Saxobullo’s Locket

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

Sharing my thoughts about Philosophy,History,Business and Economics.
They say I am diabolical,let's see,shall we?

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri English dan repost
Number of Uzbek students in US higher education hits new high

The number of Uzbek students pursuing higher education in the United States increased by 11.9% in the 2023-2024 academic year, reaching 1,219, according to the Open Doors report by the Institute of International Education (IIE), supported by the US Department of State.


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Don't hate your nation.

Another growing trend among teenagers is that they complain a lot about Uzbekistan system and they practically hate Uzbekistan for this.

One or two times a day, i see people, especially teenagers and middle-aged people, complaining about how things should be different or how Uzbekistan would have flourished under different presidential system or policies.

Wthether you have a point there or not, it is not your call to implement these new "ideas" of how Uzbekistan could be developed more. Also, don't blame Uzbekistan for not being westernized. Don't complain that your parents are too traditional or that you should have been born in another country. Instead, use all opportunities you have to change the Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is developing at a great speed given its history and geographical or geopolitical position. Be some more nationalist/patriot and always support new policies.

Conclusion is that you should thank Allah you are living in Uzbekistan even if we all know that Uzbekistan is underprivileged on several areas like education, health and government.

I repeat again : It is not your call to say Uzbekistan should be this or that.

#proudUzbek #nationalist #patriotism


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Assalomu aleykum, hammaga!

Shu ish boʻyicha izlanish qilayotgan edim, shu soʻrovnomaga javob berib yuboringlar. Oldindan rahmat! English dan repost
Uzbekistan declares 2025 as the "Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy"

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has officially declared 2025 as the "Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy" during his address to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis.


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Maqsad Detox

Maqsad loyihasidan ilhomlangan holatda men ham 30-kunlik challengega qo'l urishga qaror qildim.

Buning uchun maxsus guruh yaratildi.

Haqiqatan ham o'zgarishga va maqsadingizgizga erishmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu guruhga ariza bering.

Guruhning o'zini shartlari bor va shartlarga amal qilmagan odam guruhdan haydaladi.

Challenge 21-Noyabrdan boshlanadi.

Hech bo'lmasa bu xabarni qolganlar bilan istoriyalaringizda va kanallaringizda ulashing.


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What do you think is the perfect relationship ?

↩️ Swipe to reply Loyalty.Caring. If she just cares about you enough , everything else will be finel.

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Haven't you got an interview with unis you applied

↩️ Swipe to reply Not yet

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toshdamisz hoz

↩️ Swipe to reply Ha

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Siz GL da o`qiganmisiz?

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Ha , shunday. Hozir , Spetion LC nomida

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Do you have a gf?

↩️ Swipe to reply No, I guess, I am not sure. Why do you give such questions anyway?

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IELTS qanchalik kerak? amerikaga

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IELTS iz bo'lmasa,qanday qilib ingliz tikini bilishizni ko'rsatasiz

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I am getting interested in launching my own channel as yours 😂 what do you think about this ? this is a message from your bro with the name B..R😅

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Channel like mine? Sure,do it. Blogging is the best activiy for me.

B.. R? I am not sure

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Men 9 sinfman.10 sinfdan nima qilganjm yaxshi Amerikaga ketmoqchi bolsam

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Go to a college.Like ALWIUT or Diplomacy. Or schools like Target or Al-Beruniy.

Take IELTS,SAT and do a lot of extracurriculars.

Shoot up your questions about anything.

Time is limited.

I will answer as many questions as i can.

Lets support,guys | Biznes Maqolalar dan repost
Startap boshlash kerakmi?

Bu maqolamizda YC hamkori Harj Taggar kelajakda kompaniya yaratishga qanday qilib tayyorlanish va qanday insonlar startap uchun mos bo'lishi haqida ma'lumot beradi.

Tarjimon: Mamadaliyev Saxobullo
Biznes bo'limi lideri: Husan Isomiddinov


Loyihamizni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun vebsaytdagi maqola tagida izoh qoldiring va ulashing.


Why does consumerism exist?

Consumerism is a scam.But do we really understand the consumerism?

Consumerism is the act of buying goods and products.Now,you may think "Ohh,that's good,consumerism then improves economic stability and helps the country develop",but that's 100% wrong.Yes,it creates jobs, it produces revenue and helps the country run more smoothly.But the effect it has on individuals and society as a whole is more detrimental.First of all,the consumerism leads to social inequality.Let's admit - there have always been rich and poor people.With the advent of consumerism,this inequality gets fueled and eventually leads to aristocracy that we all escaped from during 15-16th centuries.Today,we have the most focus on individual rights and policies.But these policies may be ruined if the consumerism takes on its power.Basically , we will lose our identity.

Secondly,consumerism is the most common catalyst of financial instability.Millions of people across the globe are in debt or took loans from government.These debts are generalized as loans or "financial assistance" by government while it is evident that all they do is make people buy things they don't need.Such financial problems are already causing massive disruptions in developed countries such as the USA and Japan.While we see their "environmentally-friendly" faces or major developments on media, the native population suffers from large financial debts to the government and central banks.With ever-more rates of purchases and government loans,Uzbekistan also seems to be on the way to becoming economic-wise rich but population-wise poor.

Thirdly, it just leads to mental damage.You will grow tired of yourself buying things and having no money at the end of month.Why, because all of your salary was spent on 10+ "kredit" s that you were too cocky to have.You will be depressed and it will just drain you out.

Conclusion is don't buy loans until your grandfather left you 1 kg Gold.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.