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Ibrat Debate dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

📢 Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yosh chegarasi qat’iy belgilanishi kerakmi yoki bu inson erkinligini cheklashmi?
Sizning fikringiz qanday? Bu bahsga qo‘shiling, o‘z nuqtai nazaringizni himoya qiling va qizg‘in munozarada ishtirok eting!

💡 Mavzu: "Social Media Platforms Should Enforce Age Restrictions"

🎟 Qanday ishtirok etish mumkin?
@ibratdebate_bot ga kiring va ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📲 Bizni kuzatib boring:
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This video gives more information about what initiatives our government is implementing for Youth Policy👆

I couldn't post yesterday, because I was too exhausted and immediately fell asleep as I got home.

Let’s begin the story with the collapse of the USSR.

In 1991, Uzbekistan’s economy was heavily reliant on agriculture, with nearly 40% of its GDP coming from agricultural exports. With vast territories and the largest population in Central Asia, we exploited these advantages to produce "paxta," fruits, and vegetables. Even school students and teachers were required to collect cotton instead of focusing on learning/teaching. All we could do was cultivate and collect something.

Unsurprisingly, such exploitation and low wages forced 90% of competent male school-teachers to leave their job, because they simply couldn't feed their family working as a teacher in school. Moreover, a significant portion of the national budget was allocated to agriculture, while crucial sectors like education and entrepreneurship lacked financial support. Due to poor education, we also lacked the skilled professionals and advanced technology needed to extract valuable resources, such as gold, oil, and gas, that are abundant in our country. As a result, we signed unfair contracts with foreign companies—most of them Russian—allowing them to extract these resources while taking a significant share of the profits. Additionally, our country remained largely closed to international tourists, despite our rich history and cultural heritage.

By the early 2000s, the Aral Sea had turned into a desert, and the economy was stagnating. Prices for basic necessities continued to rise while salaries remained stagnant. Life was far from easy. Frustrated by the limited prospects in education and entrepreneurship, many ambitious young people chose to study abroad, seeking better academic experiences, a higher quality of life, and greater career opportunities. Having witnessed these advantages, many of them had little desire to return to Uzbekistan after their graduation.

However, Uzbekistan has undergone significant changes. Today, it ranks among the top 30 fastest-growing economies globally and is in the top three among Central Asian and European countries. The tourism and IT sectors are booming, and the government has created numerous opportunities for young entrepreneurs and scholars. Given that Uzbekistan has the largest youth population in Central Asia—while many developed countries struggle with aging populations and declining birth rates—the government has made youth education and development a priority. Listing all the initiatives implemented for young people would take too long, but one thing is clear: Uzbekistan is becoming increasingly attractive to its youth.

From my personal network, I can see that many young Uzbeks who got into top abroad universities are planning to return home and contribute to the country’s development. As youth policies continue to improve, young people will no longer leave without considering coming back.

The commenters on this topic seem to be from an older generation who directly experienced the difficulties of the past. From their perspective, Uzbekistan remains unchanged. While it is true that many challenges persist, the government is now taking the rightest approach by prioritizing education and investing in the youth—who will, in turn, grow into skilled professionals and solve these issues in the future.

I will share my thoughts on this post in a long text as I get home😅

Be tuned..

Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog dan repost
I'm so shocked to read that so many people think that students who leave to study abroad will not come back.

If you know me in-person, or have watched any of my interviews, or have read my posts so far, do you think I will leave the country once and for all?

Do you agree that most of the students leaving abroad have no intentions of coming back. In general. Why do you think is it the case?


Ibrat Debate dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Eng qizg‘in bahslar, fikrlar to‘qnashuvi va yangi g‘oyalar sari ilk qadam!

1-2 fevral kunlari O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab "IBRAT DEBATE" tanlovi o‘tkaziladi! 🌍🔥

🎙 Debate topic:
"Should developed nations be forced to aid more developing nations?" 🌏⚖️

🌍 Siz qaysi tomondasiz?
🔹 Kambag‘al davlatlarga yordam berish global barqarorlikni ta’minlaydimi?
🔹 Yoki har bir mamlakat o‘z muammolarini o‘zi hal qilishi kerakmi?

🔎 Manzil va vaqtlar:

📍 Namangan – 2-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Qoraqalpog‘iston – 1-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Jaslar Orayi
📍 Samarqand – 2-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Farg‘ona – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar Agentligi binosi
📍 Andijon – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Prezident maktabi
📍 Xorazm – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Sirdaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Surxondaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 11:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Buxoro – 2-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Qashqadaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Jizzax – 2-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Jizzax Ibrat Akademiyasi
📍 Toshkent shahar – 2-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi
📍 Navoiy – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Toshkent viloyati – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi

Nega qatnashish kerak?
✅ Eng dolzarb mavzularda bahslashish
✅ Notiqlik mahoratingizni oshirish
✅ Yangi do‘stlar orttirish

🚀 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
Shunchaki @ibratdebate_bot ga kiring va ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

Telegram | Instagram

In the summer, I was volunteering as an attache for the delegation of Malaysia, and on the 30th june (Youth Day in Uzbekistan), Malaysians came to the event in their national cloth, while other people (Uzbeks) wore formal dark suits. The delegates also shared with me that they always wear national clothes on the official events, and I got excited about it. I, actually, really like this idea to be employed in my country as well.

I mean, look at the reactions..
Do they really hate our cultural clothes or what?

What is wrong with these people?

Ibrat Debate dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

1️⃣ "Ibrat Debate" o‘zining 1 yilligini nishonlamoqda va qatnashuvchilar uchun maxsus sovg'alar tayyorlab qo'ygan!

📅 22-dekabr kuni O‘zbekistonning barcha hududlarida 🚀


📍Toshkent shahri
📍Toshkent viloyati
📍Jizzax viloyati
📍Sirdaryo viloyati
📍Samarqand viloyati
📍Buxoro viloyati
📍Navoiy viloyati
📍Qashqadaryo viloyati
📍Surxondaryo viloyati
📍Xorazm viloyati
📍Farg'ona viloyati
📍Andijon viloyati
📍Namangan viloyati
📍Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi

🔥 Bu safargi mavzu:
"Should national clothing be encouraged in daily life or in special ceremonies?"

🌟 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
Shunchaki @ibratdebate_bot ga kiring va ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📱 Telegram | 🌐 Instagram

🌐 Help Us Bridge the Digital Divide! 🌐

Dear LinkedIn community,
I’m conducting research to better understand the factors that contribute to the digital divide - the gap in access, usage, and skills related to digital technology. This study focuses on the impact of cultural norms and infrastructural limitations on digital inclusion.

Your input matters! By completing this short survey, you’ll contribute to valuable insights that could help shape future initiatives to improve digital access and inclusivity.

📝 Survey Link:
⏳ Estimated time: Just 5 minutes

Every response counts and will be kept confidential. Your participation is invaluable to my research and the wider goal of creating a digitally inclusive world.
Thank you for your time and support! 🙏
Feel free to share this post with others who might be interested.

This friday will be a big day for me📅
Pray for my success🙏

IVYonaire Official dan repost
How to Start Your Passion Project Part 1

ℹ️ Passion project is an essential part of your university application. Today, we’re focusing on passion project, understand what it is, and how to find one. Before we go to the tips, let's first clarify what the passion project is.

⚡️What is a Passion Project?

A passion project is a personal endeavor driven by your deep interest or enthusiasm for a particular subject, hobby, or cause. It's something you pursue outside of work or school that gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Passion projects can take many forms, such as starting a blog, creating artwork, launching a business, or advocating for social change. Now, let's dive into the tips.

1️⃣ Identify Your Passion (Super Important):

Reflect on what excites or inspires you. This could be anything—technology, writing, environmental activism, cooking, and more. Choose something that genuinely brings you joy. To narrow it down, explore articles across financial, legal, and social topics, and see what resonates with you. You can also use this 7-question guide to help identify your passion. Follow the link to access these questions.

🔜 In the next post, we will continue talking about passion project and share with two more tips to start your passion project. Stay tuned!

⚡️ If you'd like more posts about extracurricular activities, leave a 🔥 below!


If you are tired. If you want to give up. If you see what you are doing as purposeless actions.

Remember the initial purpose that fueled you for this journey.
Try to imagine 2 distinct scenarios; In one, you have finished the way you intended to accomplish. In another, you couldn't reach the end of the journey.

I believe, these reflections can help those who got stuck upon

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.