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Assalomu alaykum!

Yil yakuniga yetib borar ekan, CS50 2024 maqolalari chala qolgani ko'nglimni hijil qildi. Iloji boricha yil yakuniga qadar barcha maqolalarni tugatishga harakat qilaman. Ko'pchilikka bu qiziq ekan. Har qanday to'g'ri tanqidlar, maslahatlar bo'lsa kommentlarda qoldiring, albatta, inobatga olinadi.

CS50 Week 0 - Scratch
CS50 Week 1 - C
CS50 Week 2 - Arrays
CS50 Week 3 - Algorithms
CS50 Week 4 - Memory
CS50 Week 5 - Data Structures

Maqolalar o'zbek tilida. Reaksiya qoldirishni unutmang 😇


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Farzandli bo'lganimdan keyin o'g'lim uchun ko'proq vaqt ajrata boshladim. Farzandimning rivojlanishida nima kerak bo'lsa shuni berishga harakat qilyabman. Va shuni sezdimki, uni rivojlanishida sezilarli hamda ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatayotgan narsa bu - qiziqarli kitoblar. Qattiq muqovali, sifatli kitoblar albatta qimmat. Siz bilan ulashadigan kanalda esa narxlar juda ham hamyonbop. Farzandingiz yoshiga mos keladigan interaktiv kitoblar, bezarar o'yinchoqlar hamda kerakli ma'lumotlarni shu yerdan topasiz. Ulanib qoling. O'zimga ravo ko'rganni sizga ham ilindim. 🫶

Register to Watch Live CS50 Lectures Online! 🌐

I just found out about the ongoing live lectures of the updated CS50xHarvard's Intro to Computer Science course — running from September 2024 to November 2024. If you’re interested in joining, make sure to register online! I’ve already registered 🙌

🔗 To watch live online:
📍 Want to attend in person? Visit this link

All lectures will be part of CS50x 2025 on edX starting January 1, 2025. Don’t miss this exclusive preview!


Feel free to congratulate me now! 🥹


Finally 🫠


As Google says, today is Ada Lovelace Day, an annual event held on the second Tuesday of October to celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions of women to STEM fields.

Ada Lovelace was the world’s first computer programmer, known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical computer. She envisioned how computers could be used for more than just calculations, laying the foundation for modern computing.


Have been accepted! Has anyone studied at this institute? Would you recommend it?

❤️ Yes
💔 No

InshaAlloh bu yilgi "Banka yopish" mavsumi tugadi ✅

Kim "молодец"? 🙃😊

I finally completed my Week 8 project for the Headstarter SWE Fellowship—a flashcards SaaS application! 💪

The main goals were to integrate Stripe for payments and use OpenAI's chat completion feature. I also added some UI improvements and background animations but focused primarily on functionality.

I'm proud of the work I've done, and I'd love for you to check it out — plus, it's completely free! 😇



Josh*Developer dan repost

Texnik intervyularning bu safargisi – o'zgacha. Intervyuver kandidat sifatida qatnashadi.

@JoshDeveloper'ning (meni aytyapti 😉) intervyu olaverib bilimi zanglab ketmadimikin? (zanglagan 💯)

Qani tekshirib ko'ramiz 😎️️️️️️

Qachon? - Yakshanba, 21:00

Kim bilan? - Uzum'da Team Lead Shahzod Tursunov va AiMono kompaniyasida Senior SWE Muhammadxon Najimov bilan

Jonlimi? - Albatta-da 😉

"Send me location!" deysizmi?
Mana -

#interview #frontend

@JoshDeveloper dan repost
Hello everyone!

I'm excited to share another opportunity with you all. Recently, I learned about EPIC Institute of Technology, an online educational institution backed by EPAM Systems from my ex colleague. As a huge fan of, which is also supported by EPAM, I believe that these courses are of great quality. If you're looking for a chance to learn and potentially secure an internship or job offer at EPAM or other leading companies, this is an opportunity you should try out.

EPIC Institute of Technology offers four programs, each lasting one year:
Complex Logic
Real-Time Backend
Real-Time Frontend
Time Series Analysis

These programs have rigorous curricula that cover fundamental topics such as:
Math and Statistics
Data Science
Algorithms and Data Structures
Advanced Programming Languages

If I had the time to study, I would definitely enroll in one of these programs. The institute offers two ways to get admission:
Passing three entrance exams successfully or
Submitting a resume

To be eligible, you just have to be at least 18 years old.
I hope this information is useful to at least some of you. In any case, if you believe someone you know might benefit from this information, please share it. Here's the link to the admissions page:

The next exam dates are August 13, and August 19.

Let's pray that this world will be filled with more bright and kind people in power, Ameen 🤲

PS: I used to proof read my post, I am not a big fan of chatgpt for reasons they are everything but open. is a very good alternative that references things they share. And I am a fan of it).
It is like Google but much better :)

The second week of the Headstarter SWE Fellowship! 🌟

We were tasked with building a pantry management app, which turned out to be an incredibly rewarding experience. The app allows users to seamlessly track their pantry items—adding, removing, and updating quantities with ease.

For this project, we utilized:
- Next.js as our frontend framework for its powerful features and performance.
- Material UI for crafting clean, responsive UI components.
- Firebase as our backend service, which was a new learning experience for me. While it performed well, I noticed it ran a bit slow in test mode.

I'm proud to have deployed the app to Vercel and integrated Analytics for real-time insights. Feel free to check it out here: 🚀

Quick demo:


🌟 Excited to share updates from Week 1 of my SWE Fellowship at Headstarter! 🌟

🚀 This week, I revamped my portfolio website. In just one day, I transformed it into what you see now! The front-end is complete, and the design is perfect—I’m thrilled with the results. I used a template from and made some custom tweaks. I purchased a domain and deployed it here Next steps include updating the project photos with real ones.

🔧 Additionally, with our team, we built a professional profile photo maker AI app. Leveraging an open-source repository from, I utilized:
- 🚀 Astria for AI model training,
- 🖥 Next.js for the app and landing page,
- 🔋 Supabase for database and authentication,
- 📩 Resend for emailing users when photos are ready,
- ⭐️ Shadcn with Tailwind CSS for styling,
- 🌐 Vercel for deployments.

This journey has been incredible, and I'm excited about the potential of these projects.


📔Dora’s Page dan repost
Tug’ruqxona men uchun og’riqli mavzu.

“Mamashalar, hamma smeslarni sumkalarizga berkitinglar. SES keldi, tezlashamiz”, degancha katta hamshira palata eshiklarini qoqib, bolalar butilkasi va qo’shimcha ozuqalarni ko’z tushmaydigan joylarga soldirib chiqadi. Ha, bu o’sha hamshira. Sal oldin “bolezni qorni och, to’ymayapti sutizga”, deb mehribon ko’rinib, qulog’i tinchishi uchun tajribasiz onajonlarning bolasiga smes berib qo’ygan hamshira shu. SES xodimlarining ko’zlariga qarab turib, onalarga emizishni o’rgatayotganliklari, hamma bolalar emib ketgani haqida cho’pchaklar to’qiydigan hamshira shu.

Aslida qaysi palataga kirma, har beshta go’dakdan uchtasining onasi bolani och qolyapti deb yoki emizishni eplolmaganidan butilkalarda qo’shimcha ozuqa tayyorlashadi.

Men hali “tug’ruqxonada / poliklinikada ona sutining foydalari haqida bilib oldim”, degan ayolni eshitmadim. Nega farzandimizning rivojlanishi uchun muhim bo’lgan ona suti haqida deyarli gapirilmaydi. Muhimligi onalarning miyyasiga quyilib, emizishga targ’ib qilinmaydi?!

Dildora Yuldosheva

“What are the 11 most boring words in the English language? “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”

Entrepreneur Larry Kim

Has anyone seen the new version of Leetcode's UI? Honestly, I don't like it at all because I can't use it on my tablet. The older version was much more comfortable. Now, I have to use my laptop to solve problems on Leetcode, but I can't always do that since I have a child. As a result, I've missed all the problems for July. Does anyone else prefer the older version of Leetcode? 😕

My Engineering Space | Cracking MAANG 🪐 dan repost
Cracking the Google Interview Part #2: Interview Preparation Roadmap

This article will guide you through my steps for preparing for my Google interviews. Overall, it took me 2 years to crack the MAANG interview and almost 500 solved LeetCode problems: including learning algorithms and data structures, practicing coding & problem-solving, and applying and passing all interviews.

My General Roadmap for Preparing for the Interview:
1. Learning algorithms and data structures.
2. Solving algorithms, and learning patterns and concepts.
3. Practicing coding & problem-solving questions together with friends on the whiteboard.
4. Learning System Design.
5. Writing a resume. Applying to jobs.
6. Preparing for a behavioral interview.
7. Getting an interview invitation, passing all interviews, and getting an offer! 🍾

How Did I Learn Data Structures and Algorithms? Here are the Resources I Used:
1. I had a Data Structures class at university. Here are the notes from the class.
2. Naso Academy DS playlist
3. Jenny's DSA playlist
5. Data Structures by a Google Software Engineer
6. NeetCode videos: here’s one of them
7. AlgoExpert Data Structures course
8. Extra:
• *Tech Interview Handbook Algorithms Cheat Sheet
The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need

Practicing Coding & Problem Solving Questions:
1. InterviewBit
2. LeetCode Explore (only data structures cards)
3. LeetCode Study Plan — Data Structure 1, Algorithm 1, Programming Skills 1
4. "Cracking the Coding Interview" + CTCI problems in LeetCode
5. LeetCode Study Plan — Data Structure 2, Algorithm 2, Programming Skills 2
6. AlgoExpert video solutions
7. & NeetCode playlist
8. LeetCode company-tagged questions

Problem-Solving Approach (Constraints, Ideas, Complexities, Code, and Tests):
1. Read the problem. Don’t immediately jump into coding!
2. Understand inputs and outputs. Draw some examples on paper.
3. Clarify requirements, ask questions, and find constraints (edge cases). Example questions: Is it ASCII or Unicode? What is the max value? Is there a difference between capital letters and small letters?
4. Think about the solution in your mind. Divide problems into sub-problems. Come up with different ideas (ask whys, think about trade-offs, solve simpler versions, imagine helper functions - go from high level to low level).
5. Evaluate the complexity and trade-offs.
6. Think of a better alternative solution.
7. Write code on paper.
8. Debug your code on paper and test with new corner case inputs.
9. Write code. Write clean code.
10. Write tests. Positive, negative, with edge-cases.
11. More to read:
HiredInTech Algorithm Design Canvas
Cracking the Coding Skills

*My List of Clarifying Questions: Questions, Corner Cases, and Constraints

General Tips:
Interviews are not only about evaluating your technical knowledge. Explain your thought process and show how you approach problem-solving in a structured way step by step. Many questions asked by interviewers are open-ended, so ask good questions to clarify a full set of criteria to solve the problem and clarify requirements. Always, always, always ask clarifying questions before jumping to a solution. Try thinking of different solutions to a given problem and explain why you came up with this solution or this code. Compare your solutions, compare complexities, and think about their trade-offs. Overall, the interview should be like a dialogue – show how it is to work with you, how collaborative you are.

Must Watch and Must Read Resources:
Interview Cake Coding Interview Tips
Prepare for Your Google Interview: Coding
Interview tips from Google Software Engineers
Coding Mock Interview

Extra resources to Watch and Read:
Tech Interview Process
Preparing for a Technical Interview
Prepare for your Google Interview: General Cognitive Ability
Prepare for your Google Interview: Leadership
"100ta Intervyu Nima O'rgatdi?" by Azimjon Pulatov
Mock interview with Vohid Karimov and Azimjon Pulatov

#google #faang #maang #coding #google_interview #faang_interview

🌟 CS50 - Week 2 🌟

2-haftada nimalarni o'rganamiz?

🔍 Kompilyator qanday ishlaydi?

🐞 Kodni qanday "debug" qilish mumkin?

📚 Massivlar va u ma'lumotlarni xotirada qanday saqlaydi?

🔤 String ma'lumot turi va uning uzunligini topish.

Batafsil 🔥


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