UP | volunteer club

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Ruscha
Toifa: Ta’lim

~"UP" volontyorlik klubiga xush kelibsiz!
~ The things you do might seem like "little things" to you, but those "little things" have a way of making lives better and brighter.
✨Bizga qo'shilish uchun: @aphrodite_mm
🌐 Hamkorlik uchun: 94 141 30 37

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Ruscha
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I've came across some videos where people were making fun of a person that is developing and acting differently then them.
They were making fun of how they are torturing their body and waking up early. How they are into "productive cult" and do not get rest. When they were acting confident or outsmarting them, manifesting something, they were getting mad, angry. And it is an open content, many young people are seeing it and getting influenced. But just let's think about both sides.
While the one is mocking, the other one does not even care about them. Isn't it embarrassing just to know that while you are pushing yourself and hating them, commenting bad, they don't even care. They do not mock you even when you are at your down position. They will simply smile and wish you the best. That's what a clever person would do.
While one is always distracted, the other one is disciplined. It's already clear who is going to win. Who is going to get everything they want.
When one is crying of how unfair that life is, the other one is understanding and using it for their own good. They are learning how to survive, act the best and be in the spotlight.
You, should NEVER get distracted by those who are saying bad things about you, who are looking down at you and who are making fun of you. Use it in your own way, turn that "disadvantage" of yours into something that will make you unique. That's what successful people do. They do not care. And also they do not make fun of you. They don't have time, they already acknowledged that their own energy is more valuable and they will not waste it.
So please, you better save yourself. You will not be alone, there are millions who have the same passion and even if you will be alone, you still need to have that fire in your heart that will keep reminding you of the best outcome.

Our society has that opinion of " only poor people are the most honest ones". In order to be the best person you need to be poor and be very modest. I might agree with a modest part in some cases, however if we think of it, being poor won't help you anywhere and you will have less opportunities. When you are working hard right now in order to be extremely rich, you can be sent to poor people by God just to give them that reassurance. That they need to work hard in order to help others too.

🚀 The stage is set. The energy is building.

Tomorrow at 12:00 PM in Yoshlar Markazi, the sharpest minds will gather to debate, challenge, and inspire.

Are you ready to make your voice heard?
This is more than just a debate—it's an arena for leaders, thinkers, and change-makers. Be there. Witness the power of ideas. Or better yet, be the one who shapes the conversation.

“Success belongs to those who dare to stand up and speak their truth.”

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

📢 Siz tayyormisiz? Eng qizg‘in bahslar, fikrlar to‘qnashuvi va yangi g‘oyalarga start beriladi! 🌍💡
1-2 fevral kunlari O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab Ingliz tilida debate sessiyalari o‘tkaziladi! 🗣

🎙 Mavzu:
❓ *"Should developed nations be forced to aid more developing nations?"* 🌍⚖️
Siz qaysi tomondasiz?
🔹 Rivojlangan davlatlar kambag‘al davlatlarga yordam berishi global barqarorlikni ta’minlaydimi?
🔹 Yoki har bir mamlakat o‘z muammolarini o‘zi hal qilishi kerakmi?

💬 Bu debate-da ishtirok etish orqali:
✅ Ingliz tilida erkin so‘zlash
✅ Mantiqiy fikrlash va argumentatsiya
✅ Global masalalar bo‘yicha fikr bildirish
✅ Networking va yangi do‘stlar

🎁 Maxsus sovg‘a:
Eng yaxshi debatchilar shaxsan "Ibrat Debate" boshqaruvchisi Azizbek bilan bepul konsultatsiya olishadi! 📚🔝

🚀 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
👉 Hozir ro‘yxatdan o‘ting: @ibratdebate_bot

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💡 Bu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

❗️Жек Читтакми ёки Юсуф Раис?

"Кариб денгизи қароқчилари" фильми орқали барчамизга таниш бўлган Жек Читтак (Жек Уорд) аслида тарихий шахс ҳисобланади. У 1553 йилда Англиянинг Фавершам шаҳарчасида туғилган. Аввалига балиқчилик билан шуғулланган Жек, кейинчалик Англия денгиз флотида хизмат қила бошлайди. Аммо, ҳукумат сиёсати билан келиша олмай, ватанини тарк этишга ва узоқ вақт денгизда сарсон кезишига тўгри келган. Бу вақтда у ўз атрофида яхшигина жамоа шакллантиради. Кейинроқ, Тунисга боради. Энди Усмонийлар давлати учун хизмат қила бошлаган Жек исломни қабул қилиб, исмини Юсуф Раис деб ўзгартиради. У, ҳатто, Усмонийлар флотида адмирал даражасига кўтарилган. Юсуф Раис 1622 йилда Тунисда вафот этган. "Ислом тарихи ва ҳазораси"дан.

who would've thought it had a fee?

Not working. Download the app, search the toppers. And you can join.


good evening everyone. Recently created a group to study together and keep everything on track. Be free to join.

The last week of 2024.
Let's take a breath and appreciate every moment we experienced for a whole year. 2024 was the start of the game changing for me. It was full of love, laughter and enjoyable moments. I learned many things. This year i've achieved several goals, had amazing opportunities and met so many great people. I am so honored to be where i am now and i want to thank God, myself, my loved ones to be with me this whole time.
This week was one of the weeks when i planned everything, every single move.
I will see you guys next year, i wish you all the best upcoming year and a very blessed and abundant one.

Now, looking at everyone i am realizing that only my family doesn't celebrate the new year, doesn't cook something special, or any kind of salads and never decorated our home. That is also an experience...

i was struggling to wake up as the same time i would in summer, so it kept questioning me. Is that normal or i am just making it up. Turns out it is normal and there are also ways to help you wake up earlier.

101 essays that will change the way you think.

I have never read a book that took me so long. It was quite interesting and had good information at the start however, i lost interest and it's been 5 months since I was carrying that book with me. I read more than a half, i cannot continue anymore. It got super boring as time passed.
Зерикарли китобни ёпишни ози санъат.

when you forget to turn off the timer

The performance was on fire, and the debate was so intense. See you all in 2025, next time we will perform better than this time. Good luck for you all

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

1️⃣ "Ibrat Debate" o‘zining 1 yilligini nishonlamoqda va qatnashuvchilar uchun maxsus sovg'alar tayyorlab qo'ygan!

📅 22-dekabr kuni O‘zbekistonning barcha hududlarida 🚀


📍Toshkent shahri
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📍Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi

🔥 Bu safargi mavzu:
"Should national clothing be encouraged in daily life or in special ceremonies?"

🌟 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
Shunchaki @ibratdebate_bot ga kiring va ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📱 Telegram | 🌐 Instagram

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🇺🇿 Ibrat Debate o‘zining 1 yilligini nishonlamoqda va sizni ushbu tadbirga taklif qiladi!

📅 22-dekabr kuni soat 14:00da Navoiy shahrida o‘tkaziladi.

📍 Manzil: Navoiy shahar, Prezident maktabi yonidagi Yoshlar Markazi binosi

🔥 Mavzu:
"Should national clothing be encouraged in daily life or in special ceremonies?"

🎁 Sizni nimalar kutmoqda?

Maxsus sertifikatlar

Qiziqarli sovg‘alar

🌟 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
@ibratdebate_bot orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

Telegram | Instagram

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.