Multilevel and IELTS

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📚 Word of the Day: "Use"


Employ (B2) – ishlatmoq, qo‘llamoq
Utilize (C1) – foydalanmoq
Exploit (C1) – foydalangan holda ishlatmoq
Harness (C1) – o‘zlashtirmoq, nazorat ostida ishlatmoq
Make use of (B2) – foydalanmoq
Apply (B2) – qo‘llamoq

So‘zlarni insho va nutqlarda to‘g‘ri ishlatib, til ko‘nikmalaringizni rivojlantiring!

tuzgan gaplaringni comment da kutamiz


💻 Multi-Level - Speaking Exam Questions

- Candidate Name: Unknown
- Exam Date: 28.01.2025
- City/Region: Tashkent

↪️ Speaking Part 1.1:
- What do you do at the weekend?  
- Do you play any sports?             
- What is your favorite TV show?

↪️ Speaking Part 1.2:
Lifestyle in city and countryside.

↪️ Speaking Part 2:
Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new situation quickly.
- what did you learn from this experience?
- how important is adaptability in today's society?                                
- how you felt about it

↪️ Speaking Part 3:
Public transportation should be free for everyone.


Shaxsiy fikrni ifodalashda ishlatiladigan iboralar

It seems to me that ...

I have the feeling that ...

I feel that ...

I'm absolutely convinced that ...

You can take it from me that ...

I think/don't think that ...

In my opinion ...

Well, if you ask me ...

As  I see it ...

The way I see it, ...

Personally, I believe/suppose that ...


Doing enjoyable activities with a child will be better for their overall skills development and creativity than reading.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is undeniable that the development of our youth is of utmost importance. In this sense, engaging in playful activities with them is considered to be superior than reading to achieve that goal. While the supposedly less efficient activity, that is reading, helps kids broaden their imagination skills, I tend to agree more with this statement as playing with them offers more varied life lessons.

It has always been common knowledge that we ought to promote reading among the young generation for it will inspire them to be and creative and use their creativity. In other words, today, when children are glued to their screens consuming uncensored content on the internet, it is advised to encourage them to read more, as this will not only allow them to become more literate, but also reading various fairytales and/or stories will make them improve their cognitive skills because they are constantly forced to use their imagination when following the plot of whatever they may be reading. In addition, they will be able to use their creativity when guessing what might happen next, resulting in them unlocking the parts of their brain independently. Case in point, those who develop reading habits from a young age are known to perform well in lessons and especially in competitions that involve quiz and other tasks, which require critical thinking.

However, one reason why I assume exposing them to different games and helping them explore them is a more effective tool for their development boils down to the fact that, with this approach, they can learn to depend on others. It is not a secret that there are many outdoor games, such as Football, Basketball and other traditional non-sport team based activities, teach them that when they cannot get something done, they can always rely on their partners and vice versa. Fostering a mindset that pushes them to think twice before making decisions in the future, as they will be fully aware that their actions have consequences, ergo making them less self-centered. For instance, children that have been involved in team sports or games will make better future leaders, who are more in touch with how their lead role in society can leave either a positive or negative impact.

Moreover, another important skill, problem solving, is better nurtured when children spend time with their seniors. Provided that they get to play with adults, they will be more likely to become more competitive, as adults, for better or worse, do not like losing to kids. Since the desire not concede a game is apparent in any games, activities do not even have to be that intense and parents can play chess, monopoly and other board games indoors, which will be of great help to improve children’s cognitive abilities. These simple, yet mind-boggling, games will come in handy when they grow up and begin to become a part of their community. Helping out to find solutions in their local community, coming up with ideas to preserve our nature and its resources to the generations to come and solving cases when they are faced with challenges in their workplace cannot be developed only by reading, which is a good example to illustrate why the proposed notion is indeed a better one for children.

It is said that reading is inferior to doing activities with older people as far as developing their overall skillset is concerned. It can be concluded that although one has to admit reading is a great habit, I am more inclined to think that we ought to do more than just ensuring they read books unless we want them to be lacking behind their peers when they will have to make decisions and tackle problems that life will surely throw at them in the long run.

#task2 #writinghelp

The longest essay I have ever sent to the channel.. Read and Learn ✍️


Multilevel Speaking Part 1.2 - Unit 4.pdf
Multilevel Speaking Part 1.2 - Unit 1

•| xuddi shu savollar o`quvchilarimga tushgan oxirgi imtihonda


Multilevel Reading Mood Mock - Test 1.pdf
Multilevel Reading Mood Mock - Test 1 🔥

Imtihon oldi ishlaysiz, tahlil qilasiz, vaqtni boshqarishni o’rganasiz, va javoblar varaqasiga ko’chirasiz

•| men javoblarini qoldirib qo’yaman, e’tibor bilan ishlang


📩Apology letter sxema

*️⃣Reason for writing:

The purpose of this letter is to express my deepest regrets and apologies for any inconvenience or harm caused by (person)

*️⃣Closing sentences:

1. I deeply regret my actions and am committed to making things right. Please let me know how I can help to repair the harm caused and work toward rebuilding your trust.

2. In closing, I extend my sincerest apologies once again and express my sincere hope that we can put this incident behind us and move forward on a positive note.

Ko'proq mana shunday material uchun kanalga a'zo bo'lishni unutmang!


Foydali manba📚

Ko’pchilik insho yozishda fikr yetishmasligidan qiynaladi. Ana shunday holatda siz uchun tayyor qo’llanma - IELTS ekspert Liz tomonidan yaratilgan fikrlar to’plami.

Ushbu qo’llanmada turli mavzularga doir fikrlar guruhlab berilgan. Bemalol insho yozguncha yetarlicha fikr tervolib, yozaverasiz.

Yaqinlarga ulashishni unutmang! 😉


Do you like learning a new language?

I cherish learning new languages because it broadens my horizons and enhances my abilities. Though it can be challenging, it gives me a sense of achievement and boosts my confidence. Overall, it’s a worthwhile experience.

🔫C1 Vocabulary and Translations

cherish – yaxshi ko‘rmoq
horizons – dunyoqarash
abilities – qobiliyatlar, imkoniyatlar
challenging – qiyin, qiyinchilik tug‘diruvchi
achievement – yutuq, muvaffaqiyat
confidence – o‘ziga ishonch
worthwhile – arziydigan


19-Yanvar 2-smena exam savollar.pdf

• Sizlar uchun 2-smenada tushgan barchasini bitta faylda jamladik❤️

• Hamma savollar qayta tushib qolishi mumkin

• Fevralchilar javoblarni yodlab olsangiz ham bo’ladi


#cefr #actual

Part 1 Test 1

Over to you ✅✅

- sizga har kuni test tashlayman va commentga o’z javobizni qoldiring. ⛓⛓

Commentda kutaman.

On a serious note, here is what you need to know

- Simplicity wins every time
When we overcomplicate our language with “fancy” words, our message often gets lost. Remember, clarity and natural phrasing are more impressive than c3 vocabulary. Keep it simple, and your ideas will get if not to the heart then surely to the mind of the examiner.

- Your reader wants connection, not confusion 😶‍🌫️
Overusing sophisticated words can create distance between you and your audience. Using natural, conversational vocabulary is not a sign of weakness—it’s how you make sure people understand you. Don’t sacrifice clarity for complexity!

- Collocations are important 🤝
Using advanced vocabulary improperly is like wearing a fancy suit with “kalish” —it stands out, but not in a good way. When words don’t pair naturally with others, your ideas lose clarity. A simple phrase with correct collocation is always better than a complicated one that doesn’t quite fit. Keep it natural and precise!

🧟 if I could open the brain of students and insert something there, it would be these ideas 💡

Task 2 - Positive/Negative Development

It is undeniable that becoming a parent is a big milestone in one's life. Accordingly, a temporary leave is provided even to new fathers in some countries. I am firmly of the opinion that introducing paternity leaves is indeed a positive development because they can assist their other halves both emotionally and with housechores activities.

It has been suggested that this initiative lets husbands be with their spouses emotionally in such an important period. In other words, having carried the baby in their belly for nine months, coupled with excruciating pain during their labor, women need a lot of emotional support to recover. If they are left alone with a baby constantly crying, it will be extremely difficult for mothers to handle, which is why men spending some time away from their work, trying to comfort their ladies means the world. Case in point, knowing that there is somebody else they can trust, females can relax and sleep freely.

In the same way, many others have also claimed that another beneficial side of this trend is linked with physical incapability of the new mothers. It is common knowledge that giving birth takes its toll on women, making it virtually impossible to walk or engage in their usual household responsibilities like they used to. In such situations, their husbands' unconditional help comes in handy, as men can prepare meals, clean their house and wash the dishes and or clothes in this crucial time. For instance, unless we want females to suffer, males taking over such activities at home is not only good for the mothers to recharge their batteries and rest for a week or two, but also for the babies' well-being as they get their mother's full attention.

It is said that men are granted time off from work when they become fathers in numerous places. It can be concluded that this is a positive, positive trend due to women's need for emotional and physical support.

Solid 7.5 classwork sample to learn from ✍️


Part 1️⃣

1. Have you seen the doctor?
- Not, yet

2. Where did you go?
- I  went  to the post office

3. Do you know how to play chess?
- Yes, I learnt as a child

4. What would you like for desert?
- I’ll have some, ice-cream

5. Is it yours?
- Yes, it’s mine

6. What kind of sauce is this?
- It is a tomato-based sauce

7. Will you have some tea?
- Yes, please

8. Can you please show me your passport?
- Here it is

Ushbu Listening part 1️⃣ savoli ham juda ko'p takrorlanadi😎

Savollar va javoblar aynan siz uchun 😎


💠IELTS Speaking Part 1 yangi qo'shilgan topikga high-level sample answer

Would you like to be a teacher?

- I think I would enjoy being a teacher, as I like helping others learn and grow. Teaching seems like a rewarding job where you can make a positive impact on students’ lives. I’d love to share my knowledge and see students develop their skills over time.
Do you think you could be a teacher?
- Yes, I think I could be a teacher because I’m patient and good at explaining things clearly. I also enjoy working with people and answering questions, so I believe I have some of the qualities needed for teaching. Of course, it would take practice and training, but I think I could do it.
Did you have a favourite teacher?
- Yes, I had a favorite teacher in high school. She was my English teacher, and she made learning fun and interesting. She was always very encouraging and made sure everyone understood the lessons, which helped me feel more confident in class.

How did this teacher help you?
- This teacher helped me a lot by being supportive and patient. She took extra time to explain difficult topics and encouraged us to ask questions if we didn’t understand. Her positive attitude made me feel comfortable in class, and she inspired me to work harder and improve my skills.

Task 2 -Some people think watching TV is bad for children. However, others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is undeniable that watching TV is one of the most popular past time activities for children. However, if it is detrimental or beneficial for them is highly disputed. I will discuss why this habit leads to sedentary lifestyle, but why TV programs can teach them useful life lessons.

It has been suggested that watching TV regularly results in children spending a lot of time at home instead of playing outdoor games with their peers. It is not a secret that obsession with TV is extreme among children, as there are many addictive shows and while they can be beneficial to some extent, children are trapped indoors. Provided that they spend more time sitting in front of the TV, they are unknowingly robbed off the chance to play outside, which has more positive impact on their health. Case in point, children that spend time at home a lot are believed to have a weaker immune system that puts them at risk to certain illnesses, coupled with already proven health-related problems linked with their eyes.

On the flip side, many others have claimed that the positive sides of educational programs on TV should not be overlooked. In other words, children are better off if they watch TV not only for entertainment purposes, but also to learn something they cannot from their friends or even the internet. Parents have big role in this process because they can introduce their offspring to TV channels and encourage them every day which will help them broaden their horizon as well as enrich their knowledge in various topics. For instance, most local channels are now targeted at kids, ergo offer educational programs that are aimed at teaching foreign languages, about space, animals and the nature, to name, but a few.

It is said that although some people are against children watching TV, there are some others that disagree and feel TV does more good than harm. In this essay, I discussed both sides of the argument in-depth with relevant examples. Personally, while they ought to watch something new, parents should also inspire them to spend an equal amount of time outdoors.

Soild 7.0 sample. Read and Learn ✍️



Shulardan biri bilan boshlang Task 1 ni 🔥

• I hope this message finds you well.
• How have you been lately?
• I hope you’re having a great day.
• Long time no see! I hope all is good with you.
• I hope everything’s going well on your end.

Siz mehr beringda Writingga )

P.S. Informal xatlar uchun…


Writing Task 2 🔥

"Many people in urban areas face issues with traffic congestion. What are the reasons behind this problem, and how can it be resolved effectively?"

"Many cities around the world are struggling with housing shortages. What are the causes of this problem, and what measures can be taken to solve it?"

Hali tushib ulgurmagan mavzular, Problem-solution ancha aktiv hozir ⚡️


🎙Speaking Part 2:
(Ko'p tushayotgan savollar)

1. Describe a difficult decision you made.

2. Describe a time when you lost trust in relationship.

3. Describe a time when you took personal responsibility
• Why did you do it
• Why many people in urban areas are becoming irresponsible

4. Describe your lucky time.

5. Describe a time when you had to be independent and make a decision on your own.


🎙Speaking Part 1.1:
(Ko'p tushayotgan savollar)

What is your favorite Tv show?
What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

What is your favourite food?
Can you play music instruments?
What do you do in the evening?

What is your favorite Tv show?
What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

Do you have many books at your home.
Do you know any foreign singers

What do you usually do on weekends?
What is your favorite drink?
Do you wake up early?

What is your favourite colour
Have you ever bought online

What's your favorite hobby?
What do you eat for breakfast?
How do you go work or study?

Do you play instruments
What do you do in the evenings
What is your favorite season

What is your favourite meal?
What do you do in evening?

What is your favourite tv show?
What do you do on your weekends?
Do you play any sports?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.