Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Why don't we have this button on the foreheads of some of my students ?

Particularly in part 3 speaking, when I ask them whether they like to have many friends or not.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ramadan Kareem 🤲

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The ending of Oppenheimer shows how powerful people often mistreat extraordinary individuals. Both Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer were forced to leave their homelands before their work was truly valued. It may seem surprising, but this happens often in different societies.

Take Imam Bukhari, from our country—he died while escaping Samarqand after being treated as an enemy of society. How about Shayx Muhammadsodiq Muhammadyusuf ?

This pattern is common. These people made history because they followed their beliefs instead of obeying those in power.

Isn’t it time to question the false ideas we were raised with and start focusing on what truly matters?

There is a strong sense of trust among graduates of Harvard and other Ivy League universities, regardless of their backgrounds or nationalities. They always support each other once they realize they studied at the same institution.

I have always wanted my students to build the same kind of support network, even if they were in different groups. That’s why I organize football matches for the boys—to help them get to know each other better.

Imagine two adults negotiating a deal. The moment they discover they were both my students, they choose to trust each other and reach an agreement because of that shared connection. How incredible would that be?

How many days, you think, it will take for me to finish this one ?

The part in teaching which I like the most is the example giving part.

It is in this part where students develop full understanding of the topic because the provided examples are 100% relevant to their interests.

In the picture above I was explaining the difference between "Will and Might" to teenage-boys. As you can see the example is carefully chosen according to their interests.

She will definitely say "Yes"

Rustam Rahmatov | Rasmiy dan repost
Quyosh chiqishi va botishi oralaridagi vaqt — mening eng sevimli vaqtim

Chunki u bir holatdan ikkinchisiga o'tish davri. Bu narsa insonga ham xos: doimiy ravishda moddiy va ma’naviy dunyo, professional va shaxsiy hayot, qayg‘u va quvonch, charchoq va oromga o‘xshash har xil holatlar orasida holatimiz o‘zgarib turadi. Bu o‘zgarishlar tabiiy – bir joyda turib qolishimizga imkon bermaydi.

Время, когда солнце находится на границе между восходом и закатом и наоборот - мое любимое.

Это время перехода от одного состояния в другое, что также свойственно и человеку - постоянно жонглировать между разными состояниями: мирским и духовным, профессиональным и личным, грустью и радостью, усталостью и отдыхом. Эти переходы - естественны и не позволяют пребывать в состоянии стагнации.

The middle ground is always ideal.

Being brave lies between being impudent and being cowardly.

Worth watching !

Очень хочется заработать кучу денег, путешествовать с Мамой, платить за Мамины покупки в Милане, пить кофе с круассаном на завтрак в Париже, и провожать вместе закат в Швейцарии.

И говорить всем что деньги это не главное.

Is Uzbekistan being developed or ruined ?

За каждым успешным мужчиной стоит Мама.

Time, Health, and Wealth.

Having these three could make our lives something we always wanted. However, we cannot have all of these at once.

From 15 to 28, there is Time and Health but no Money.

From 28 to 50, there is Health and Money but no Time.

From 50 to 70, there is Time and Money but no Health.

If there is always something lacking, maybe we are not focusing on the right thing?


You cannot overspend on flowers

Studying how to make money in a Haram way at Westminster

А это поставили специально для таких как я

Wow !

Honestly I was fascinated by the beauty of this place.

How do you understand a great person?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.