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🤔Sizni Uber kompaniyasining katta dasturiy ta'minot muhandisi va IT platformasi asoschisi Ulfat Abjabborov tomonidan "Kod ortidagi dunyolar: Dasturchining sayohati" mavzusidagi mehmon ma’ruzasiga taklif etamiz.
🗓Sana: 12-dekabr, soat 14:30
📍Joyi: TTPU, B bino, B1
🤔We invite you to a guest lecture on the topic of "Worlds Behind the Code: A Developer's Journey" by Ulfat Abjabborov, Senior Software Engineer at Uber Company, Denmark and founder of the IT platform.
🗓Date: December 12, 2:30 p.m
📍Venue: TTPU, B building, B1
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🤔Sizni Uber kompaniyasining katta dasturiy ta'minot muhandisi va IT platformasi asoschisi Ulfat Abjabborov tomonidan "Kod ortidagi dunyolar: Dasturchining sayohati" mavzusidagi mehmon ma’ruzasiga taklif etamiz.
🗓Sana: 12-dekabr, soat 14:30
📍Joyi: TTPU, B bino, B1
🤔We invite you to a guest lecture on the topic of "Worlds Behind the Code: A Developer's Journey" by Ulfat Abjabborov, Senior Software Engineer at Uber Company, Denmark and founder of the IT platform.
🗓Date: December 12, 2:30 p.m
📍Venue: TTPU, B building, B1
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