#New_Words_From_Movie ✅☑️✅
Hook up smth - to connect something, usually to a system or to a piece of equipment
Power grid - interconnected network for electricity delivery from producers to consumers
Push oneself too hard - to work very hard in order to achieve something
Wiring - a system of wires providing electric circuits for a device or building.
To be back on one's feet - to recover from a difficult situation like an illness or an injury and is now able to function normally again
Exertion - physical or mental effort
Therapist - someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical illness or disability, usually with a particular type of therapy
Miracle worker - a person who seems to be able to perform miracles
Blow fuse - to become very angry or upset
Rig the network - to manipulate or unfairly control a network system, often through dishonest or deceptive means
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@short_english_movies 📱