Ulug'bek's English

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General English and IELTS teacher at a private school, Buxoro Maktabi in Almalyk
📍Oydin branch
🚀 My students’ results are up to 8.0

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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✅ «BUXORO MAKTABI» o‘quv markazi Olmaliq shahrida birinchi bo‘lib, haqiqiy imtihonlarda ishlatiladigan maxsus quloqchinlardan (headphones) foydalanadi:

▫️ Listening (with Headphones)

💯 Barcha testlar haqiqiy IELTS imtihonida tushgan yoki tushishi mumkin bo’lgan materiallardan foydalaniladi.

💳 Test narxi: 50.000 so’m (BM o’quvchilari uchun 50% chegirma)

📲 Online ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun bizga yozing: @sultonov_ulugbek

📅 16-mart, soat - 9:00 da
📍 Manzil: Oydin filiali binosi

😎 @ulugbeks_english

Biz Listening testlarni real IELTS Headphones da olishni boshlab yubordik.

Yakshanba kungi MOCK TEST ga ro’yxatdan o’tishga shoshiling, joylar soni kam qolmoqda!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Finally, they’ve arrived.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

😬 Logging robot

Today is a reader,
Tomorrow is a leader

Useful words and phrases for both speaking and writing:

1. rumble down
2. stack - heap, put
3. scoop up - gain fast
4. fatigue - tiredness
5. foliage - branch
6. fatality - morality
7. onerous - difficult
8. predetermine - plan in advance
9. terrain - place

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣0️⃣

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣0️⃣

#article #dayfourteen 1️⃣4️⃣


Lekin o’zimizni o’quvchilar ham telegram orqali ro’yxatdan o’tishlari shart, shunga qarab testlar tayyorlanadi!

✅ Nasib qilsa, quloqchinlar bilan haqiqiy imtihon atmosferasini beradigan test o’tkazamiz, albatta qatnashib o’z taxminiy balingizni bilib oling!

🔥 BM o’quvchilari uchun 50% chegirma beriladi, 25.000 so’mga qatnashasiz!


✅ «BUXORO MAKTABI» o‘quv markazi Olmaliq shahrida birinchi bo‘lib, haqiqiy imtihonlarda ishlatiladigan maxsus quloqchinlardan (headphones) foydalanadi:

🔵 Listening (with Headphones)
🔵 Reading
🔵 Speaking
🔵 Writing

💯 Barcha testlar haqiqiy IELTS imtihonida tushgan yoki tushishi mumkin bo’lgan materiallardan foydalaniladi.

💳 Test narxi: 50.000 so’m (BM o’quvchilari uchun 50% chegirma)

📲 Online ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun bizga yozing: @sultonov_ulugbek

📅 16-mart, soat - 9:00 da
📍 Manzil: Oydin filiali binosi

😎 @ulugbeks_english

The diagram highlights the process by which chocolate is produced. Overall, the process consists of three main stages: extracting cocoa beans, transporting them to the factory, and finally transforming the extracted cocoa beans into edible chocolate. The process is intricate, time-consuming and primarily requires mechanical labour.

The first stage begins with growing cocoa trees in South America, Africa and Indonesia. Once mature, cocoa pods are harvested and the white cocoa beans are extracted. Next, the beans undergo a fermentation process in order to enhance flavor and reduce bitterness. Having been fermented, the beans are spread out in the sun to dry. Lastly, the dried beans are placed into large sacks.

The second stage involves two key steps. The large sacks are put into trains or lorries, which take them to the chocolate factory.

The final stage is processing beans into edible chocolate, starting with roasting the beans at a high temperature of 350°C in an oven. The roasted beans are then crushed in the round-shaped special machine to remove the outer shells. Finally, the inner parts of the beans are pressed in the special machine to separate liquid.

#process #classwork #task1 #ulugbekwrites #reportbyme

😎 @ulugbeks_english

The line graph and table illustrate the changes in the percentage of full-time university certified employees and the average wages of graduates between 2004 and 2012. Overall, mathematics graduates consistently had higher employment rates and higher salaries than the general graduate students, with an upward salary trend over the years.

The line graph shows that the percentage of full-time workers with a university degree remained relatively high in each year throughout the period, with mathematics graduates consistently having a higher employment rate compared to the overall graduate population. The mathematics graduates started with 80% in 2004, peaking at 90% in 2006. After that the figure saw a slight decrease, returning to its first percentage (80%) in the final year. Similarly, all graduate workers showed identical patterns with maths graduates by the end of the period, beginning with 65% in 2004. Before levelling off in 2012, the proportion of all graduates reached its peak at 88% in 2008.

The table presents the average salaries of graduates over the years. Both maths graduates and all graduates experienced salary growth, with mathematics graduates earning significantly more than the overall graduate population in each year. Starting with $41.000 in 2004, the amount of maths graduates salary increased consistently, reaching $60.000 in 2012. In contrast, all graduates' wage began with $41.000 in 2004, growing slowlier tham maths graduates salary to a high of $51.000 in the final year.

#classwork #mixed #task1 #ulugbekwrites

😎 @ulugbeks_english

New Beginner and Elementary groups are here!

✅ Yangi hafta seshanba kunidan boshlab, yangi guruhlar ochishni reja qilyapman:

1️⃣ Elementary
2️⃣ Beginner (0 dan)

📆 Seshanba (11-mart) kuni, soat - 15:00 da birinchi darslar bo’lib o’tadi.

🚀 Ingliz tilini 0 dan boshlayman desangiz, yoki Elementary guruh kerak bo’lsa kelaverasiz:

📲 Telegram: @sultonov_ulugbek
📞 93-121-11-14 | 94-000-77-44
📍 Manzil: Oydin filiali

👉 @buxoro_maktabi

The diagram illustrates the process by which sugar is produced from sugar cane. Overall, the entire process consists of three stages: harvesting sugar cane, extracting and processing, and finally obtaining edible crystalized sugar. The process is intricate, time-consuming and requires both manual and mechanical labour.

The first stage starts with the cultivation of sugar cane, which typically takes 12-18 months to grow. Once mature, sugar canes are harvested either manually by farmers or with the help of specialized machines.

The second stages involves three key steps, beginning with extracting ripe sugar canes in the special two-wheel machine into the watery juice. Next step is to clean it with limestone in filter to remove impurities. After cleaning step, the purified juice undergoes an evaporation process, turning into syrup in high temperature.

The last stage is acquiring edible sugar. The evaporated syrup is placed in the centrifuge, which separates sugar crystals from the remaining liquid. Finally, sugar crystals are dried and cooled in a cylindirical metal container, making them ready for consumption.

#process #classwork #task1 #ulugbekwrites #reportbyme

😎 @ulugbeks_english

🪐 A Galaxy far, far away

Today is a reader,
Tomorrow is a leader

Useful words and phrases for both speaking and writing:

1. awe - fear
2. barred - lock
3. swoop out
4. protrude

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 6️⃣

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 6️⃣

#article #daythirteen 1️⃣3️⃣


⚡️ Vertical solar panels generate electricity

Today is a reader,
Tomorrow is a leader

Useful words and phrases for both speaking and writing:

1. embankment - dam
2. tilted array
3. scorche - burn
4. supersonic - faster than light speed
5. swirl - whirl

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 5️⃣

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 5️⃣

#article #daytwelve 1️⃣2️⃣


Nowadays shops have extended opening hours almost every day of the week in many countries.
Is it a positive or negative development for shoppers and local community?

In many countries, shops are serving their customers for longer hours throughout the week. Although this development has some downsides, such as extra expenses on energy and wages, as well as consumerism, I firmly believe this trend is a positive one, as it allows shop owners to generate more income and enhances customer satisfaction for both business owners and local residents.

This trend, however, entails several drawbacks, affecting both store owners and local people badly. One of the negative aspects of elongated hours in shops is additional spendings on energy consumption and wages for employees. If stores are available for 24/7 during the week, they often tend to spend excessive electricity especially on the night shifts, providing lights on aisles, displays and keeping their electric machines like refrigeraters, cash machines on. Additionally, owners have to pay extra salaries for their night shift workers in increased amount. As a result, shop owners must spend additional money not only on electricity bills, but also extra salaries as well. This trend may make shop owners get into debt, leaving them in financial strain. Another downside of this development is its significant impact on local people, increasing consumerism among them. While shops offer 24/7 services for their customers, they also encourage unnecessary spendings, especially in urban areas. If this is not properly controlled, they can contribute a culture of consumerism, which can lead people to purchase more products which are not actually in need.

Despite these potential drawbacks, I tend to view the development of 24-hour shops in a more positive light. One of the most significant advantages is the economic boost on income it provides. With extended operating hours, businesses have the opportunity to generate higher profits by selling more products. The longer a store remains open, the more chances there are for customers to make purchases, ultimately leading to increased sales and income. For example, in my hometown city, Almalyk, the majority of people tend to work during the day and only having time to buy their daily necessities at night. On a more personal level, consumers can enjoy the availability of the products longer hours a day. Shops can provide for those working night shifts, travelers, or people in emergencies. For example, people, who need some medicine or daily stuff late at night, can benefit from open pharmacies or supermarkets.

In conclusion, opening shops for longer hours can pose some disadvantages to both shop owners and local residents. Yet I believe that it is a change for the better as it can lead to economic growth of shops, and allow people to enjoy needs throughout the day.

#writing #task2 #positive #negative #ulugbekwrites



❤️ How to support your child with school anxiety

Today is a reader,
Tomorrow is a leader

Useful chunks and phrases for both speaking and writing:

1. anguish - pain
2. ease - relieve
3. manifest - display
4. tearful
5. clingy
6. witdraw - leave
7. school avoidance
8. navigate
9. bullying
10. validate - prove
11. (re) assure - (re) trust
12. get bottled up - fed up with
13. unleash - get rid of
14. bombard
15. decompress

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 4️⃣

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 4️⃣

#article #dayeleven 1️⃣1️⃣


@ulugbeks_english 2.pdf
Hammaga rahmat, e’tibor va vaqt ayamaganlarga!

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣

📁 Kimnidur vaqti bo’lmagan bo’lsa, ham PDF hamda video walkthrough shaklda qoldirdim.

🍩 Sog’-salomat bo’lasizlar, manfaatli bo’lgan bo’lsa xursandman.

#reading #ramadanchallenge #daythree

😎 @ulugbeks_english

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣

What would happen if all the world’s trees disappeared

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.