Code, Eat, Sleep by Sardor Jumamuratov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

1 x practicality > 10 x theory;
I prefer tabs over 4 spaces;

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Код и кофе dan repost
Защищаем API от дубликатов, как настоящие помидоры!💪

Клиент жмет "Заказать такси" -> сеть лаганула -> он жмет снова. В итоге API получает два запроса, и клиенту приезжает два такси. Клиент недоволен, деньги списались дважды, все в печали.😱

И после такого твой клиент ушел к конкурентам😢

Решение - Idempotency-Key!

Это уникальный ключ, который клиент отправляет в заголовке запроса. Если сервер уже обработал такой ключ, он просто вернет старый ответ, а не выполняет операцию заново.
POST /towiron/orders HTTP/1.1
Idempotency-Key: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Content-Type: application/json

"from": "улица Муминова, 7/2, Ташкент",
"to": "ул. Буюк Ипак Йули, 156Б, Ташкент",

- Если ключ уже есть, возвращает ответ.
- Если ключ новый, обрабатывает запрос и сохраняет результат.

Зачем это нужно?

✅ Защита от дубликатов (не списывает деньги дважды).
✅ Безопасные ретраи (клиент может повторить запрос без проблем).

В итоге: юзер доволен, ты спокоен, бизнес не теряет деньги. Внедряй Idempotency-Key уже сегодня!👍

P.S. отличная статья от яндекс

My Engineering Space | Cracking MAANG 🪐 dan repost
Google is hiring Junior Engineers (L3)! 🚀

🇺🇿 O‘zbekistondan turib men kabi ariza topshirib "offer" olishingiz mumkin. Men shu oyda O‘zbekistondan turib suhbatdan o‘tgan 3 nafar nomzodni bilaman.

Yevropa bo‘ylab 30 ta bo‘sh ish o‘rni mavjud!
• 6 tasi Germaniyaning Munich shahrida 🇩🇪
• 8 tasi Shveysariyaning Zurich shahrida 🇨🇭
• Yana bir nechtasi Polshada 🇵🇱

Intervyuga qanday tayyorgarlik ko‘rganim haqida post shu yerda.

The Go Gopher dan repost

Trump - Startgate loyihasi haqida

Yaqinda e'lon qilingan «Stargate» loyihasi sun'iy intellekt (AI) sohasida yangi davrni boshlab berishi kutilmoqda. OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle va MGX kabi gigant kompaniyalar birgalikda amalga oshirilayotgan ushbu loyiha, AQShga 2029 yilgacha SI infratuzilmasiga 500 milliard dollargacha investitsiya kiritishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Zafarbek Ibrohimov dan repost
250 tacha kitob bor, sotiladi. Hammasi “Bestseller”lar. Ingliz tilida, original kitoblar.

TechCells uchun kichik library qilgan edim. Hammasini o'zim Amazondan sotib olganman. AQSH ga ko'chib ketdim, TechCells to'htatildi. Hozir TeamEx ( ni yurgizayabman. Kitoblar esa hozir kerak emas, aksari o'qib bo'lingan.

Kitoblar biznes, IT, programming, career, leadership, personal development, politics, va shunga yaqin sohalarga oid.

Baʼzi kitoblar 2-3 nusxadan bor.

Universitet, yoki biror tashkilotning kutubxonasiga yaxshi qoʻshimcha boʻladi.

Qiziq boʻlsa aloqaga chiqishingiz mumkin: @zibrohimov

Bu kitoblar roʻyxati

PS: Hammasini bitta qilib sotish reja. Bitta-bitta sotilmaydi(


Farrukh Atabekov - Software Engineer dan repost
Well, we made it. Whether you have 500 stars, 50 stars, or 1, thank you for joining me on this year's wild adventure through the land of computer science and shenanigans.

My hope is that you learned something; maybe you figured out Vim, did some optimization, learned what a borrow checker is, did a little recursion, or finally printed your first "Hello, world!" to the terminal.
Did the puzzles make you think?
Did you try a new language?
Are you new to programming?
Are you a better programmer now than you were 25 days ago? I hope so.

This was Advent of Code's tenth year! That's a lot of puzzles. If you're one of the (as of writing this) 559 people who have solved every single puzzle from the last ten years, congratulations! If you're not one of those people and you still want more puzzles, all of the past puzzles are ready when you are. They're all free. Please go learn!

If you're curious what it takes to run Advent of Code, you might enjoy a talk I give occasionally called Advent of Code: Behind the Scenes. In it, I cover things like how AoC started and how I design the puzzles.

~ Eric Wastl

Java tests dan repost
Что произойдет после вызова метода test()?
  •   Не скомпилируется
  •   В консоль выведется “Hello!”
  •   Ничего не будет напечатано
  •   Исключение в рантайме
  •   Узнать ответ
286 ta ovoz

Java tests dan repost

Farrukh Atabekov - Software Engineer dan repost
Advent Of Code boshlanishiga ham 15 kun qolibdi. Advent Of Codega oldindan tayyorgarlik ko'rishni va har doimgidek bu kanaldan sovg'alar yutib olishni xohlaysizmi, unda Everybody Codesni tekshirib ko‘ring.

Bu websiteni AoCni ashaddiy ishqibozlari unga o‘xshash tarzda, dasturchilarning algoritmik va muammo yechish qobiliyatlarini turli sinovlar bilan sinab ko‘rish uchun yaratishibdi.

Bu yerdagi leaderbordada ham AoCni ishlaydigan ko‘plab dasturchilarni ko‘rdim va sizlarga ham foydasi bo‘ladi deb o‘ylayman.


kamoloff.log dan repost
Uber is hiring 50+ engineers in Amsterdam and Aarhus by the end of 2024.

Check out open positions and let me(@kamoloff_work) know if you think you would be a good fit for the role.

Please read the requirements carefully and provide the following:

1. Resume
2. Short self-introduction (2-3 sentences are fine)
3. Links to up to 3 positions you’re interested in
4. LeetCode profile link

Explore internship opportunities at the link provided below:


My Engineering Space | Cracking MAANG 🪐 dan repost
My team at Google Munich is hiring!! ⚡️

L3 Software Engineer, Android Auto (Junior Level, EngProd team)
L4 Software Engineer, Android Auto (Middle Level, SWE team)

Please message me for referral - I need 200+ LeetCodes, 3 years of experience, and you need to finish university already.

Other hirings in Munich:

4 away from 400.

Neetcode 150 is roughly 100% covered. But now switched to Neetcode all.


Vohid Karimov | Hello world dan repost
Dasturchi sifatida o’sishning 10ta printsipi:
1. CEO kabi fikrlang
2. To’siqlarga rozi bo’lmang
3. Tashabbus ko’rsating
4. Yaxshi yozishni o’rganing
5. O'z ishingizni boshqaring
6. O’z o’qishingizni boshqaring
7. Qurollaringizni chuqur biling
8. Faol aloqada bo'ling
9. Collaboration qilishni o'rganing
10. Professional va ishonchli bo'ling

Bir choynak choyni damlab olib obdon o’qib chiqsa bo’ladigan post seriyalari bo’ldi. Umid qilaman hamma o’zi uchun nimadir o’rgandi.

[Inspired by Dan Heller]

#Karyera #Career #SWECareer #CareerTips #Dasturlash #Programming #SoftwareEngineering #IT

Javohir Fikrlar dan repost
Bloomberg Data Job Description.pdf
Referral for 2025 Bloomberg Data positions

Bloomberg'ga internship yoki new grad full time pozitsiyalari uchun ishga topshirmoqchi bo'lganlarga.

Talablar :
- juda yaxshi resume
- relevant experience in Data Science/Engineering/Analytics or ML
- 200+ Leetcode problems solved on LeetCode
- 30+ pandas, SQL problems problems solved in
- strong English
- strong Python, SQL and Data Modeling skills
- Statistics knowledge is plus: eg. Hypothesis testing, Sampling, Error calculations...

Iltimos topshirishdan oldin resumeingiz ustida ishlang, mana bu postlarni ko'rib chiqsangiz bo'ladi : Resume writing, Template

Resume, Leetcode, stratascratch profilingiz linki va xabaringizni @javokhir_contact_bot ga 1 ta xabarda jo'nating, iltimos 1 ta xabarda

Shoshilmang, profilingizni iloji boricha yaxshi holatda topshiring, maqul kandidatlarga aloqaga chiqaman


Edit : Bu pozitsiya London yoki New York ofislari uchun, visa va boshqa xarajatlarni sponsor qiladi

Zafarbek Ibrohimov dan repost
Looking for a Software Tester (QA).

Full-time. Remote.

Work time zone - US.


- At least 2 years in testing (manual).
- Fluent English

Please contact @camille_teamex

Thank you!

Otabek - SWE dan repost
IBM'dan offer oldim 🎉

Postni o'qish


All of the hype of AI replacing next generation Software Engineers is no more than a joke. Neetcode made a comment on AI on this video.

I would tell, this hype was just made by the employers and heads of companies to just urge their employees to deliver results faster by scaring them.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.