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Muallim Said dan repost
Ways to get lucky:

• Hope luck finds you.
• Hustle until you stumble into it.
• Prepare the mind and be sensitive to chances others miss.
• Become the best at what you do. Refine what you do until this is true. Opportunity will seek you out. Luck becomes your destiny.

- Naval Ravikant

Muxriddin Xujaev | (9) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
▶️ Reading 5,5/6,5 da stuck bo’lganlar uchun bitta bomba dars.

💫Ko’rib chiqilgan skillar:

➡️Predicting content from textual clues
➡️Finding key vocabulary
➡️Skimming for topic
➡️Identifiying main ideas

Lesson file - click

✉️More than lessons - @Xojaevs

Ulug'bek Umidjonov dan repost

A surefire way to up your English skills and, by extension, your IELTS score is to immerse yourself in content that the English-speaking folk themselves regularly engage with. Not those modified and scripted videos for ESL learners such as 6-minute English or Ted-Ed. But the real deal. So, with the new year just knocking on our doors, let me bestow upon you a gift – one that promises to be a game changer in your exam prep. The list below features some of the best video sources you can ever get your hands on. I've scoured the whole of YouTube for these channels, so make good use of them.

LastWeekTonight – when academic meets comedic
Big Think – big ideas through the lense of experts
The Well – a spin-off of Big Think, where professors sit down for a lengthy lecture
BBC Ideas – the only BBC content worth watching
Veritasium – a simple man with thirst for science
Cleo Abram – an Internet sensation with amazing delivery
First We Feast – best interview host and best English
Kurzgesagt – finely animated educational videos
penguinz0 – weird reaction videos featuring out-of-this-world English
Great Big Story – an unlimited source of ideas and language
Vsauce – a seemingly eccentric beardy guy who questions everything

There are, of course, countless other sources you can follow, but these are my personal favorites. Instead of watching the videos for fun, be sure to squeeze as much language and ideas out of them as you possibly can. This is how I recommend you study:

1️⃣ WATCH AND PAUSE – it is essential that you make an effort to understand what you listen to. This is, after all, how you improve your listening comprehension.

2️⃣ NOTE-TAKING – make notes of any nice language and ideas that come your way, even if you know them.

3️⃣ RECYCLE – to put the new words and ideas you've just learned into practice, you should try summarizing the content, either written or spoken. This ensures language activation, as hopeless as you might feel at first.


Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0) dan repost

Over the past few months, I’ve gathered feedback from my students on the IELTS topics they find most challenging. Based on this, I’ve developed a collection of 10 carefully crafted essays to address these topics.

What to expect from reading this guide?

➡️ Clear, concise key ideas explained in a straightforward manner.
➡️ Carefully selected vocabulary tailored to each topic.
➡️ A unique, structured writing style developed through classroom and lesson experience.

These essays are designed to help you tackle some of the most demanding IELTS tasks, ensuring you’re fully prepared for even the toughest questions. While most essays include two key ideas, the one on consumerism relies on strong examples to maintain its effectiveness.

Consider this a New Year gift 🎁

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek 🔔

Edu Scholars dan repost
🇨🇦Canadian Universities that give full scholarship

🇨🇦Master and Bachelor

University of Alberta
University of Saskatchewan
University of Toronto (37)
University of Ottawa
Montreal University
York University (40)
Concordia University
McGill University
University of Waterloo

📝 Telegram 💻 Instagram

Edu Scholars dan repost
🇺🇸 Apply USA for FREE!

🎁 These are the universities that you can either get Application Fee Waiver or there is no application fee.

1. American University
2. Arizona State University
3. Aquinas College
4. Ave Maria University
5. Berea College
6. Boston University
7. California State University, Sacramento
8. Central Michigan University
9. Central College
10. Clemson University
11. Colgate University
12. Cornell University
13. Dakota State University
14. Dartmouth College
15. Emory University
16. Grand Valley State University
17. Georgia College and State University
18. Gustavus Adolphus College
19. Illinois Wesleyan University
20. Michigan Technological University
21. Miami University (Undergraduate)
22. Millikin University
23. Minnesota State University, Moorhead
24. Montclair State University
25. Ohio State Lima
26. Rice University
27. University of Southern Maine
28. University of Dayton
29. University of New Haven (Undergraduate)
30. University of Rochester
31. University of Lynchburg
32. University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
33. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
34. Wellesley College, Massachusetts
35. Western Carolina University
36. Wingate University
37. Northwestern Oklahoma State University

📝 Telegram 💻 Instagram

Raimbayev Elmurod | Rasmiy blog dan repost
Qancha vaqt oladi?

Bir donishmanddan sayyoh “Shaharga borish qancha vaqt oladi?” deb so’rabdi.

Shunda donishmand “bilmayman” deb javob beribdi.

Sayyoh biroz masofa yurgach esa, donishmand unga “tahminan 7 soatlarda yetib olasiz shaharga” deb javob beribdi.

Sayyoh hayron bo’lib “nega unda “bilmayman” deb javob berdingiz” deb so’rabdi.

Javoban esa donishmand “men shunchaki seni qanday tezlikda yurayotganini bilmoqchi edim” deb javob qaytaribdi.

Xulosa: o’rganmoqchi bo’lgan narsangiz til bo’ladimi yoki kasb, hammasi sizning qanchalik ishtiyoq bilan kirishishingiz va harakatingizga bog’liq bo’ladi.


Ozodbek's IELTS dan repost
“It takes 6 months to get decent and 6 years to get good at anything.

Skills, jobs, running business, etc.

Don't let bad early results stop you.
That's just part of the game.”

Siroj's notes | 8.0 dan repost
Listening3 @SIROJ_NOTES.pdf
Ertalabdan Sovg'a silarga. 😃

Part 1 kecha o'zimdi imtihonimdan tushdi CDI da.

'' rel='nofollow'>ANSWER KEYS

<ghoSt> dan repost
Answer keys

IELTS with Elvira Malik dan repost
Grammar of Spoken and Written English (2021).pdf
📌Grammar of Spoken and Written English

Speaking Bank dan repost
Grammar structures B2/ C1

If only (C1) - qaniydi
— If only I had enough money, I would buy Khusan teacher’s speaking course

I would better (B2) - afzal ko’rmoq
— I would better stay home now

Just in case - har ehtimolga qarshi
— Take some cash! Just in case
— Take an umbrella in case it rains

Supposing / imagine (C1) - tassavur qil, hayol qilaylik
— Supposing we lost the game, what would you do?

As if (B2) - xuddiki, go’yoki
— He acted as if he knew English very well

By the time (C1) - gacha
— By the time you arrive, I’ll have finished the task
— By the time he came home, I had finished all homework tasks

✔️ Share with your friends too!

Speaking Bank 📚| IELTS 2024 ✔️| MULTILEVEL

Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0) dan repost
Describe an important river or lake in your country.

You should say ✍️

➡️ where it is located
➡️ how big/long it is
➡️ what it looks like
➡️ and explain why it is important.

Since Uzbekistan is a double-landlocked country, we don’t really see much water here. There is absolutely no access to seas or oceans, and the climate is pretty dry because of that, but we still have a couple of rivers and a very popular lake in the Tashkent region that is called Charvak. It is one of the most visited locations in the country and many families’ favourite destination, especially during holidays. In terms of size, I think it’s pretty small, and as far as I know, it only covers a distance of about 3 kilometres. But even that is enough because of how rare it is to see any bodies of water in this country. The unique feature of this lake is its colour which seems to be a mix of blue and green, attracting thousands of locals and tourists in every season, but I would still choose summer as the season when the lake is in its most beautiful condition. Charvak is obviously important in both environmental and economic sense, as it helps the biodiversity of the region and serves as a holiday destination. There are numerous hotels and resorts in that area, and I am planning to go there soon with my friends.

205 words.

#PartTwo 🖥

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek 🔈

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.