🚀 Out of this world ➠ ajoyib, hayratlanarli
🚀 As tough as nails ➠ juda kuchli va qattiqqo‘l
🚀 Make great strides ➠ katta yutuqlarga erishmoq
🚀 Rise to fame ➠ mashhurlikka erishmoq
🚀 Give someone a fright ➠ kimnidir qo‘rqitmoq
🚀 Go head-to-head ➠ to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri qarama-qarshi chiqmoq
🚀 Play by the rules ➠ adolatli harakat qilmoq
🚀 A breath of fresh air ➠ yangilik, o‘zgarish
🚀 Cold as ice ➠ juda sovuq yoki hissiz
🚀 See red ➠ juda jahli chiqmoq
🚀 As tough as nails ➠ juda kuchli va qattiqqo‘l
🚀 Make great strides ➠ katta yutuqlarga erishmoq
🚀 Rise to fame ➠ mashhurlikka erishmoq
🚀 Give someone a fright ➠ kimnidir qo‘rqitmoq
🚀 Go head-to-head ➠ to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri qarama-qarshi chiqmoq
🚀 Play by the rules ➠ adolatli harakat qilmoq
🚀 A breath of fresh air ➠ yangilik, o‘zgarish
🚀 Cold as ice ➠ juda sovuq yoki hissiz
🚀 See red ➠ juda jahli chiqmoq