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1️⃣Pay sb a compliment – Kimnidir maqtab qo‘ymoq.
2️⃣With the compliments of sb – nomidan/tomonidan
3️⃣ Jump to conclusions – Shoshqaloq xulosaga kelmoq.
4️⃣ Lead to a conclusion – Biror xulosaga olib kelmoq/yetaklamoq.
5️⃣Conduct yourself well/fairly, etc. – O‘zingizni yaxshi/adolatli tutmoq.
6️⃣ In confidence – Maxfiy tarzda.
7️⃣ A conflict of interest – Manfaatlar to‘qnashuvi.
8️⃣ Be confronted by/with sth – duch kelmoq /Nima bilandir to‘qnash kelmoq.
1️⃣Pay sb a compliment – Kimnidir maqtab qo‘ymoq.
He paid her a compliment on her new haircut.
(U uning yangi soch turmagini maqtadi.)
2️⃣With the compliments of sb – nomidan/tomonidan
This gift comes with the compliments of the management.
(Bu sovg‘a rahbariyat nomidan.)
3️⃣ Jump to conclusions – Shoshqaloq xulosaga kelmoq.
Don’t jump to conclusions before hearing the full story.
(To‘liq hikoyani eshitmasdan shoshilib xulosa qilmang.)
4️⃣ Lead to a conclusion – Biror xulosaga olib kelmoq/yetaklamoq.
The evidence leads to the conclusion that he is innocent.
(Dalillar uning aybsiz ekanligiga xulosa chiqarishga olib keladi.)
5️⃣Conduct yourself well/fairly, etc. – O‘zingizni yaxshi/adolatli tutmoq.
He conducted himself professionally during the meeting.
(U uchrashuv davomida o‘zini professional tutdi.)
6️⃣ In confidence – Maxfiy tarzda.
She told me the news in confidence.
(U menga yangilikni maxfiy tarzda aytdi.)
7️⃣ A conflict of interest – Manfaatlar to‘qnashuvi.
He was removed from the case due to a conflict of interest.
(U manfaatlar to‘qnashuvi sabab ishni tark etdi.)
8️⃣ Be confronted by/with sth – duch kelmoq /Nima bilandir to‘qnash kelmoq.
They were confronted with a difficult choice.
(Ular qiyin tanlov bilan yuzma-yuz kelishdi.)