client
• shared_preferences - Local storage
• others ...

🔄 State Management: Bloc & Cubit

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

🌐 New Article Alert! 🚀

I've just published a new article on Medium, in which I will walk you through how to implement Google Authentication in Flutter. This guide is written in Uzbek. If you're a Flutter developer looking to integrate this feature into your app, this guide is for you!

Check it out and let me know your thoughts! 👇

🔗 Medium Link

#googleauth #article #story

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🤓 Today, I wanted to add GitHub authentication functionality to my app. I searched for available packages but found that the ones I came across were no longer supported and were unusable. So, I decided to develop my own github_auth package

📦 github_oauth - A Flutter package that simplifies GitHub OAuth authentication in your app. It handles the OAuth2 flow, from login to token retrieval, and provides a customizable sign-in experience.

⭐️ Features:

Complete OAuth2 Flow: User login and token management
Customizable UI: Personalize the sign-in page and WebView
WebView Integration: Smooth native WebView experience
Secure token handling
Comprehensive error handling

📃 For more details, visit the package's page on pub.dev. The source code is also available on GitHub

🧑‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🌟 App Name: Muloqot

💡 Description: Today, I tried a tutorial for an app that makes voice and video calls.

📚 What I Learned: I gained experience using the ZegoCloud service and integrating components like Shadcn UI and Lucide with Flutter.

#️⃣ Hashtags: #flutter #mobile #zegocloud

🛠 Service: ZegoCloud - offers real-time voice, video calling, and live streaming services through SDKs for easy integration into apps.

🧰 App development tools: Firebase (Authentication, Real-time Database)

📦 Packages:

shadcn_ui - For UI components
zego_uikit_prebuilt_call - For prebuilt voice and video calls
zego_uikit_signaling_plugin - For signaling in ZegoCloud
go_router - For routing
flutter_bloc - For state management with Bloc
firebase_core - For Firebase integration

🔄 State Management: Bloc

🔗 Source code: GitHub Repository

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

⬇️📲 Download APK

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🌟 App Name: Recipe App

💡 Description:

Users can create, view, save, and comment on recipes, and manage their profile.

📚 What I Learned: Worked on UI/UX design, especially profiles, and improved my Git/GitHub skills.

#️⃣ Hashtags: #flutter #mobile #team

🤝 Contributors:


📦 Packages:

flutter_bloc - For combining Bloc with Flutter widgets
dio - For HTTP requests
get_it - For dependency injection
shared_preferences - For local storage
bloc_test - For testing Bloc
mockito - For mocking dependencies in tests
firebase_core - For Firebase integration
readmore - For expandable text
image_picker - For picking images
hive - For lightweight data storage
video_player - For playing videos
connectivity_plus - For network connectivity
shimmer - For loading animations

🔄 State Management: Bloc

🔗 Source code: GitHub Repository

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

💬 Your feedback matters!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🌟 App Name: QR Code Scanner

💡 Description:

With this app, you can easily and quickly scan QR codes. You can share the result on social networks and save it to your device's storage.

🔑 Key Features:

• 📸 Scan any QR code.
• ⚡️ Save and share results.

📚 What I Learned: Working with the camera, device storage, and several new packages.

#️⃣ Hashtags: #flutter #mobile #qr #camera

📦 Packages:

flutter_svg - For SVG images
flutter_screenutil - For adaptive design
qr_flutter - To generate QR codes
mobile_scanner - To scan QR codes
image_gallery_saver - To save images to the gallery
fluttertoast - For toast messages
share_plus - To share content
path_provider - To find locations on the filesystem
image_picker - For camera access

🎨 Design: Mobile (Adaptive)

🔗 Source code: GitHub Repository

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

💬 Your feedback matters! Share your thoughts or suggestions in the comments and reactions. It helps me improve and make future projects even better!

🌟 App Name: Shamchiroq (Flashlight)

💡 Description:

The Flashlight app offers a bright, easy-to-use flashlight feature with a sleek design. Enjoy a simple interface and smooth Lottie animations for turning the light on and off.

🔑 Key Features:

• 🎨 Intuitive interface.
• ⚡️ Instant light control.
• 🎬 Animated splash screen with Lottie animations.
• 🚀 Smooth transitions.

📚 What I Learned: Utilizing Method Channels to interact with native platform features for controlling the flashlight.

🛠 Problem Solving: During development, I encountered an issue where the app did not remember the flashlight state when exiting. To address this, I implemented a solution to cache the flashlight state using SharedPreferences. This ensures that the flashlight state is preserved even if the app is closed or restarted.

#️⃣ Hashtags: #flutter #mobile #methodchannel

📦 Packages: shared_preferences, lottie

🎨 Design: Mobile (Adaptive)

🔗 Source Code

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

👇 Download APK

📦 blj_search - package provides a collection of search algorithms implemented in Dart. It includes binary search, linear search, and jump search algorithms for finding elements in lists. This package is useful for developers who need efficient searching mechanisms in their Dart or Flutter applications.

⭐️ Features:

• Binary Search: Efficiently finds an element in a sorted list with a time complexity of O(log n).
• Linear Search: Finds an element by scanning each element in the list with a time complexity of O(n).
• Jump Search: Combines elements of linear search and binary search to achieve better performance on sorted lists with a time complexity of O(√n).

📃 For more details, visit the package's page on pub.dev. The source code is also available on GitHub.

🧑‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

📦 placehold_img - A Flutter package that provides an easy way to display placeholder images from the internet. It leverages the CachedNetworkImage package to display images with caching capabilities, ensuring efficient loading and offline support.

⭐️ Features:

• Display placeholder images from placehold.co.
• Customizable image dimensions.
• Built-in loading indicator while the image is being fetched.
• Displays an error icon if the image fails to load.

📃 For more details, visit the package's page on pub.dev. The source code is also available on GitHub.

👨‍💻 @khusanboyscodes

🥳 I have published my first two packages on pub.dev:

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.