
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

⚡️IELTS score 7x2
📌listening 8.5/8
📌speaking 7.5
Ingliz tilini o’rganish oson, buni bu yerda men sizga isbotlayman.

Don’t expect useful content after 10 pm
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Shunchaki harakat qilib ko‘ring.

Hayolingizga kelgan fikrlar qanchalik ahmoqona tuyilmasin, sinab ko‘ring. Agar muvaffaqiyat qozonsangiz, baxtli bo‘lasiz. Agar muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchrasangiz ham, aslida hech narsani yo‘qotmaysiz.

65 yoshga yetib, o‘lim to‘shagingizda yotganingizda, “Agar shu ishni qilganimda, odamlar nima derdi?” deb emas, balki “Agar qilib ko‘rganimda nima bo‘lardi?” deb o‘ylashingiz aniq.


HANDS DOWN - simply too obvious and not worth arguing at all- shubhasiz

- Navoi is the best city in Uzbekistan to live, hands down.

Navoiy o’zbekistondagi eng yaxshi shaxar.

- Siro-A is hands down the best performer in America's Got Talent this year.

Siro-A, shubhasiz, bu yil America’s Got Talentʼdagi eng yaxshi ijrochi.

Yaxshiroq o’rganish comment qismida gaplar tuzib qoldiring⬇️



Loud and clear - aniq va ravshan

I can hear you loud and clear.

Men seni aniq va ravshan eshityapman.


📌might as well - there is no reason you should not do something. - sa ham bo’laveradi.

Since I have to wait, I might as well sit down and relax.

Kutishim kerak bo’lganili sababli, o’tirib dam olsam ham bo’laveradi.

It makes no difference whether you steal a lamb or a sheep, so you might as well steal a sheep.

Sen qo’zichoqni o’g’irladingmi yoki qo’ynimi ahamyati yo’q, sen qo’yni o’g’irlasang ham bo’laveradi.

Yaxshiroq o’rganish uchun, comment da gaplar tuzib qoldiring




✏️so much so - to such a great degree- shu darajada

It was a great project, so much so that it won first prize.

U shu darajada yaxshi proyeky ediki, u birinchi o’rindagi yutuqni yutdi.

Yaxshiroq o’rganish uchun gaplar yozib qoldiring💬


Non-native speakers generally speak literally, but native speakers might have a shorter way of explaining that same concept. For example, look at these

Non-native speaker;

I didn’t like broccoli before, but now I like it.

Native speaker:
I grew to like broccoli.



People don't value free stuff.

Haligacha radiodan salom yo’llaydiganlar bormi

Men ularni tosh davrida qolib ketgan deb o’ylardim

i talk to myself a lot and sometimes we both laugh.

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I am sure no one reads it until the end.

It annoys me when I am approached by a student who constantly changes education centers. When you ask him or her about where they have studied, they tell you a thousand places they have been to and even tell bad things about each. They go on to tell you how you have pixie dust, a magic formula, or some secret book that none but you know about. They expect you to tell you that one book that they should study, which helps them get an 8.0 or 9.0. They are very persistent. They always are in search of that one book they should get hold of. When you tell them that there is no such book, they will be upset with you for not disclosing the name of the book that you earnestly guard. More often than not, these people are just "book collectors". They keep hoarding books, one after another, never finishing one. They are in search of that one great book, which they will never ever find. These people have substituted learning for collecting.

So, please don't be that student who keeps looking for the best teacher. There is no such person. You should understand it is not about the teacher. It is about your study habits and the number of hours you can put in. Of course, I am not saying the right guidance is not important, but if you don't put in enough hours, even the examiner with the most experience cannot help you. Also, stop looking for the best book. There is no such book. You already have enough books. Again, there are some crappy IELTS books, but if you do a bit of research, you find there are good ones most people use. You can find them online.

Using "A GOOD PART OF THE DAY" in order to say "XAYRLI KUN" is WRONG.

A GOOD PART OF means a large amount of.

- Babies spend a good part of the day sleeping.
- I spent the good part of the day yesterday trying to figure this out.
- I spend a good part of the day in my woods, planting trees.


Just for the record , i don’t have one so you guys still have opportunity.🤓

We are still accepting possible candidates though 😂


🇺🇿 Sovchi

— I asked my girlfriend if it was okay to send my matchmaker, she said "yes"😅

ANYTHING BUT - definitely not; not at all- umuman emasdi.

The hotel was anything but cheap.- mehmonxona umuman arzon emasdi.

Jack is anything but racist.- jack umuman irqchi emas.

NOTHING BUT - only- faqatgina

I want nothing but the best for children.- men bolalarga faqat yaxshi ishlar sodir bo’lishini hoxlayman

Nothing but a miracle can save her.- faqat mo’jizagina uni hayotini saqlab qola oladi.

Yaxshiroq o’rganish uchun comment qismida gaplar tuzib qoldiring.


Be more awesome than yesterday.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.