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Turizm qo‘mitasi O‘zbekiston poytaxtida bo‘lib o‘tgan “Visa Fashion Week Tashkent IV mavsumi” moda festivalida rasmiy hamkorlaridan biri sifatida ishtirok etdi.
The Tourism Committee took part as one of the official partners in the “IV season of Visa Fashion Week Tashkent”, which was held in the capital of Uzbekistan.
Комитет по туризму принял участие в качестве одного из официальных партнеров в «IV сезоне Visa Fashion Week Tashkent», проходившем в столице Узбекистана.
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The Tourism Committee took part as one of the official partners in the “IV season of Visa Fashion Week Tashkent”, which was held in the capital of Uzbekistan.
Комитет по туризму принял участие в качестве одного из официальных партнеров в «IV сезоне Visa Fashion Week Tashkent», проходившем в столице Узбекистана.
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